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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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this whole administration needs to fall off the face of the earth and die. rabid skunks should storm the whitehouse gnawing their faces off and suffocating them w/skunk ass poison. 

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OK, now I'm confused.


there is nothing to be confused about, trump is an asshole and one of the worst presidents ever, but hes not hitler, he knew that deporting 800k college students with clean records was no good


his base, bannon and miller all wanted to end daca and deport us all immediately but he ignored all of them and made the compassionate decision  

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OK, now I'm confused.


there is nothing to be confused about, trump is an asshole and one of the worst presidents ever, but hes not hitler, he knew that deporting 800k college students with clean records was no good


his base, bannon and miller all wanted to end daca and deport us all immediately but he ignored all of them and made the compassionate decision  




pretty sure you're the only person who sees it that way.  i'm pretty sure the facts of the case you present are wrong. 8 AGs sewing doesn't mean they'd be deported immediately it only means the courts would get involved.  


trump campaigned on stopping DACA. even though it was a "difficult subject" for him which i think is just bullshit. he's passing the buck and betting congress can't get it together because he wants to deport everyone who isn't white. he'd deport black people back to africa if he could. yes.. i believe that. 

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The point of the lawsuit was to force Trump to end daca immediately, sessions was not going to defend daca in court anyways (and like I said before daca was presidential overreach,it would've lost the lawsuit)


What Trump did was give Congress a chance to legalize daca so it's protected from lawsuits and it can stand a chance in court if challenged


And by the way I'm not the only one that feels this way, most of the dreamers are happy with this, it was the best case scenario


I hate Trump as much as the next guy but he made the compassionate decision here believe me.

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The point of the lawsuit was to force Trump to end daca immediately, sessions was not going to defend daca in court anyways (and like I said before daca was presidential overreach,it would've lost the lawsuit)


What Trump did was give Congress a chance to legalize daca so it's protected from lawsuits and it can stand a chance in court if challenged


And by the way I'm not the only one that feels this way, most of the dreamers are happy with this, it was the best case scenario


I hate Trump as much as the next guy but he made the compassionate decision here believe me.



presidential overreach is arguable.. that's the point.  many state AGs are in support of daca and would've argued on its behalf.. they're already getting ready to sue. 


trump could've just pushed for making DACA legal w/o putting a deadline on it.. he couldve done a lot of things.. but he didn't. 


this is a barganing chip.  "i'll sign your DACA law if you fund my wall".. just wait.. that's what is coming. 


but they won't even get that far.  there might be some kind of amnesty for DACA holders but then it'll end. the current DACA holders will get grandfathered in and beyond that.. nothing.  that's best case scenario unless congress gets its act together. 


they're already saying there won't be much congress will do because their scehdule is already packed and there's no room/time to deal w/immigration even though trump wants 'reform' and his stupid wall. 


trump doesn't do 'compassion' or empathy. he makes people suffer because it makes him feel strong. 

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The point of the lawsuit was to force Trump to end daca immediately, sessions was not going to defend daca in court anyways (and like I said before daca was presidential overreach,it would've lost the lawsuit)


What Trump did was give Congress a chance to legalize daca so it's protected from lawsuits and it can stand a chance in court if challenged


And by the way I'm not the only one that feels this way, most of the dreamers are happy with this, it was the best case scenario


I hate Trump as much as the next guy but he made the compassionate decision here believe me.


Compassion requires giving a shit....the only thing he cares about is himself and how he appears in the mirror of his delusions.

It's a political decision.

As usual its divisive...intentionally....signal to base...a cheap attempt to remove himself from responsibility and blame congress if things don't go smoothly while congratulating himself if they go well, whatever well is....it will divide republicans like health care and everything else he's attempted....

Dreamers will have 6 months waiting to see if their game is up. 

This all happening at the beginning of the leg year where they have a million other things to f up as well.

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Obama calls out Trump on DACA:




I've wondered, what about the Dreamers that serve in the military, or in civil positions like: police, fire dept, EMT, physician assistants, nurses?  They're really gonna just clean house and make them criminals?  Because realistically, Congress ain't gonna do jack shit in 6 months.  I can see pressure mounting on Trump to extend that deadline, but his white trash supporters will call it a sellout.

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NEW YORK (AP) — Fifteen states and the District of Columbia sued the U.S. government Wednesday to block President Donald Trump's plan to end protection against deportation for young immigrants who New York's attorney general labeled the "best of America."

The lawsuit filed in federal court in Brooklyn asked a judge to strike down as unconstitutional the president's action involving the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA.


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