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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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it really was.


too bad mccain is not around any more. would be interested in hearing his take on the whole ordeal.


McCain would have been "deeply concerned", and that's about the extent of his caring. He was a useless piece of shit.

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That "useless piece of shit" single handedly saved the ACA last year.  :dry:  

meh, it's garbage anyways.




it's better than nothing and certainly has saved me from having to sell my house to pay for care.  previously i got denied coverage by every provider because 'pre-existing conditions'.  it was a step in the right direction but is so watered down compared to what they started with. they gave up a lot and the dems totally shit the bed with making it right when they had the chance. 

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yezus christ


What if he gets elected and the us gets stuck on a loop electing all these idiot presidents, each one zanier and more unbelievable than the last?

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Is he talking about the part of the 13th amendment that results in prisoner slave labor? He's a fool if he thinks Trump is going to challenge the prison industrial complex.

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"we need to get him in there to stop abortions, umkay" 


so, a lot of people don't really care if he's unfit or guilty of rape, sexual assault etc.. they just want them fetus to come out the vajeen. 


single issue voters are the suck. 




jump ahead to 22:53


Edited by ignatius
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Interesting thread on how people can support someone whos telling obvious lies





Yeah, wow, holy shit that's fascinating. and scary. very, very scary. . .


Edit: This article just came across the feed, similar take on the relativity of "truth": https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/10/02/brett-kavanaugh-lying-politics-220812

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^ This, in hindsight, is what really makes it worst than ever for me when I discuss politics with friends and relatives who have gone all-in. Even worst than the days of futile arguments in the era of W Bush and Iraq or the early era of Obama. We got the preview of it post-Tea Party with the birthers and the gradual normilazation of right-wing fringe conspiracies.


I miss talking about actual ideological ideals, policies, etc. Now I deal with relatives who think Trump's appropriation of the term "fake news" as "a brilliant strategy" and will resort to conspiracy, delusion, and denial when faced with anything. Actually stump them and the tangent off to regurgitate something about how "great the economy is now." The US has a base of nationalists that will not go away until the die off. Even if an impeachment occurs and a scandal is unveiled they will bitterly deny their true complacence. They are in the minority but still in great enough numbers to command a GOP majority via gerrymandering, slick propaganda, and exploitation of the electoral college and voting policies that encourage apathy and low turnout among those who'd vote Democratic.

Edited by joshuatx
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On a lighter smaller note, there's undoubtedly going to be some markets/economy reset/stall/crash coming soon enough and a tiny, vindictive, evil part of me wants it to happen sooner rather than later just so it's not while Trump is out or exiting and he can blame it on him losing power, as it will likely have very little to do with Trump directly.

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