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Muscle women in their 40s are incredibly hot to me.

(I don't mean roided out female body builders. I mean the gals who just work out like fiends and defy age.)

Edited by ambermonk
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Who actually sits down with no reservation and takes a good long shit in a porta potty?  Me, if given zero choice Im like spiderman in those things

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Porta pottys are toilet hell, I would never allow my splendid butt cheeks to engage.

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Some people have actually drowned in Porta potties. When I was in Amsterdam I walked around the red light district looking at the hoes and I concluded that it’s the sexual equivalent of waiting in line for a Porta pottie on the fourth day of a music festival.

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observation: anthony hopkins has lost his mind




like his eyeeesss at one point I want to believe there is some weird stealth special effect going on



um, so I don't own videogames anymore, but resident evil 7, 'evil' forms vii in roman numerals. I feel ASHAMED for not realizing that it was there as DESIGNSHIT you could do with the logo. in real life it's probably a sign of GOOD PRIORITIES having never bothered to make the observation, but still I felt icky for some reason


also conspiracy theory, resident evil vii had to be the cool reboot, 5 and 6 were total bullshit games (from the sound of it) but it's simply because they were waiting on the exploitable design thing of evil and VII


and then its predecessor had the most vapid hi-concept stylized 6 ever made




just gonna link this whole article, logo ends up resembling a giraffe getting a blowjob lol




what is this screenshot, it looks like you're storming the David Lynch Crazy Clown Time video but with less tits



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Never start a track with a semi-unpredictable effect on the first beat.  In order to get this chorus effect to start at an appealing segment of the modulation I've had to encode the same track 4 times over.  In the process I have learned that the Ableton chorus effect (and presumably any of their effects that use modulation) starts modulating from a different frequency point every time.  

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that's just the natural microphone distortion and layering with the original track, pretty lush


Edit: by inference/by proxy he def does buttloads of cocaine or just has MAGICAL HYPEUP ABILITY for his speeches I guess 

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Today I wanted to leave my whatsapp status empty, but you can't do that as far as I know so I just set '.' (a single period) as my status. But that's not the same as leaving it empty... then again, purposefuly leaving it empty would be like saying something, in a way. So I guess it's impossible to not say anything once you're forced to make a statement since not saying anything is a statement in itself. The conclusion was that the only way to not communicate anything in that situation is to have no one read it, which is possibly happening anyway, and at that point whatever you say or don't say doesn't matter which is kind of ironic (only ironic after following this train of thought, which was flawed to begin with, so not really ironic)


This led to me thinking about the 'normcore' style of clothing which afaik consists of looking as non-descript as possible, which again is an impossible task. Lately I've been wearing nothing but solid colors, completely plain clothing, no graphics no anything. But that also says something doesn't it? It's a conscious choice. When it comes to clothing it's the same, it's impossible not to imply anything. The solution would be to have no one ever see you I guess


I realize these are not original or interesting thoughts in any way

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^you are describing famous communication theorist Paul Watzlawick's core idea.



"One cannot not communicate." Because every behaviour is a kind of communication, people who are aware of each other are constantly communicating. Any perceivable behaviour, including the absence of action, has the potential to be interpreted by other people as having some meaning.

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While looking through artists on different labels to see where I might fit in, I somehow misread the artist moniker "Missqulater" as "Mansplainer"... which really should be a music project of some kind.  From this day forward I am Mansplainer.

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While looking through artists on different labels to see where I might fit in, I somehow misread the artist moniker "Missqulater" as "Mansplainer"... which really should be a music project of some kind.  From this day forward I am Mansplainer.


you got some 'splaining to do Lucy!

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