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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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I've been playing Amnesia in the spirit of halloween and last night, of all nights, the fuse blew when I went for a midnight piss. How I wished I had a lantern, I felt my sanity dwindling.....

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anybody pick up uncharted 3? Does it live up to the hype? Apparently target has buy 2 get one free deal going on right now so I might pick up, uncharted, arkham city, and something else.

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anybody pick up uncharted 3? Does it live up to the hype? Apparently target has buy 2 get one free deal going on right now so I might pick up, uncharted, arkham city, and something else.


fuck i don't know which game to get. BF3? Dark souls? ico/sotc collection? RAGE? Dead Island? INfamous 2? mass effect 2? dead space 2? resistance 1+2? resistance 3? LA noire?


fuck I have no idea.

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Onlive gave away 3 day rentals for a few games for Halloween, and I chose Fear 3. Was reeeeaaallly fun. I played through about 3/4 of the campaign... Wish I could afford to just buy it on there, but whatever. I hear the multiplayer modes are fun as hell as well.

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i just dont like FPS single player/campaigns even battlefield3 singleplayer bored the shitout of me and i only got to sniper bit at the begining. multiplayer is super.. co-op i imagine would be the same as the single player, like shooting bots. just doesnt have the same effect as shooting another player. BFBC1/2 was fun though because it was quite funny. but idk maybe i should give the single player more time.

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I'm to about chapter 11 in uncharted 3. Pretty awesome, it is a little bit more intimate than uncharted 2, hand to hand is a lot more fun. The game almost feels like heavy rain at times and not so much an action game, but then it throws ridiculous scenes at you. I don't know how far I am in the scope of the game but I haven't even seen any of the tech demos yet(like the plane level and the desert) except for the fire scene which was pretty amazing. Good game, I already think it is probably better than uncharted 2, except for

those fucking spiders jesus christ

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Okay, finished it. great, great, amazing game. It is kind of short though(took me around 11-12 hours or so), but never a boring, tedious, or dull moment in the game. I guess it is about the same length as uncharted 2. They certainly didn't make a worse game than 2, but I would say uncharted 2 is stronger in some areas and this game is stronger in other areas.


can't wait to play it again on hard... but now im on to batman

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I have to agree with Bubba69, Uncharted 3 so far is brilliant. Nice action sequences, nice puzzles, amazing graphics, great gameplay, great sound. Really a solid game. I'm off to go finish it now. Eager to see how the rest of the story unfolds.

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I beat Uncharted 3 on normal. Fantastic game! I'm going through it now on Crushing difficulty. I'm following a guide to get the treasures. I think after this I'm gonna go back to the first Uncharted game and get the platinum. That is if MGS HD Collection and Skyrim aren't out by that time.


Just bought Lord of the Rings: War in the North... super stoked to play it, haven't played a good LotR game in ages.


Be sure to tell us how it is. I'm thinking of getting it if it ends up being awesome.

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Oh man, I'll have to buy Uncharted 3 tomorrow. Uncharted 2 was absolutely amazing. My favorite PS3 exclusive.


Getting a bit sick of Battlefield 3. Can't find any servers with decent map rotations (no conquest large 32 players, no rush with 64 players, no metro conquest pls) with people that do a bit of teamplay.

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the multiplayer on uncharted 3 is pretty good too. highly recommended. I started playing batman and then I had a desire to play uncharted again all of a sudden so I started a new game on hard. batman is really good too.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

The coolest thing about 'brand new' ULTIMATE variations on fighting games is that the ones before it that lack like 4 characters and 2 stages get cheaper.

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