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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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In case anyone wants to read up on the Logan Act, here's a twitter thread. Might be important of you're regularly confronted with people claiming this investigation is a witch hunt and there's nothing wrong with talking to foreign agents (before being in office).


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hate trump but not quite ready to bow down before mueller or the fbi...just goes to show how twisted things have become just because of trump...your enemies are now just fine

Edited by bendish
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trump might fire mueller now under the pretext that his "finances" are off limits (because he said so, not for any logical or legal reason)


i hope so, lets speed this all up

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I don't think I've ever heard of The Intercept. Are they legit? This story could be crazy if any version of it comes true at some point.

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I don't think I've ever heard of The Intercept. Are they legit? This story could be crazy if any version of it comes true at some point.




the intercept is glen greenwald, jeremy scahill and some others. 


they're legit but sometimes agenda driven.. it seems.  


edit: if you're curious about them there's lot's of stories about them around. scahill wrote a book that got turned into a documentary that's pretty amazing.. Dirty Wars.. .it's pretty incredible what he uncovered.. he also wrote the book on Blackwater. 

Edited by ignatius
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the intercept is legit...why would u think it wasnt....better than 99% of news sites out there....


this Jerusalem shit is mind blowing...he just wakes up and finds whatever he can to make worse...turning catastrophic disasters into horror orgies...

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Interesting to note that Deutsche bank has been hit with some significant fines for money laundering before.

He is such a sloppy business man and liar, I bet he thought moving his illegal finances / laundering / etc. offshore would protect his dumb ass. Then he won the election, now he has no idea the microscope he's under.

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Somebody kill this clown.

Edited by Gocab
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and they fucking did it, in the middle of the night, full 500-pages text was released like an hour before vote with unreadable handwriting, no one had the time to analyze it, if this isnt the swamp i dont know what is.


mconnel, paul ryan and trump, biggest pieces of shit politicians of the modern era, wish karma was real so these fucking cunts get whats coming to them but unfortunately we live in a universe with no sense of justice or karma, all 3 cunts will live their full lives 80 years + rich and healthy, they are going to laugh at how easy it was to manipulate half the country all the way to the grave, they"ll never show remorse, they are incapable of it.


where is hope and justice in this universe? there is none, this universe is shit, the only people that get ahead in life are the ones incapable of having ethical and moral thoughts, the one who have to problem pulling the trigger as long as it benefits them, once in a blue moon one lucky ethical compassionate bastard gets ahead 


my mom a single mother, worked her ass of for my brother and i, where is hope and justice for her? she lived a moral and ethical life and what did she get in return? jack shit


im utterly defeated, now i'll just wait for my death, hopefully i'll get a few hits of happiness here and there but this world and human species is fucking nonsense, nothing of value can be found here, nothing worth fighting for, no justice, no hope only misery and more misery.


Ayn Rand, the miserable cunt, shes the one who gave birth to the trumps and paul ryans of this world, what a hag


Bravo. You articulated how I feel about the whole pile of shit quite well.

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and they fucking did it, in the middle of the night, full 500-pages text was released like an hour before vote with unreadable handwriting, no one had the time to analyze it, if this isnt the swamp i dont know what is.


mconnel, paul ryan and trump, biggest pieces of shit politicians of the modern era, wish karma was real so these fucking cunts get whats coming to them but unfortunately we live in a universe with no sense of justice or karma, all 3 cunts will live their full lives 80 years + rich and healthy, they are going to laugh at how easy it was to manipulate half the country all the way to the grave, they"ll never show remorse, they are incapable of it.


where is hope and justice in this universe? there is none, this universe is shit, the only people that get ahead in life are the ones incapable of having ethical and moral thoughts, the one who have to problem pulling the trigger as long as it benefits them, once in a blue moon one lucky ethical compassionate bastard gets ahead 


my mom a single mother, worked her ass of for my brother and i, where is hope and justice for her? she lived a moral and ethical life and what did she get in return? jack shit


im utterly defeated, now i'll just wait for my death, hopefully i'll get a few hits of happiness here and there but this world and human species is fucking nonsense, nothing of value can be found here, nothing worth fighting for, no justice, no hope only misery and more misery.


Ayn Rand, the miserable cunt, shes the one who gave birth to the trumps and paul ryans of this world, what a hag


Bravo. You articulated how I feel about the whole pile of shit quite well.


^ +1  #FTGE


Where the fuck is the endgame for all this stupidity? Cuz DICKHEADS gonna keep smashin' that DICKHEAD button until it broken like, say, a two-liter machine or my faith in humanity.

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