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Pizza with pineapple on it is the worst thing humanity has perpetrated

Dan C

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So we have Australia to blame for this, why am I not surprised? They put pineapple on their fucking burgers too, savages.

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I don't know who the fuck did it first, but I blame the Nazis.

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Pizza Exotica

  • 160 g apples
  • 40 g mandarin oranges
  • 80 g cherries
  • 200 g pineapple
  • 240 g kiwi fruit
  • 40 g strawberries
  • 16 g lemon balm
Spread the tasty kiwi (haha) fruit-heads and pineapple over the pizza base, followed by mandarin oranges, strawberries and cherries. Finally decorate with slices of apple and lemon balm leaves. Bake in preheated oven at 180 for 15-20 minutes.




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yeah yeah lol i bet it would be a HAWAIIAN pizza!

I bet it woulddddddddddddd beeeeeeee




oi, it's friday bois time to crack open a cold one and ENJOY some PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA

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ych y fi



where is this from ?


Its a home video 


what ? you made that ?


i get up to some kinky stuff after I have pizza with pineapple


not sure if you are joking but if not then interesting work

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De gustibus non est disputandum ...



The science behind food pairing: Why do pineapple and blue cheese taste so great together?








the two things I don't want on my pizza ....



blue cheese is something my body strongly tells it's not even food but rotten or poison ...





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^ yeah i keep trying to like blue cheese but every time its just not working for me. those gourmet burgers with like blue cheese, peppercorn, arugula, haystack onions etc etc, they sound sooo good, but i always regret the blue cheese on it lol


as for pineapple on pizza, i think the part thats a turn off is tomato sauce and pineapple in the same mouthful. just totally clashes imo. cheese or crust and pineapple, all good. 

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