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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Can we keep him as like a... fake president? Just let him think he's still in charge and give him fake red buttons he can push to "launch missiles".

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I can't believe the tweet is still up.

yes, despite the negative press covfefe.


he should really be working on expanding health covfefe for working Americans.


my mobile covfefe is shit atm, dunno if this post will get out.

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Legit question - since when was Buzzfeed regarded as a reputable source for anything?

They have a reasonably reputable real news department. They're not giving more 'traditional' publications a run for their money, but I've seen some decent articles from them in the past.


They're also still Buzzfeed as well, obviously, but for a few years now they've had a /legit/ side.

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