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Israeli-Palestinian conflict

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17 minutes ago, Cryptowen said:

@milkfaceafa i could tell the one here (montreal) must have been going on all over town all weekend long. I heard people honking their horns & chanting from my apartment yesterday afternoon. probably one of the bigger turn outs i've seen since back at the height of the sudent protest waves seven or eight years ago

great to hear! i heard well over 100,000 people were out in london

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It is also instructive to note former Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin's words on settlers and Israel as an apartheid state. (if you can find the documentary "Rabin: In His Own Words, I highly recommend it).

This timeline of the use of the word "apartheid state" in an Israeli context is quite interesting as well: https://forward.com/news/468379/timeline-term-apartheid-israel/

And you know things are bad when even Bloomberg is kind of coming out against the Israeli state: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3xyvLyy8RBgJ:https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-05-01/hrw-s-israel-apartheid-label-gives-palestinians-a-path-to-normalcy+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca&client=firefox-b-e

Finally: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/13/palestinians-still-face-apartheid-israel-25-years-after-oslo-accord

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13 hours ago, auxien said:

these two posts are pretty gross.

idc who you two or anyone really supports or hates or whatever, truly, i do not care, but this 'what if' shit and the 'well yeah, they started it this time most recently (ignoring the past and their present)' is just...gross.

edit: (and i'm sure neither of you care what me or anyone else thinks. but y'all really are looking pretty gross, i generally like what i see from both of you but this is....icky)

i deleted it. hard to defend israel while they toast civilians. i despise many acts by israel and israelis but also try to dispense with falsehoods that misrepresent the history and nature of the conflict. no one helps by playing loose with accuracy. there is a lot of lore that is heavily skewed, on both sides.

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5 hours ago, chenGOD said:

I agree with most of this except I would have municipal level governments manage the apartment complexes as opposed to state-level bureaucracy. 

in the US for example there is no possible way to coordinate all the individual local governments unless the state forces it to happen.  they would make bullshit deals with local capitalists

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The Samson Option (Hebrew: ברירת שמשון‎, b'rerat shimshon) is the name that some military analysts and authors have given to Israel's deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against a country whose military has invaded and/or destroyed much of Israel.[1] Commentators also have employed the term to refer to situations where non-nuclear, non-Israeli actors, have threatened conventional weapons retaliation, such as Yasser Arafat.[2]

The name is a reference to the biblical Israelite judge Samson who pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines who had captured him,[3] crying out "Let me die with the Philistines!" (Judges 16:30).[4]

Edited by cyanobacteria
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4 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

in the US for example there is no possible way to coordinate all the individual local governments unless the state forces it to happen.  they would make bullshit deals with local capitalists

In the major metropolitan areas, municipal governments definitely have the capacity to coordinate the supply of housing. The legislative change obviously has to come at the state level. In more rural areas or less populous urban areas where housing insecurity is an issue, intervention from the state may be necessary.

The state has little in the way of information at the local level, and the higher up the chain you go, the less informed and thus less effective regulation becomes at the local level. It also takes longer, and the state is less able to respond to local needs. Two decent opinion pieces on Vancouver's issues highlight many of the challenges, but also highlight the need for solutions to come from both the provincial (state) and municipal level.

I don't know how this ties in with Israel-Palestine anymore, sorry everyone. I've Gordoed it up!


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IDF meme'd a before after pic of the buildings they blew up. 

john oliver hits on most points and is even handed mostly about framing the current violence. 


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10 hours ago, very honest said:

i deleted it. hard to defend israel while they toast civilians. i despise many acts by israel and israelis but also try to dispense with falsehoods that misrepresent the history and nature of the conflict. no one helps by playing loose with accuracy. there is a lot of lore that is heavily skewed, on both sides.

the propaganda machine/media is always worth questioning as you were doing, nothing wrong with that in and of itself. but yeah, there's a lot of bad going on all over this situation. i've heard some horrible things that Hamas have done in the past. there aren't any 'good' guys in this thing, but there's some obvious lean on who has the power to change the situation and who doesn't.

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i read that the media building they blew up was where  one of the internet hubs the area was located.. so.. basically taking out communications.. puts people in the dark even more. 

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On 5/14/2021 at 10:30 PM, Silent Member said:

Hey, it's Abby, just talking to some nice people.


Those interviews were very disturbing to me.
So much hate, violence and racism in their minds.

It's like they see Palestinians like ants:
A nasty problem to be trampled and exterminated.
It seems like they feel like they're above all of the other people in the region.
And they can do whatever they want with them, because of ... reasons.
How is this just not plain evil?
How can you justify all that's happened and is happening?
Whatever the justification, it's completely f*cked up.

And shaming us for speaking out against them.
Accusing us of antisemitism.
Now that's hypocrisy.

All of it feels like the darkest irony.
The victims of fascism and racism in WWII eventually becoming the Israeli people with the same hatred, violence and racism towards another somewhat-different fellow human.

It all makes me feel sick.

Sorry if I offended anyone here. I just wanted to speak my mind.

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5 hours ago, MaartenVC said:

Those interviews were very disturbing to me.
So much hate, violence and racism in their minds.

It's like they see Palestinians like ants:
A nasty problem to be trampled and exterminated.
It seems like they feel like they're above all of the other people in the region.
And they can do whatever they want with them, because of ... reasons.
How is this just not plain evil?
How can you justify all that's happened and is happening?
Whatever the justification, it's completely f*cked up.

And shaming us for speaking out against them.
Accusing us of antisemitism.
Now that's hypocrisy.

All of it feels like the darkest irony.
The victims of fascism and racism in WWII eventually becoming the Israeli people with the same hatred, violence and racism towards another somewhat-different fellow human.

It all makes me feel sick.

Sorry if I offended anyone here. I just wanted to speak my mind.

This way of thinking is not exclusive to Israelis or Jews. It's tribalism. Tribalism is a natural human trait that evolved so that the genetic lineage closest to us is passed on. Inter-cultural prejudice (racism, nationalism, religious bigotry, even things like sports team rivalry, etc) is just this pack mentality in play.

People of any nationality, faith, ethnicity, etc express thoughts like these all the time, all over the world.

That's why my life motto is,

"In your lifetime, meet as many people who are not like you as you can".

Pushing yourself to do so breaks down prejudices and preconceptions (edit: this includes well-meaning, but wrong assumptions) , and the more prejudices one has shattered, the more one doubts any other biases they hold.

Edited by Thu Zaw
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On 5/17/2021 at 7:04 AM, Freak of the week said:
On 5/15/2021 at 3:40 PM, auxien said:

i guarantee that their 'inner self/spirit/whatever' will cease to exist when their arms and legs are gone and it's off with their head

would this thread cease to exist if a black hole devoured the earth?

are watmm threads shot out into the depths of space like radio signals or something? if not, then yeah this thread would cease to exist with the entirety of earth and all inhabitants/records, yeah. dunno what your point is

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18 minutes ago, auxien said:

are watmm threads shot out into the depths of space like radio signals or something? if not, then yeah this thread would cease to exist with the entirety of earth and all inhabitants/records, yeah. dunno what your point is


it was a semi-gibberish response btw

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