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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I rest my case. Media literacy means whipped by the left. Suggest otherwise and get rolling loled.



i think it means Fact Based Media.

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I pretty much quit Facebook this year already, although my account is still technically active. I just abandoned it basically.


Now I just need to unsubscribe from every game-related channel on YouTube...


apparently they still collect data when you deactivate it


pondered deactivating mine as well but the nobility of it act seems futile in how little it really accomplishes


never hurts to go offline a bit regardless of the damage done privacy wise



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Don't deactivate, delete. Install privacy badger. Done. I went cold turkey about 7 years ago and never looked back, really don't miss a single thing.

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Barr mentioning trump campaign was spied on

Dems will always claim redaction means they still need more transparency

Trump claiming he’s exonerated

Trump refusing to release tax returns

Avenatti being charged for extortion

Obama counsel indicted for false testimony

Obama and Trumps immigration policies

The Democrat Republican status quo is poisonous

Dems are not as bad granted but they are hypocrites and have little moral high ground in this toxic political mess

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lol “media literacy” really means “don’t believe anything you hear from the right because it’s actually from Russia

Huh all this time I thought it meant to try and verify what you read through investigating the claims made.


Also, didn’t we have this conversation earlier in this thread? Or was that someone else who made the same ridiculous claim?

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I would add that fact checking has little bearing on any outcome

It’s an ideological battle targeted at base emotional responses

The truth doesn’t matter in the culture war

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Sure, it’s much easier to appeal to base emotion than reason* but that doesn’t mean it’s useless to try.


*I often find that so called “reason” edge lords are among the most dogmatic of thinkers, and will rarely consider other points in their “analysis”.

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Oh I wasn’t calling Sheathe a reason edge lord. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. The “base emotional responses” line just t-t-t-triggered me.

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In today's episode of Game of Shitheads - evil lord Krump's plan to send in an army of undocumented illegals to rape & pillage the towns occupied by his blue colored enemies was thwarted by lower level underlings at the DHS. 



“We will bring the illegal — I call them the illegals, they came across the border illegally — we will bring them to sanctuary city areas and let that particular area take care of it, whether it is a state or whatever it might be.”



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Sure, it’s much easier to appeal to base emotion than reason* but that doesn’t mean it’s useless to try.


*I often find that so called “reason” edge lords are among the most dogmatic of thinkers, and will rarely consider other points in their “analysis”.



Sometimes it's unclear if they use logical fallacies intentionally or unintentionally.

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