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What would you do if you won the lottery?


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Lump sum / annual payments?

Blaze of glory / financial planner?

What would you do? 
What would you buy?

 The current mega-millions jackpot is up to $1.25 billion. Can’t win if you don’t play, right?

I would like to think that I would be smart and responsible to an extent, but I would also like to see how the 1% lives a little.
Probably would make sense to do the annual payments ($41-42m per year for 30 years) as long as I can ensure that the money gets put into a trust for my toddler for when they grow up in the event of an untimely demise.
With that kind of money you basically win the lottery every year though, which sounds pretty stressful. I don’t know. Either way, I know I would definitely invest in real estate and do a fuck ton of traveling. Eat well. Start a scholarship or two. Build a dank ass studio. Probably take up oil painting or sculpting. 

Whatever. It’s not likely that it would ever happen. I won $2 in the lottery once and I just bought another ticket. 

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buy a house (not too pricey but with room for my mates to live for free), get a bunch of surgery from the best quality surgeon, get anything my family and close friends really needed (dialysis machine for my brother, trust money for my nieces and nephews, decent carers for my gran), keep some for travel and bills and stuff, then give the rest (hopefully there's a couple million left) to reputable climate change research/cancer research charities which are transparent about their spending and have done good work so far

Edited by hoggy
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also I would hire a professional dom to kick me out of bed and then psychologically torture me for a couple hours every morning ?

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16 minutes ago, Enthusiast said:

I would live on a train

A moving train? A specific one? I assume you don't mean just on the 3:45 to Kettering

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not much

I am really happy how everything is. 

I knew a guy how made a fortune with online poker. after traveling the world for quite some time he got lost in inda and did way too much dmt / lsd. years later he resurfaced on an online forum and started to blame the users how every user there is some kind of wehrmacht-general nazi while raising suspicions that they have a bound with the devil. it was really sad to see his demise as he was one of the more intelligent people I met. He also talked about how happy he was to see visions of his deceased mother from time to time. 

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1 hour ago, hoggy said:

A moving train? A specific one? I assume you don't mean just on the 3:45 to Kettering

I haven't really thought this far ahead. Ideally it would be like the Orient Express and there would be murders that I could solve.

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Safari, fish and scuba dive round the world. Sort my 4 best friends out so they could retire comfortably whenever they liked.

Been through the drug phase and have zero interest in it (maybe do mushrooms again) so I wouldn’t die of cocaine overdose (been there, done that, obviously didn’t die) Highly likely I drink a bit too much because I’m little bored of life and would probably reduce if my environment became more exotic/challenging. So my liver doesn’t run the threat of being pickled either. Definitely run a chance of if I don’t keep myself busy I would go completely bonkers and loony eccentric. 

Edited by beerwolf
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pay off debts and go for a spa weekend first time in my life.. then pay for my replacement ID that got stolen and go see afx.. then travel switzerland for however long I feel like to look for a house in a beautiful place out in the country.. buy it.. breathe out ! the stress of working towards that being gone would probably feel like some monumental weight has been lifted off my shoulders.. set up my synths, speakers at the house, build a fat outdoor cinema projector/canvas setup and invite my friends.. free barbeque.. vegan options too for the hippies.. from that point on just focus on art and building a little local haven for music and my to-be family.. hell yea. now to work towards that realistically in 2023..... o boi

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renovate and make some modifications to the house I currently live in, buy some reasonable real estate for my mother and sister
nothing fancy, just quality of life stuff so we don't need to worry about it

the rest would go into some investments into good causes (nothing political) while travelling the world

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Lump sum, invest some, save the rest. Buy a slightly nicer but not huge house near my current house and maybe another house in the Pacific northwest.

Keep my job but renegotiate my salary down to something like $20 per year and tell them I'll continue working (because I actually enjoy what I do) but that I don't have to go to any stupid fucking team building meetings or participate in performance reviews or any of that incredibly asinine bullshit.

Edited by randomsummer
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I wonder what I would do to keep busy once I've been blowing underwater bubbles in Micronesia or the furthest outer reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. Always fancied exploring and digging for fossils. Something like that. Even as a volunteer. Be cool to unearth massive beasts somewhere hot and dusty in Chile. Then I'd buy a boat and get involved in the boating community (not rich posh cunts in marinas) turn into a narrowboat renegade. Playing Sabbath and Aphex,  poaching pheasants and hunting deer. Always fancied that. Well I'm gonna buy a narrowboat in real life for sure anyway. Fuck landlords and four walls.

Narrowboat Pagan Rave

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