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Israeli-Palestinian conflict

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On 10/20/2023 at 2:35 PM, zlemflolia said:

the only parties who dont? communists, the only ones with actual principles


Principles, but only when America (or proxy) do bad thing. When Russia (or proxy) do bad thing... well it didn't happen and they deserved it anyway


I learnt a while ago to always be very wary of honky "allies" of Palestinians. I support their cause wholesale but it was very telling how many other self-proclaimed Palestinian allies suddenly went silent when, for once, it wasn't the IDF bulldozing Palestinian refugee camps but Assad barrel-bombing them.


Edited by Walter Ostanek
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1 hour ago, Walter Ostanek said:

Principles, but only when America (or proxy) do bad thing. When Russia (or proxy) do bad thing... well it didn't happen and they deserved it anyway


I learnt a while ago to always be very wary of honky "allies" of Palestinians. I support their cause wholesale but it was very telling how many other self-proclaimed Palestinian allies suddenly went silent when, for once, it wasn't the IDF bulldozing Palestinian refugee camps but Assad barrel-bombing them.


i think ur falling for social media psyops.  also if youre some huge ally of the opppressed in ukraine russia scenario why arent you condemning ukraine for conducting a civil war against their own eastern border regions for a decade and cutting off water access to crimean citizens, a war crime and genocidal action.  everything is quite many-sided.  sorry you observed people "going silent" whatever that means

Edited by zlemflolia
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1 minute ago, zlemflolia said:

i think ur falling for social media psyops.  also if youre some huge ally of the opppressed in ukraine russia scenario why arent you condemning ukraine for conducting a civil war against their own eastern border regions for a decade and cutting off water access to crimean citizens, a war crime and genocidal action.  everything is quite many-sided.  sorry you observed people "going silent" whatever that means

wasn't that 'decade' under putin's thumb? when his crony was in power in ukraine then they had an uprising and threw that guy out and where did he go? he went to russia. .. and they turned his palace into a museum. the people's museum. not sure what it is now.. but he had a pond with floats on it where he a giraffe or something. he looted billions from ukraine. 

there's lot's of really good reporting on that and you should be aware of it. the ukraine of 10 years ago isn't the ukraine of today and you know that. 

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38 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

Maybe RFK, Jr?

that dude is a weak pawn of someone. stripping votes away from both biden and trump but appears more from trump if polls are to be trusted. 

he's no outsider worth getting behind though imo. and how much of an outsider? he's got scrambled eggs for brains i think. and trump? c'mon. he's a self interested psychopath. authoritarian wanna be. doesn't give two shits about you or me or anyone. 

ugh. why bother. 

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6 hours ago, ignatius said:

wasn't that 'decade' under putin's thumb? when his crony was in power in ukraine then they had an uprising and threw that guy out and where did he go? he went to russia. .. and they turned his palace into a museum. the people's museum. not sure what it is now.. but he had a pond with floats on it where he a giraffe or something. he looted billions from ukraine. 

there's lot's of really good reporting on that and you should be aware of it. the ukraine of 10 years ago isn't the ukraine of today and you know that. 

putin is a piece of shit, so is zelensky, and the fascists who carried out a western backed color revolution in 2013.  everyone is shit.  its impossible for a capitalist politician to not be shit. they are by definition cronies, thiefs, and murderers

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7 hours ago, zlemflolia said:

putin is a piece of shit, so is zelensky, and the fascists who carried out a western backed color revolution in 2013.  everyone is shit.  its impossible for a capitalist politician to not be shit. they are by definition cronies, thiefs, and murderers

Coming from Mr Crypto capital investment, this a tad rich. Btw it’s thieves as plural. Is there a single Marxist state anywhere in the world functioning as a working society? Socialist systems can & do work but they tend to be mixed economies with public services - eg we could subsequently remove Britain from this list due its current public services apocalypse.

I mean don’t give up on the Revolution or whatever your activism entails but spouting hypocrisy, repeatedly, doesn’t further your cause or the discourse at large here. “Capitalism bad”, while sustaining a crypto portfolio, is the definition of lol. You think you’re bypassing the division of labour when you no doubt had to work then save to invest, ie investing in capital is just the same thing by another name with some noughts & ones added for an ethics panel. Or worse, pure speculation.

Likewise Ukraine. Both Ukraine & Russia are secular nationalists. However many fuckwits in Azov is still too many but the majority either died in battle or are currently being tortured by FSB personnel. But yes, by all means carry on with all the answers to all the world’s problems cuz = capitalism.


Edited by cwmbrancity
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17 hours ago, zlemflolia said:

 if youre some huge ally of the opppressed in ukraine russia scenario why arent you condemning ukraine russia for conducting instigating a civil war against their own in ukraines eastern border regions for a decade 

FIFY, and yes I do (though it often wasn't done from the top, but rather by boyars in the security apparatus)

Since the refugees started arriving in march last year I've got to know plenty of people from those areas, their stories of those 8 years when they were supposedly being genocided by ukronazis are pretty revealing - how many have you spoken to I wonder?

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On 10/20/2023 at 12:40 PM, Nebraska said:

the children of light and darkness need to learn how to share the desert sand playground instead of always fighting over it

seriously though: bibi should just admit his kampf

I'm no expert on the domestic Israeli media scene but it seems like they are finally paying attention to how Hamas was Bibi's plaything for decades. Desperately hoping they can Netty sharpish and, with him, perhaps this stupid war and maybe even some of his apartheid bullshit

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On 10/21/2023 at 8:32 PM, Hail Sagan said:


And you know the Wall Street Journal then immediately released a video saying the opposite which is quite frankly ridiculous. It was the Israel Military obviously. 

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44 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

basically any 35yr old or younger that has a functioning brain stem is completely fed up with israel's genocidal insanity. which is encouraging.


unfortunately we are a global gerontocracy 

How many fucking cracy's are there?

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just watched some news updates on youtube.  lot's of footage of air strikes flattening entire buildings. one bomb/missle.. entire build collapses/implodes. 

also, CNN video war porn title "See the New Weapon Israel is using in War Against Hamas" jfc. i hate this shit. 

"The New Weapon Allowing Israel to..."


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15 hours ago, xox said:


this guy is all over the shop and some of the points he makes are patently nonsensical. but some of it is actually thought-provoking and I find myself agreeing, mainly around the US-Israel entanglement, which in the long run is detrimental to ordinary Israelis who would want to see peace in the region.

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 “We are going to destroy Hamas, as Nazi Germany was destroyed." Israel would mount a global assassination campaign against Hamas leaders akin to the one it launched following the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre.

"Netanyahu also has to be blamed for releasing Sinwar and hundreds of other dangerous terrorists [in the 2011 Shalit deal]. And he conflated Hamas with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah because the PA was a body that he should negotiate with, and he didn’t want to negotiate. So he said, ‘OK, Hamas is not that dangerous, we can live with it. Every three, four years, we’ll do a round of exchange of fire. But this is not the most dangerous enemy of Israel.’"

- Amos Yadlin (Retired Israeli general and Executive Director of Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Security Studies)

https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/10/24/amos-yaldin-israeli-military-intelligence-netanyahu-qa-00123099#:~:text=And Netanyahu got all the,is risking and weakening every

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And of course, this giant cunt


couldn't resist, he went to Israël, met Netanyahou and has proposed "widening the international coalition against Islamic State to fight the Palestinian militant group Hamas"


Of course, few hours later, he met Mahmoud Abbas and suddenly, he's 100% pro-Palestinian...

What a spineless little bitch, no wonder French diplomacy is mocked all over the world...

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Roblox players unable to protest Israel's occupation of Palestine in person have taken to the game's digital streets to make their voices heard.




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