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What is a really niche/unusual hobby or interest of yours?


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Botany - I love identifying edible or useful plants. I've learned just about every edible plant in my area and eat wild food every day. I also transplant seedlings to my garden or collect seeds to germinate.

Nice, I'm big on growing fruit which includes wild/feral berries I've transplanted into my garden, but I've managed to cultivate tonnes of other overlooked edible plants too. I have a bunch of dustbin-sized planters where I've grown dandelions for their leaves and roots


Oh and I collect marbles. Plus I enjoy remote bushwhacking and earth science, but I get paid to do those lol

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I keep a notebook that I write all my ideas in, and sometimes I realize them.




:) I do it too. Not with jokes, but other shit. Tried to go digital though, and I much prefer the easy access archiving of digital, though I still love to physically, ya know, write.

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Botany - I love identifying edible or useful plants. I've learned just about every edible plant in my area and eat wild food every day. I also transplant seedlings to my garden or collect seeds to germinate.

Nice, I'm big on growing fruit which includes wild/feral berries I've transplanted into my garden, but I've managed to cultivate tonnes of other overlooked edible plants too. I have a bunch of dustbin-sized planters where I've grown dandelions for their leaves and roots


Oh and I collect marbles. Plus I enjoy remote bushwhacking and earth science, but I get paid to do those lol

I love dandelions! They don't grow in the summer heat here - I noticed the first one popping up in the yard this week which makes me happy.


Some wild fruit I have transplanted to my house include Physalis (wild tomatillo), black nightshade & wild cucumber.

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Spend a good bit of time reading/watching true crime things, and unresolved mysteries, particularly. Disappearances such as Maura Murray, the Springfield 3, and Byron Harmon to be even more specific. I don't consider myself a very morbid person and I generally avoid any gruesome details or, god forbid, videos, or anything like that. Fuck that. But just the mystery of someone disappearing, sometimes within a window of, like, 10 minutes and never being seen or heard from again. It's just crazy. 


I think it was the documentaries about the West Memphis 3 which sparked it 5 or 6 years ago. My interest was pretty nonexistent before that. The films being geographically and culturally relevant to my particular upbringing probably was a factor as well.


I used to love reading and memorizing things about sports cars and super-cars. Top speeds, horsepower, what kind of engine, and even weight sometimes. The Italian and German varieties were my bread and butter. Beyond rusty on this now though.


The music ones go without saying on this forum, but those are by far the most engrossing.

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I keep a notebook that I write all my ideas in, and sometimes I realize them.




:) I do it too. Not with jokes, but other shit. Tried to go digital though, and I much prefer the easy access archiving of digital, though I still love to physically, ya know, write.




Hah, it is a moleskin. My company gave it to me. I actually started writing them down digitally like six years ago, but I tend to remember them better when I write them down by hand.

Also, it frees me up to jot down diagrams and stuff if an idea requires it. For the next album or EP I'm writing, there's a puzzle element to it, and it's easier to draw it than try to express it in text edit.

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Spend a good bit of time reading/watching true crime things


did that for a few days several yrs ago, while investigating for a scientific paper about psychopaths, until i stumbled across the toolbox killers' torture tapes. i very often meet and deal with psychopaths as a part of my profession but that story and the audio fakt me for good. nothing, i really mean NOTHING can prepare you for that! i'm still wondering, why did i press play?! i guess i wanted to know how deep is the hole but my curiosity cost me a lot. since then, the worst horror movies are nothing more than a lullaby to me

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I brew beer from grain. I have a 3 tap keg fridge at home and have been doing it for about 4 years. Right now i'm pouring an APA, West Coast IPA and a Red Ale. It is a delicious hobby

I haven't done this for like 3 years, but the best part is getting people drunk from the beer you brewed yourself in the most authentic way possible. I made a weizenbock that was lush af but pale ales and IPAs are especially good once they're ready because the hops are as fresh and dank as can be.

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Spend a good bit of time reading/watching true crime things, and unresolved mysteries, particularly. Disappearances such as Maura Murray, the Springfield 3, and Byron Harmon to be even more specific. I don't consider myself a very morbid person and I generally avoid any gruesome details or, god forbid, videos, or anything like that. Fuck that. But just the mystery of someone disappearing, sometimes within a window of, like, 10 minutes and never being seen or heard from again. It's just crazy.


I think it was the documentaries about the West Memphis 3 which sparked it 5 or 6 years ago. My interest was pretty nonexistent before that. The films being geographically and culturally relevant to my particular upbringing probably was a factor as well.


I used to love reading and memorizing things about sports cars and super-cars. Top speeds, horsepower, what kind of engine, and even weight sometimes. The Italian and German varieties were my bread and butter. Beyond rusty on this now though.


The music ones go without saying on this forum, but those are by far the most engrossing.

I love murder mysteries as well. I think the one I’ve read up on the most has been the zodiac killer. I even read Robert Graysmith’s extremely boring retelling of what happened. I’ve never been more bored or confused while reading about something so fascinating.
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I've been getting into a ton of DIY food/beverage stuff lately. In the past few months I've made a batch of Indian style lime pickle (we have a lime tree that grows so many limes that we can't consume them quickly enough), brined/cured olives in garlic/chilli/rosemary oil, cold brew coffee, custom onion-free laksa paste for my girlfriend who is onion intolerant, and some homebrew stuff. I think the next move is to either get into making kimchi, or sauerkraut.. or both. I've been annoying my girlfriend by hoarding all of the empty jars, but holy shit does it pay off.



Maybe I should look into modding for classic Doom thru the GZDoom source port.

I made tons of doom levels when I was in high school. I think it contributed to my love of technical illustration and certainly helped to develop the skills I'd use later in life as a designer lol.
It'd be interesting to start making levels again after being a designer for so long..

I brew beer from grain. I have a 3 tap keg fridge at home and have been doing it for about 4 years. Right now i'm pouring an APA, West Coast IPA and a Red Ale. It is a delicious hobby

I've just started brewing. I've done a few 5 litre brews so far, which have ranged from being drinkable and pleasant (IPA that ended up tasting more like a slightly sour ale, something might have gone wrong with the brew but it was good anyway) to tasting/smelling like plastic (a weird experimental cider made with cloudy apple juice, barley malt syrup, earl grey tea and cinnamon). I'm having a brew day with a friend tomorrow, he gave me his 35L "robobrew" system on permanent loan, and I'm too anxious about fucking up a 30L brew especially with the $90 black IPA kit I bought (which, apparently, is one of the hardest beers to brew? lol).


It's quite fun seeing it ferment though, even in the little 5L brews I've been doing. I have a bottle of pomegranate molasses that I'm planning to use along with some cold brew coffee for another experimental brew. I'm not even sure what that could be called.

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Spend a good bit of time reading/watching true crime things


did that for a few days several yrs ago, while investigating for a scientific paper about psychopaths, until i stumbled across the toolbox killers' torture tapes. i very often meet and deal with psychopaths as a part of my profession but that story and the audio fakt me for good. nothing, i really mean NOTHING can prepare you for that! i'm still wondering, why did i press play?! i guess i wanted to know how deep is the hole but my curiosity cost me a lot. since then, the worst horror movies are nothing more than a lullaby to me




Yeah. No. I was exposed, not by choice, to the Traces of Death series at a young age. It really messed with me and I avoid any and all such things as an adult. nonono




Spend a good bit of time reading/watching true crime things, and unresolved mysteries, particularly. Disappearances such as Maura Murray, the Springfield 3, and Byron Harmon to be even more specific. I don't consider myself a very morbid person and I generally avoid any gruesome details or, god forbid, videos, or anything like that. Fuck that. But just the mystery of someone disappearing, sometimes within a window of, like, 10 minutes and never being seen or heard from again. It's just crazy.


I think it was the documentaries about the West Memphis 3 which sparked it 5 or 6 years ago. My interest was pretty nonexistent before that. The films being geographically and culturally relevant to my particular upbringing probably was a factor as well.


I used to love reading and memorizing things about sports cars and super-cars. Top speeds, horsepower, what kind of engine, and even weight sometimes. The Italian and German varieties were my bread and butter. Beyond rusty on this now though.


The music ones go without saying on this forum, but those are by far the most engrossing.

I love murder mysteries as well. I think the one I’ve read up on the most has been the zodiac killer. I even read Robert Graysmith’s extremely boring retelling of what happened. I’ve never been more bored or confused while reading about something so fascinating.



I have never read anything in depth on the Zodiac. Serial killers don't hold quite the interest in my case, but that one is really something. Have seen the Fincher movie and loved it though. Read about the case for a few hours after that. But I know there's gotta be a mountain of material out there on it.




what about that one about the 21 yr old woman in the hotel in LA? That one is weird

The Elisa lam thing freaks me out




The most common explanation of her behavior is that her mental illness (bi-polar) was causing an episode. As for how she could have gotten on top of the building, it's the fire escape. Of course those maybe more likely and possible explanations don't rule out that there could've been some foul play involved. 

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you made your own achaar?

yeah it turned out way better than I expected, so much so that I just eat it by itself sometimes lol. I've still got all of the spices so might start on another batch this weekend.

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I moderate an obscure electronic music forum....

I enjoy reading Canadian case law...truly fucked up shit comes before the judges...some of it hilarious, some of it really sad, some of it horrifying. No interest in watching/listening to torture tapes/beheadings etc etc.


Not really niche or unusal, but discovering and drinking good wine is an excellent hobby.

Oh and collecting money from around the world. I guess the rarest I have is some old North Korean won.

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