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Good stuff there. When I see pride flags and BLM signs with long slogans denouncing bigotry in front of so many homes I can’t help but think it’s their version of a Virgin Mary statue or something. 

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1 hour ago, Candiru said:

Good stuff there. When I see pride flags and BLM signs with long slogans denouncing bigotry in front of so many homes I can’t help but think it’s their version of a Virgin Mary statue or something. 

half the people on my street have them.. including me.. and some people have signs in their windows. it's a good way to remind the idiots who come to portland from vancouver washington and drive around in their big ass trucks.. speeding through neighborhoods w/big trump flags waving from their trucks.. sometimes actually attacking people on the street (has happened a few times bt mostly downtown area or dense SE portland) that they are not welcome.. their bullshit doesn't fly etc etc..  there's a black church a block from me so i think that has something to do w/it to. 

overall i think it's a pssive show of support. 

there is a senior couple down the block w/home made signs. .one says "The Pig Is not My President" and that has been u psince trump was elected.. and the other one says "VOTE Nov. 2020 - Eject the PIG from our house".. right in the middle of their really nice garden. 

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7 hours ago, Taupe Beats said:

Nah that's not it. There have been so many retired cops who have come forward and made it known that police training has taken away direct engagement with a detainee in a direct parallel with the rise of firearms in the United States (and by osmosis, everywhere else). Several point blank saying that new police are afraid of *any* physical confrontation with a detainee. That is a terrifying change in police behavior over the years.

Couple that with the fact that non-lethal weaponry for police was a very popular discussion as recent as less than 10 years ago. Now that discussion is a non-starter for police (mainly due to police unions, which are cesspools).

So not even accepting the potential of using weaponry that isn't intended to kill, combined with the "stimuli" you describe being a fear that has been increased directly from a result of police training. That is not a justification for a cop shooting someone running away. 

I'll stop here but yeah, the notion that using a gun is even remotely acceptable in a situation like this when other means haven't been attempted first and there are no bystanders who have been harmed is wrong.

Reminder that a cop in WV was fired for insubordination and then blacklisted for attempting to de-escalate an armed citizen instead of shooting him ASAP in 2016. He was an experienced combat veteran and when he responded to a call he quickly determined it was a suicide by cop attempt and that he was not in immediate danger. When backup arrived they almost immediately shot the suspect. It wasn't until a Propublica investigation and subsequent lawsuit he won that allowed him to get rehired elsewhere with an untainted resume and referral. 

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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

half the people on my street have them.. including me.. and some people have signs in their windows. it's a good way to remind the idiots who come to portland from vancouver washington and drive around in their big ass trucks.. speeding through neighborhoods w/big trump flags waving from their trucks.. sometimes actually attacking people on the street (has happened a few times bt mostly downtown area or dense SE portland) that they are not welcome.. their bullshit doesn't fly etc etc..  there's a black church a block from me so i think that has something to do w/it to. 

overall i think it's a pssive show of support. 

there is a senior couple down the block w/home made signs. .one says "The Pig Is not My President" and that has been u psince trump was elected.. and the other one says "VOTE Nov. 2020 - Eject the PIG from our house".. right in the middle of their really nice garden. 

I have an almost identical thing in my neighborhood. One of the houses has been counting down the days of the Trump presidency. So a few years ago it was like "1036 Days Left", now it says something like "216 Days Left". I guess they were right that he wouldn't get removed from office from the impeachment... 

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3 hours ago, caze said:

Yeah, it's a load of nonsense. What's worrying is that it's becoming increasingly treated as an objective fact of nature (which is ironic, as these people spend much of their time trying to pretend that objective reality doesn't exist), rather than the sociological theory that it is - which may have some truth to it, but one of the main problems with it is a failure to draw a distinction between aggregate level social problems among different demographic groups (which can have many causal factors aside from race, in fact, class is almost certainly more important than race in most problems), and the interactions between individual people; failure to do so is inherently discriminatory. With the increased spread and unquestioning regurgitation of the associated cult-like jargon it's become more and more difficult to have any kind of nuanced discussion about it though, they'll just write you off as racist, even if you're non-white (in which case you're suffering from 'internalized oppression').


Now that Robin DiAngelo's White Fragility is top of the best seller lists, maybe more people will start to see it for the empty nonsense that it is? Prior to this most people probably just assumed it was common sense 'racism is bad' stuff, views they already hold. They've never actually engaged with the subject in detail though, and are mostly unaware of the pod-people nature of it.




Lol wtf. Could you imagine saying to someone "would you be willing to grant me the opportunity to repair the racism i perpetrated toward you in that meeting?"

Yes there is systemic racism. This verbal diarrhea is not going to solve that. On the other hand, it might make white people feel good about themselves. "Oh look how non-racist I am, I interacted with a black person." Jesus fucking wept if I talked like that to any of my black friends or coworkers they'd probably ask if I was alright.

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16 hours ago, caze said:

Yeah, it's a load of nonsense. What's worrying is that it's becoming increasingly treated as an objective fact of nature (which is ironic, as these people spend much of their time trying to pretend that objective reality doesn't exist), rather than the sociological theory that it is - which may have some truth to it, but one of the main problems with it is a failure to draw a distinction between aggregate level social problems among different demographic groups (which can have many causal factors aside from race, in fact, class is almost certainly more important than race in most problems), and the interactions between individual people; failure to do so is inherently discriminatory. With the increased spread and unquestioning regurgitation of the associated cult-like jargon it's become more and more difficult to have any kind of nuanced discussion about it though, they'll just write you off as racist, even if you're non-white (in which case you're suffering from 'internalized oppression').


Now that Robin DiAngelo's White Fragility is top of the best seller lists, maybe more people will start to see it for the empty nonsense that it is? Prior to this most people probably just assumed it was common sense 'racism is bad' stuff, views they already hold. They've never actually engaged with the subject in detail though, and are mostly unaware of the pod-people nature of it.




Chapo Trap House has a good breakdown of that White Fragility book and how wildly misguided and even detrimental corporate anti-racism training/workshops are.


When I worked my state job, which was a library/archive department, almost every co-worker and myself was white. If politics was every discussed just about everyone was on the same page as a liberal and/or Democrat. Good people but many were in a complete bubble. They would have been aghast as the break room / field crew conversations I've hard and still often hear at my current job. Racist jokes, plethora of politically incorrect stuff ranging from benign to lazy punching down bullshit. The kicker is much of it is self-deprecating, most was pre-emptied or followed up with acknowledgement what was said was wrong or fucked. Much of it came from POCs. In fact the handful of the people I would say have some racist tendencies it was either old white guys or Hispanic Americans. I know educated liberals who couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that many Mexican-Americans refuse to call themselves Latino, Hispanic, but instead just American or Texan. Likewise those said colleagues of mine who don't like to call themselves Hispanic or Latino would be furious and shocked if they traveled to very white pockets of the US where they'd be immediately looked at with suspicion and called Mexican based solely on their skin color.

I'm not saying this in some bullshit "nOn-WhItEs aRe jUsT aS rAcIsT" argument but rather pointing out that there's this huge spectrum of how it's discussed, framed, and contextualized based much more on socioeconomic class and regional dynamics than a clear-cut white versus POC systematic breakdown. I don't hide my leftist or liberal tendencies, but I also learned I'd be laughed as a ridiculous SJW talking points parrot or woke wannabe. If I start talking honestly about history, experience, and/or frame it in terms of rich and powerful versus poor and maligned, that shit resonates. Talking about get pulled over by cops or dealing with shitty old white boomers at service industry jobs resonates and highlights racism, not nitpicking the "twitter outrage of the day" or discussing some abstract study I read in NYT article. It's NPR listeners versus sports radio listeners. It's people who go to bistros and cafes versus those who go to burger joints and donut shops. 

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36 minutes ago, joshuatxuk said:

Chapo Trap House has a good breakdown of that White Fragility book and how wildly misguided and even detrimental corporate anti-racism training/workshops are.


When I worked my state job, which was a library/archive department, almost every co-worker and myself was white. If politics was every discussed just about everyone was on the same page as a liberal and/or Democrat. Good people but many were in a complete bubble. They would have been aghast as the break room / field crew conversations I've hard and still often hear at my current job. Racist jokes, plethora of politically incorrect stuff ranging from benign to lazy punching down bullshit. The kicker is much of it is self-deprecating, most was pre-emptied or followed up with acknowledgement what was said was wrong or fucked. Much of it came from POCs. In fact the handful of the people I would say have some racist tendencies it was either old white guys or Hispanic Americans. I know educated liberals who couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that many Mexican-Americans refuse to call themselves Latino, Hispanic, but instead just American or Texan. Likewise those said colleagues of mine who don't like to call themselves Hispanic or Latino would be furious and shocked if they traveled to very white pockets of the US where they'd be immediately looked at with suspicion and called Mexican based solely on their skin color.

I'm not saying this in some bullshit "nOn-WhItEs aRe jUsT aS rAcIsT" argument but rather pointing out that there's this huge spectrum of how it's discussed, framed, and contextualized based much more on socioeconomic class and regional dynamics than a clear-cut white versus POC systematic breakdown. I don't hide my leftist or liberal tendencies, but I also learned I'd be laughed as a ridiculous SJW talking points parrot or woke wannabe. If I start talking honestly about history, experience, and/or frame it in terms of rich and powerful versus poor and maligned, that shit resonates. Talking about get pulled over by cops or dealing with shitty old white boomers at service industry jobs resonates and highlights racism, not nitpicking the "twitter outrage of the day" or discussing some abstract study I read in NYT article. It's NPR listeners versus sports radio listeners. It's people who go to bistros and cafes versus those who go to burger joints and donut shops. 

I've known many latinos like this in my life. A lot of these that I've known are in my mom's side of the family as well. Growing up, my cousins on my moms side and a few of the uncles would poke fun at me and my sisters for having Black bloodline from my dad's side of the family (Puerto Rican). When I had a black girl friend in high school one of my cousins was like "Ew! Why?" They pretty much disowned their heritage to blend in with their white counterparts at school. Even my grandmother... rest her soul if you believe in that stuff... Favored my cousins over my sisters and me. There aren't many cook outs and gatherings with them the last 20 something years. The only cousins I talk to these days is my gay one and one that that snapped out of his "I wish I wasn't hispanic" phase.

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42 minutes ago, QBLA said:

I've known many latinos like this in my life. A lot of these that I've known are in my mom's side of the family as well. Growing up, my cousins on my moms side and a few of the uncles would poke fun at me and my sisters for having Black bloodline from my dad's side of the family (Puerto Rican). When I had a black girl friend in high school one of my cousins was like "Ew! Why?" They pretty much disowned their heritage to blend in with their white counterparts at school. Even my grandmother... rest her soul if you believe in that stuff... Favored my cousins over my sisters and me. There aren't many cook outs and gatherings with them the last 20 something years. The only cousins I talk to these days is my gay one and one that that snapped out of his "I wish I wasn't hispanic" phase.

Same here, my grandfather was a dark skinned mestizo and there's a whole loaded history on that side of the family in terms of wrestling with their heritage and identity. There was also a big chunk of the generation overall in the U.S. right before the Chicano movement that more or less "Americanized" - spoke Spanish only at home, compartmentalized their cuisine and celebrations, modeled themselves after suburban white Americans, etc. - and that contingent of the overall Latino community has never left. Some are literally more right-wing than the typical conservative white American and that's been amplified via identity politics. (It also sometimes goes hand-in-hand with immigrants who are anti-fiercely communist but that's a different can of worms altogether, including how racially and socially divided much of Latin America is). I feel like it's more common in border states like Texas, NM, California, Arizona where the history of colonialism is much longer and there's also the dynamics of Mexican vs. American vs. Indian conflicts. Some of my friends and co-workers from South Texas come from families that pre-date the Anglo wave of settlers in the area and they often have very different takes on their identity overall. The Valley in Texas is a completely different beast than other parts of the state. It's a lot more nuanced and complicated than many people realize. 

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I don't even know what this is supposed to mean.


Sometimes I feel like SJWs just make this stuff up as they go just to try to start "something."

Of course with a hashtag like #causeascene I guess this is the attention they want and I'm just being played by even mentioning it here.

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matt gaetz is such an idiot.. basically starts to go down the list of argumentative fallacy he can.. 

"Was that a nerve?"


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12 hours ago, ignatius said:

matt gaetz is such an idiot.. basically starts to go down the list of argumentative fallacy he can.. 

"Was that a nerve?"


Matt Gaetz...same guy who wants our military to bomb BLM protesters like they did Iraq and Yemen since the Bush years. He might as well be another Richard Spencer.

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1 hour ago, timbre monke said:

Matt Gaetz...same guy who wants our military to bomb BLM protesters like they did Iraq and Yemen since the Bush years. He might as well be another Richard Spencer.

his father was also in congress but i think state congress. they live in a district in florida that is red as fuck and full of ridiculous people. he's just like his father in that they believe there is no such thing as bad press. he doesn't care so long s he's sucking up to the right people and in the news in some way. he thinks it makes him a "player" even when he looks like a fool. he's a slime ball but also a moron.  his parents live in the same house that was jim carrey's house in the truman show. they live in niceville florida. can't make this shit up. it's weird. 

Edited by ignatius
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I'm genuinely curious, is that franchise owner versus corporate policy dispute? I feel like that former employee is fucked either way (i.e. lawyer bills if he sued) but legally I'm curious what the implications are. 

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No better than the hairdresser dude who refused to wear a mask on American Airlines flights and got booted. He basically just did it for publicity and I think the ex-employee of Taco Bell was just doing the same thing.

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