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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I just don't get why US politics seem to be in a perpetual pendulum swing. It's either extreme right or extreme left anymore. Shouldn't there be a happy middle ground?

Where's the extreme left? The only choices I see are extreme right wing neocons owned by corporations and center right neolib bureaucrats owned by corporations. There are a few exceptions obviously but there's not really that much to choose from



Yeah besides a few NE states and much of California the US is nowhere near as liberal as much of Europe or most of the developed world for that matter, both in terms of public services/taxes going toward a higher quality of life as well as liberal attitudes in general. There's a big divide between cities (even cities in red states) and rural areas in that regard as well economically, socially, etc.


Hell, we don't even have anything close to a full blown free market, instead we have some of the most costly yet inefficient social programs in the world. We spend the most on healthcare with the least amount of benefit. There are countries with open corruption and bribery that arguably work more efficiently than the US as a whole.

Shouldn't there be a happy middle ground?


I can understand what you mean by this. We used to have a much more centrist set of choices by the GOP and Dems in the past as well as clearly defined and more reasonable platforms. The GOP keeps going right and the Dems keep doubling down on the wrong issues.


I'll keep screaming it from the top of my lungs


we need more than two parties

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If anyone hasn’t seen it, I’d recommend the 1993 HBO doc Skinheads USA: Soldiers of the Race War.



Also on Amazon Prime and HBO GO/NOW in higher quality.




Can’t get this shit to embed





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im done. i can't fucking believe what im seeing with my own eyes. i never thought the day would come when a president of the united states would essentially outright defend people who want to exterminate my family and i and every other minority/group. i don't know what the general consensus is to this because it seems like the world has been boiled down to one giant meme and you can't quite make your way through the fog to get a true sense of the general feeling of the nation/world anymore due to the negative aspects of social media and the plain fact that no one wants to talk politics in public in 2017 etc, but all memes/metaphors/hashtags/politics aside, the way i see it, this is truly terrifying folks, and this an absolute game changer in american politics and culture, and for the future of our county. yes theres always been racism, bigotry and ignorance in this country, but never before has it reached this level of outright openness and unabashed matter-of-factness. what we always regarded as niche and just a small minority has become a politicized movement of everything ugly our country stands against, and it keeps gaining traction largely in part of this trump base and the new alt right. and trust me when i say its not just the fringes of internet yt comments. the alt right is far more sinister b/c of its ability to fasten itself to mainstream right wing politics and culture, and its all united around trump (richard spensor is far more devious than he seems btw with his ability to have fostered a new millenial take on the far right, to make it hip and fresh which pairs nicely with MAGA and this whole new movement). im talking like there are even open tolerant peaceful people in my community/friends/family in denial and supporting the alt right b/c its trump-approved, (even including  people who would be targeted by said group-- gays, blacks, even my some of fellow jews etc--ppl close to me. the right, regardless of race, background, etc has been hijacked by this movement and its gaining massive support. we are in deep shit. 

Edited by Lane Visitor
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What the fuck is this alt-left thing that the right is on about? Is it antifa or something? I've never seen a group claim that title before

I think it's been use a little bit hypothetically in various thin pieces and such but now he's essentially made it up.


It's doublespeak, deflection, distraction. He's doing everything he can to not fully denounce fascist as well as pin the blame on the left. He's literally dividing the country in his rhetoric. On purpose.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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It's fucking insane I really don't have any idea what is next. I can't even make 'I did Nazi that coming' jokes anymore without actually feeling disturbed.


Echoing with Lane visitor said this is crazy. Let's just hypothetically say that the left-wing protesters are the ones who started the fight 100%. That would still mean that he's making them feel guilty for attacking Nazis, the, KKK, and other Fringe individuals who openly hate Jews blacks gays immigrants minorities and idolize fascists, Confederate leaders, Hitler, and and a government that killed over 6 million Jews while trying to destroy Europe. It is absurd.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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It's doublespeak, deflection, distraction. He's doing everything he can to not fully denounce fascist as well as pin the blame on the left. He's literally dividing the country in his rhetoric. On purpose.




yup. and he knows that the far right is his only true cult following and eternal support base, so he'll never fully call them out without any kind of moral equivalency and even handedness so he can keep them at bay. Purposely dividing the country with his rhetoric is interesting thought, almost an apocalyptic scale there, so much conspiracy fodder here, but it's almost absurd what's taking place, that you begin to believe in a cartoonish vision of political power. hey robbie, this is the right stuff to be calling out, this is actually real, no false flags/hidden agendas here lol. perhaps if he and his admin ignites a civil war, it can and will absolutely without a doubt distract everyone from the real workings behind the curtains of whatever it is that he/they desires. fucking creepy. 

Edited by Lane Visitor
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Never been this disgusted with the country i live in and its ruling authority. im a pretty chill non riled up person and i feel like punching a wall right now. after sending a group text to my buddies with "heil trump" one of the friends in the group told me to stop and that i sound like one of those hillbillys that talked shit about obama etc. ppl need to wake up.  

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Please please please please please find something in that Russia/Trump case soon that proves that Russia helped rig the election so this guy can get thrown the fuck away

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it may prove impossible for America to transcend race, hegemony & money


not for lack of desire, far from it, but from the depths of the roots of its foundations, Trump is a symptom


thats not casting pearls before swine bs more that unfortunate recent events, beamed globally, obscure the better angels of your nature & nation


Trump's press junket today should be his political death sentence, equally if any president was gonna get wacked since Kennedy this must be the candidate, not advocating violence, but, shit happens

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it may prove impossible for America to transcend race, hegemony & money


not for lack of desire, far from it, but from the depths of the roots of its foundations, Trump is a symptom


thats not casting pearls before swine bs more that unfortunate recent events, beamed globally, obscure the better angels of your nature & nation


Trump's press junket today should be his political death sentence, equally if any president was gonna get wacked since Kennedy this must be the candidate, not advocating violence, but, shit happens

I think that's why I find his presidency so troubling it is really attacking our basic ideals and values, or at least flippantly disregarding them.


Really really cringe at the thought of him being assassinated. He would be martyred by a few and history will forever have that aspect of his presidency attached to it .He needs to be imprisoned and shamed. It's not just I don't condone in assassination but I feel like an assassination on the president is also an assassination on the institution of the president. It's just wrong, even if he's a terrible person.

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it may prove impossible for America to transcend race, hegemony & money


not for lack of desire, far from it, but from the depths of the roots of its foundations, Trump is a symptom


thats not casting pearls before swine bs more that unfortunate recent events, beamed globally, obscure the better angels of your nature & nation


Trump's press junket today should be his political death sentence, equally if any president was gonna get wacked since Kennedy this must be the candidate, not advocating violence, but, shit happens

I think that's why I find his presidency so troubling it is really attacking our basic ideals and values, or at least flippantly disregarding them.


Really really cringe at the thought of him being assassinated. He would be martyred by a few and history will forever have that aspect of his presidency attached to it .He needs to be imprisoned and shamed. It's not just I don't condone in assassination but I feel like an assassination on the president is also an assassination on the institution of the president. It's just wrong, even if he's a terrible person.



trump already assassinated the institution of the president

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Free speech is protected, hate speech is not. Especially when that speech incites violence.



and it's probably clearly spelled out in the terms of service for google, godaddy etc.. 

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