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We must protect Stonehenge from the Eurocrats. Knowing them they'd want to put the stones in a straight line with even metric spacing or something *tuts*

too late it was rebuilt in the 50s(?)
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Do people in Europe realize that most of the ancient structures around them have been rebuilt? Due to bombings, Dissolution, revolts, raiding, decay. What you are seeing is not really real. About as real as any fake castle in Disney world. I have this thing for true extant structures from the ancient world, and sadly there aren't many. 


what is your point really? that the roman colosseum and the pallatine hill, the acropolis in athens, the ruins of pompeii, delphi, etc have been rebuilt? you surely mean excavated and preserved. the ruins are real, but if you believe someone made those ruins out of plaster to make them look like 2000+ year old ruins you are quite mistaken.

or if you believe that ancient cities should still stand intact after 2000+ years of every human and natural force imaginable, you're quite delusional.

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Do people in Europe realize that most of the ancient structures around them have been rebuilt? Due to bombings, Dissolution, revolts, raiding, decay. What you are seeing is not really real. About as real as any fake castle in Disney world. I have this thing for true extant structures from the ancient world, and sadly there aren't many.

what is your point really? that the roman colosseum and the pallatine hill, the acropolis in athens, the ruins of pompeii, delphi, etc have been rebuilt? you surely mean excavated and preserved. the ruins are real, but if you believe someone made those ruins out of plaster to make them look like 2000+ year old ruins you are quite mistaken.

or if you believe that ancient cities should still stand intact after 2000+ years of every human and natural force imaginable, you're quite delusional.

artistic interpretations Edited by drome
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I don't have have a point. Im just upset about it. You mention a few structures, but they are the exception. I like ruins. Im sad it's been ruined. At least it's real. But I come across more structures that have been reconstructed in the 19th century than anything, and a pang of disappoint comes over me. I wish more than anything I could time travel. The point I guess is the folly of man. We never appreciate we are living in history.  But something like Aula Palatina in Trier, That is a wonderful thing. Brugge, a wonderful thing. 

Edited by marf
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I don’t get the confusion. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t marf saying that many historic monuments have been reconstructed and aren’t necessarily faithful to the originals? This is definitely the case with Stonehenge. Are you lot being obtuse or what?

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Wasnt it those russian tourists coming for ancient architecture before they decided to poison some former soviets? Perhaps they blamed them for ruining those ancient relics. I think i'm onto to something. My tinfoil cap says so, anyways.

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Wasnt it those russian tourists coming for ancient architecture before they decided to poison some former soviets? Perhaps they blamed them for ruining those ancient relics. I think i'm onto to something. My tinfoil cap says so, anyways.

Your tinfoil hat is permanently turned in to the mainstream news frequency as far as I can tell bro. Full on receive and repeat mode.

Back to brexit if you must. Anyone not actually sick to death of it now?

Edited by drome
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MP's are off for approx 3&half months between now & Samhain, ideal for sledges who couldn't conjure a consensus even by channeling the deceased spirit of Paul Daniels


as if setting dates around equinox & the heebie jeebies wasn't Icke-ian political witch-craft enough


Brrrr-Hex-It = jus sayins

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are you on acid?



MP's are off for approx 3&half months between now & Samhain, ideal for sledges who couldn't conjure a consensus even by channeling the deceased spirit of Paul Daniels


as if setting dates around equinox & the heebie jeebies wasn't Icke-ian political witch-craft enough


Brrrr-Hex-It = jus sayins


lol that's a classic post 

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