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4 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

It’s paying his bills but damn what a pathetic existence. 

Imagine studying political science and psychology only to end up being grumpy about twitter and pride month. Hiding it behind cardinal sins being some kind of higher statement. Never go full retard

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1 minute ago, MIXL2 said:

the comments tho

I spent a few minutes looking at the comments and it’s genuinely depressing how many people think he’s standing up for rights and being some kind of hero. like, just very sad to see this grift taking effect so easily 

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23 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

 Goddamn that is hard to watch, you hate to see it

Yeah but make it at least to 3:25 or so.

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holy fuck that part when he actually compares the surgeons responsible for gender transitions to mengele in terms of "criminality"...


like how about considering the the basic difference of one case being voluntary and the other not quite so much for starters?

has he actually become that stupid?

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alcofribas review:

the second sentence in he deadnames elliot page and refers to him as an actress, pandering to his base. this is a little taste of his hypocrisy as well since the only reason anyone knows his name is bc he pretended the government was going to exile him to siberia if he didn't say they/them, while qualifying that he had no problem using whatever pronouns someone personally asks him to use. so, why is elliot "she?" 

he claims it is "impossible" to follow this "naming style" without "doing it wrong." this claim is idiotic, there's nothing impossible about it, which is precisely how is able to very easily refer to Elliot as "she" on purpose, instead of "he." if it was so hard to do, he'd be incapable of deliberately saying "she." 

he objects to the "you're doing it wrong" moralization of woke people, an interesting (read: boldly hypocritical) objection in light of the argument he's going to make about sin.

he claims woke rules are "mandatory" but does not examine what authority is mandating anything.

he would "rather die" than delete a tweet in which he discussed a celebrity actor's breast removal. read that sentence again. freakish and bizarre behavior on display by mr. peterson.

he speculates that perhaps he will die as a result of this tweet, indicating an unhealthy level of paranoia. 

he makes a point that twitter did not specify which words in his offending tweet broke their rules. this is a perfectly reasonable point but one suspects peterson does not have the brain power to understand this is typical of massive, labyrinthine corporate bureaucracies, and not specific to "woke" ones.

he claims that "pride" was the cardinal sin for thousands of years. he does not indicate why this is relevant now. he also seems oblivious to the fact that this was irrelevant for thousands of years to non-christians. and, significantly, he appears painful unaware of how prideful his own behavior is - sitting in an expensive suit under professional lighting with multiple camera angles capturing his self-righteous and sanctimonious moralizing to his millions of followers. his entire public persona is a grotesque ignorance of jesus's point about the plank in your own eye.

he objects to the fact that pride month is a whole month, rather than a lesser time.

he doesn't think sexuality is something to celebrate. this seems like an irrelevant personal preference (and he definitely gives out sexually repressed vibes) but it's also indicative of his ignorance of the fact that "pride" is celebrated precisely by a marginalized community that has been victim to vile cultural hatred toward them and the celebration is a form of uplift in response to a society that has at times outlawed their ability to love one another. the fact that he frames "pride" only as an abstract, moral concept simply shows that he doesn't want to/is not capable of critically thinking about the meaning of the word in its proper context.

he says he doesn't care if he hurts people's feelings. ok man.

he refers to ellen as an "actress."

he refers to his deadnaming elliot as a "fatal crime" (lmao). he refers to the term "deadnaming" as "appalling" and "censorial" and "insane." this is unhinged, hyperbolic and also amusing for a "psychologist" to just randomly call stuff "insane." further, he claims the term "transition" is a "hated [by him]...slogan." he's obviously very mad about a couple of words, one of which is basically a literally accurate term, so that's his bad afaic. 

he indicates that gender really means sex. 

for him, there is a "conundrum" bc he's uncertain what gender Elliot was when he had his breasts removed. one is struck by the simplicity of this and his inability to perceive it. but what is more significant is that he is concerned with this "conundrum" in the first place. why does he care what gender elliot page was when he got his breasts removed? that's page's personal business. and it's also entirely irrelevant bc page goes by "he" so when referring to him that is the pronoun you would use. this isn't a conundrum and is not in any way complicated by speculations of what gender they understood themselves to be previously. it's only a conundrum when you are trying to make excuses for your shitty behavior and make yourself look like an innocent lamb when you know very well you are trying to piss people off and get attention online. eh, there's that pride again...

he asks the question "were those male breasts or female breasts that were removed?" again, who cares? they were breasts, the breasts do not have a gender, elliot does. elliot's gender is he. this is tiresome. at this particular moment i find the video almost unbearable. a grown man asking such a question reflects an unwell mind, one deliberately distorting the reality to make it appear more offensive than it really is so that he can appear to be condemning something unreasonable. very shallow behavior, very crude and dishonest. 

the purpose of his feigned confusion is to establish that his misgendering elliot in the offending tweet was necessary grammatically and therefore not hateful. at this point peterson is begging to be seen as a charlatan. we all know very well he misgendered her on purpose. in fact, he literally begins this video doing it again! it's cowardly for him to pretend he was simply doing good grammar. 

he's again mad at the word "deadnaming" and says it "doesn't exist" accept in the minds of the "insane." at this point it's hard to even respond bc of how offensive to reality this claim is. deadnaming certainly exists and is an intentionally mean and hateful thing to say. for instance, i just watched the film "look up," in which jonah hill regularly refers to a woman as "he" and "you guys." she's not a trans character, he's just being a dick. so this behavior of misgendering is a well-established social behavior and deadnaming is one of it's forms. this is rudimentary and obvious and the fact that he is denying it even exists is again demonstrative of an offensive antagonism to the truth on his part.

he asks "when was it incumbent on him" to refer to ellen as elliot. this has a simple answer: after elliot said they were elliot, he/him. that's it. that's when. end of video. oh no...it's still going...

he says elliot "really still is" a woman. pathetic. this is what it's all about. he pretends he's really confused but he's not, he just objects to someone being transgender and dresses up his objection in grammatical "conundrums."

somehow he claims that contemporary morality is "marxist." lol

he repeatedly misgenders elliot over and over at this point, excessively. literally more several minutes at every instance he refers to elliot, he misgenders him.

finally, he addresses the veracity of his assertion that the physician who performed the breast removal was "criminal." first, after referring to the doctor as a "butcher" (jbp just being an objective observer lol), he asks if nazi doctors were conducting legal experiments on the jews. this is a non sequitur, obviously. there is no relationship here to a genocidal government conducting experiments on the population against their will. always a good practice to simply bring up the nazis and hope that the association with do you arguing for you!

he winds down pointing out that the medical industry associated with gender procedures is profitable. for him this is a "gotcha" to the wokes, as though it's woke people who have established for-profit medical industries. ffs this is stupid.

"up your woke moralists, we'll see who cancels who." i interpret this as a pro-cancel culture claim. 

the video ends with a promotional card advertising the daily wire.

kudos, man. really nice work!






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51 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

he's again mad at the word "deadnaming" and says it "doesn't exist" accept in the minds of the "insane."

"except" bro, sorry this is insane.

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10 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

"except" bro, sorry this is insane.

this is cancel culture. You want me to accept (or is it except? How can anyone follow these insane fascistic mandatory rules?) this Marxist morality? Sorry, no. I would rather die. And if I die, I accept my fate. 

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1 hour ago, Alcofribas said:

this is cancel culture. You want me to accept (or is it except? How can anyone follow these insane fascistic mandatory rules?) this Marxist morality? Sorry, no. I would rather die. And if I die, I accept my fate. 

Jordan approves!

michael jordan basketball GIF


edit: this post also serves as an attempt to hijack the thread and bend it into the direction of michael jordan fanboiwankery


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not to kick a dead horse but it’s worth pointing out quite clearly that Peterson is explicitly making anti-trans statements (Elliot Page “really is” a woman) and condemning Pride as a sin, while also attempting to associate gender-transitioning medicine with Nazi experimentation.

i want to emphasize this because the Nazis targeted gay people, criminalized homosexuality and systematically killed gay people. Perhaps the man using his massive platform to vilify and condemn the queer community should think twice when invoking the Nazi regime when making sanctimonious, moralistic screeds to advertise for his new business venture. 

Edited by Alcofribas
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Honestly the only way he will go away is if you stop paying attention to him. He thinks he is some kinda Philosopher/Martyr/lobster person obsessed with archetypes in literature. The best thing that can be done for his mental health is for him to stop getting so much attention. He seems to be unable to handle it these days in a semi-sane way, if he ever was able to handle it.

OR he is doing a bit and playing the bad guy as it's made him money in the past. That tweet thing got him 3 million views. Yeah lots of people are dunking on him, but these days certain figures are happy with any kind of attention. It will reenforce his audience, and remind people who already don't like him that yes he still exists.

Shit, maybe I'd be up for becoming Jordan Peterson 2.0 if it'll make me money. Time to read up on archetypes and mix them with science-babble. And lobsters or whatever.  I will Practice complaining about wokeness and cancel culture and saying "Trump was right about everything but I don't support him, even if all his critics are wrong and have no morals in attacking him over everything."

I will straddle the political fence because I believe in nothing but your money and attention. I'm gonna be so rich.

Edited by Brisbot
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What always strikes me with JP is the really intense passive-aggressive vibes. I barely can watch any of his videos more than 2 minutes until i feel bullied lol.

Man i cannot even imagine even this guy as a psychologist. Imagine feeling depressed and this is what you get as a therapist. Fuckin hell.


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Well, he does bring the stereotypical strong father figure to the table.

I mean, if you were wondering why there’s an awful lot of “lost” boys gravitating towards him, it is that. Or, as he says himself “purpose and responsibility” which Im sure he has said somewhere is associated with the father figure. If you look past all the cookie stuff, it is obvious right?

Hell, sometimes I think lots of Trumpists are unconsciously drawn to him for similar reasons. Father figure. Although ten times more toxic. (Point being, there seem to be plenty people drawn to it. And to be completely fair, I can also recognize that gravitational pull within myself. Thankfully not that strong though.)

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42 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

he does bring the stereotypical strong father figure to the table.

does he? he comes off as very insecure to me. just like on a gut level he radiates little bitch energy. 

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1 hour ago, Satans Little Helper said:

Well, he does bring the stereotypical strong father figure to the table.

he comes off as a stereotypical dad complaining about rap music and kicking their gay kid out of their house

in other words, an absolute loser, who somehow rose to fame through manipulating social media to get attention for talking about every random popular topic and stoking reactionary hate towards oppressed groups

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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