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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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16 hours ago, ignatius said:

. but there's a huge disconnect when i make sure he understands that those things he thinks are part of a better future are in no way part of the plan that the right has embraced and is pushing.

This is my whole rant distilled down to one line. After my conversation with him I was only a little angry with him. However the rest of my emotions was me both feeling and telling him I am disappointed with him and what he says "he wants" has almost no bearing on the assumed actions you would think it would cause.

I felt like a parent who spend years raising a child, only for him to end up in a bad way and culminating in me tell them I am "just disappointed" knowing it's basically out of my hands.

After the convo ended I had to pretend I needed to go work on something for my car for half an hour just to calm down and return to as normal.


how can educated people be so stupid? it's not even a conservative philosophy at this point.. it's something else. i have a conservative or two in the extended family who stayed home in 2016 even after asking them to just hold their noses and vote for hillary for all that is sane.. but nope.. even though they were afraid of trump and his wacko followers they couldn't bring themselves to vote for hillary.  college education with masters in business but nope.. can't do the selfless thing and swallow the pride. but that's hillary and they all hate the clintons because what/// 

This 100%. I know very smart people who seems to want to vote for Trump for the same reasons the rednecks in his base vote for him. IF I had to guess it is that there is some feeling in the back of their mind that white people are getting the short end of the stick these days. They are not necessarily racist, but they do feel pride in their being a white person for whatever reason... idk why it's like being proud you were born with blue eyes.



fuck it.. we have a few more days and we'll see what's what.

I am really trying not to get my hopes up until not only does Biden win, but the transfer of power is peaceful.

10 hours ago, very honest said:

very normal. this is what cultists look like. authoritarians have bases. this is dangerous idiocy. 

this scares me quite a lot. There was nothing like this back when Mitt Romney was running for president.

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In my original ranty post made a typo in that my friend "agreed with Trumps fascist rhetoric" when in reality he disagreed with it - all the way up till two days ago apparently.

Edited by Brisbot
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I live near a pretty busy street in a pretty liberal neighborhood. While I was doing yardwork today, a bunch of F-150s with giant Trump 2020 / Blue Line flags flew down that street, horns tooting, and one of them had a loudspeaker saying something like "welcome home your future president!" I think they were doing a loop to stuff the proverbial socks in their pants because I swear I saw the same trucks twice.

I guess this is fairly harmless and is honestly a lot less annoying than the loudspeaker vans I heard during Japanese election season, but it felt like "pwn the libs" trolling I guess just due to it being in my neighborhood. Anyway, minor wrinkle in an otherwise beautiful fall day.

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12 minutes ago, sweepstakes said:

I live near a pretty busy street in a pretty liberal neighborhood. While I was doing yardwork today, a bunch of F-150s with giant Trump 2020 / Blue Line flags flew down that street, horns tooting, and one of them had a loudspeaker saying something like "welcome home your future president!" I think they were doing a loop to stuff the proverbial socks in their pants because I swear I saw the same trucks twice.

I guess this is fairly harmless and is honestly a lot less annoying than the loudspeaker vans I heard during Japanese election season, but it felt like "pwn the libs" trolling I guess just due to it being in my neighborhood. Anyway, minor wrinkle in an otherwise beautiful fall day.

this is what happens in portland. they organize the trump truck parades and they just drive around. the majority of them are people who live in washingtion or rural counties of oregon. the whole point is to troll the libs and harassing douchebags. it's why the patriot prayer groups and proud boys come here too. we're a target because portland metro area is a tolerant inclusive place. they think they can own the libs or whatever but also they have a persecution complex or something. 

they've done this even prior to this year's craziness. in 2018 there was an attack or two where someone got out of one of these trucks and punched a gay kid or something. i forget details but they've attacked and harassed people on random streets in different neighborhoods. 

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18 hours ago, ignatius said:

have had similar experience w/someone i know who is in his 20s. an engineer. has a really interesting job making things for healthcare purposes. fixing MRIs and making parts for things like those robots that do surgery. spends lot's of time w/doctors in hospitals etc. After a couple years he finally admitted he thinks healthcare should be free. He said many things over the previous 4 years about wishing the right would go big time on renewables and environmental conservation. he's somewhat of a Futurology type who is way into tech and design etc. but there's a huge disconnect when i make sure he understands that those things he thinks are part of a better future are in no way part of the plan that the right has embraced and is pushing. there really is some kind of fear that capitalism is only safe in the hands of the right and w/o the right w/their finger on the scale we'll end up a socialist country like cuba or venezuela or whatever non-realistic example.  even after explaining that socialism isn't what biden and most or all of the left is pushing for.. just a better safety net, better education ,free healthcare and like 5% more taxes on people who are fucking rich.  Once he said "well, if you were in my tax bracket" which i just said - "stop dude.. just stop".  he's also anti-abortion, smokes weed.  but grew up in a conservative household.  so his parents did a number on him i guess.. as happens to a lot of people. 


any self respecting person working in any advanced field will inevitably self reflect and realize their efforts would be put to much better use elsewhere, like in feeding the people and helping the environment.  the vast majority of all technological labor is put towards abso9lute garbage, or worse, weapons for militaries.

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19 hours ago, ignatius said:

how can educated people be so stupid? it's not even a conservative philosophy at this point..

Maybe it has to do with being raised religiously. If you are conditioned to have firm faith in some implausible/illogical world view from early childhood on and questioning it is not accepted, then you can as well believe in neoliberal propaganda/conspiracy theories/Trumpism/whatever because you are used to what should cause cognitive dissonance. Maybe it's just intellectual laziness.

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2 hours ago, sweepstakes said:

I live near a pretty busy street in a pretty liberal neighborhood. While I was doing yardwork today, a bunch of F-150s with giant Trump 2020 / Blue Line flags flew down that street, horns tooting, and one of them had a loudspeaker saying something like "welcome home your future president!" I think they were doing a loop to stuff the proverbial socks in their pants because I swear I saw the same trucks twice.

someone must've blown the trump supporter dog whistle today, because I saw a few impromptu caravans of rednecks driving pickup trucks, waving big ass trump flags, driving around on the freeways here today. one of them had a military vehicle at the lead, followed by a line of trucks all with hazards flashing, trump flags waving gloriously as they honked at everything in their path...

seriously Europeans, you guys are missing out. this is the greatest shit show on earth right now. non stop hilarity, every single fucking day...

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26 minutes ago, zero said:

someone must've blown the trump supporter dog whistle today, because I saw a few impromptu caravans of rednecks driving pickup trucks, waving big ass trump flags, driving around on the freeways here today. one of them had a military vehicle at the lead, followed by a line of trucks all with hazards flashing, trump flags waving gloriously as they honked at everything in their path...

seriously Europeans, you guys are missing out. this is the greatest shit show on earth right now. non stop hilarity, every single fucking day...

couple months ago i saw a 50 year old looking boomer wearing a full american flag outfit with a 5 foot trump flag waving it around walking down the sidewalk.  this was in one of the richest areas of town.  he looked drunk and like he was desperate for someone to come argue with him or something.  i genuinely have no idea how these people didnt end up dead from drinking bleach on accicdent.  a few weeks ago i saw a large truck with an american flag attached to its antenna, straightened out vertically somehow with a bar.  incomprehensible i guess its just some sort of idol worship and deep psychological nationalism and strongmanism

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15 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

couple months ago i saw a 50 year old looking boomer wearing a full american flag outfit with a 5 foot trump flag waving it around walking down the sidewalk.  this was in one of the richest areas of town.  he looked drunk and like he was desperate for someone to come argue with him or something.  i genuinely have no idea how these people didnt end up dead from drinking bleach on accicdent.  a few weeks ago i saw a large truck with an american flag attached to its antenna, straightened out vertically somehow with a bar.  incomprehensible i guess its just some sort of idol worship and deep psychological nationalism and strongmanism



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On 10/30/2020 at 11:21 AM, dcom said:

A follow-up article, Just bring enough for the ritual, is now available.


So there is this election happening in mere days, and it feels like a crucial choice point for the country. If we re-elect Trump, that means something very definite for the story of the US and for the American character, to the extent there is such a thing. And if we don't, it means something else. The choice is stark, the outcome uncertain. It's a collective choice, made by this weird group mind constituted by the biannual mechanism/ritual of aggregation we call an election. To the extent there is an American character (or mind, or soul) this is a key part of how it works, how the whole is constituted out of its parts.


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I was just reading up on who is allowed to vote in the US...  Resident aliens, felons, and people who are mentally incapacitated are not allowed to vote.  I'd love for someone to make an official argument that believing all the Q shit and Trump's lies and BS qualifies as a form of mental incapacitation.

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I'm really hoping the thread title changes to now that trump is in jail some time within the next two years.

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Even if he doesn't get relected the depressing thing is that Trump will never face comeuppance for the shit he's done.


I hope this post ages badly.

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5 hours ago, Blir said:

Even if he doesn't get relected the depressing thing is that Trump will never face comeuppance for the shit he's done.


I hope this post ages badly.

I think the New York State Attorney General wants to get a few Trump scalps next year for sure. 

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4 minutes ago, Candiru said:

I think the New York State Attorney General wants to get a few Trump scalps next year for sure. 

has already said "investigations will continue regardless who wins/loses the election"

also this


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39 minutes ago, ignatius said:

has already said "investigations will continue regardless who wins/loses the election"

also this


Damn that's not available for me. What is it?

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15 minutes ago, Blir said:

Damn that's not available for me. What is it?

just a recapp of trump's covid response w/timeline etc. Last Week Tonight w/john oliver episode from yesterday

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serious question - do you think there'll be more civil unrest if trump wins or loses?

if he wins, then no doubt there will be massive protests in urban down town areas that usually at some point turn violent.

if he loses, what are the trumpo's going to do? drive their trucks into things? they usually only congregate en masse when their king is present.

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6 minutes ago, zero said:

serious question - do you think there'll be more civil unrest if trump wins or loses?

if he wins, then no doubt there will be massive protests in urban down town areas that usually at some point turn violent.

if he loses, what are the trumpo's going to do? drive their trucks into things? they usually only congregate en masse when their king is present.

Hard to say but I think either way we're in for an interesting couple of weeks....

Stock up on essentials so you don't have to go out in case things turn to real shit...

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3 minutes ago, zero said:

serious question - do you think there'll be more civil unrest if trump wins or loses?

if he wins, then no doubt there will be massive protests in urban down town areas that usually at some point turn violent.

if he loses, what are the trumpo's going to do? drive their trucks into things? they usually only congregate en masse when their king is present.

I'm not American nor do I live there and hence cannot understand anything that might happen there (especially considering how nuts Americans generally are [every single one, especially those who are reading this]) but if I had to take a guess I'd say that the civil unrest in case of him winning would be worse: Leftists would go nuts in the streets and the right would use that as a legitimisation for measures against them, more so when they have the government on their side. Trump must not win.

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I'm more worried about trump trying to fight the election results with the support of the supreme court, and his right wing militias roaming the streets tbh that'll stir up some shit.

Edited by Silent Member
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14 minutes ago, zero said:

if he loses, what are the trumpo's going to do? drive their trucks into things? they usually only congregate en masse when their king is present.

Who knows, these people are sore winners. Do y'all remember late 2016 / early 2017? Swastikas and racial slurs spraypainted on houses, typo-ridden racist flyers, probably random acts of violence, just use your imagination. 

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