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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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I'm playing the living shit out of Borderlands for PC. Any watmmers who own this game need to PM me asap so we can hit up some online co-op.


Also, yeah it's an amazing game. Basically takes the game structure of Diablo and combines it with the setting of Fallout, but with a very unique take on the FPS setup. Unbelievably satisfying to play, even re-playing the same missions over and over. Killing things is just so much fun and so rewarding.


In a nutshell, it's sort of like Fallout but with less story and RPG elements, and more focus on action and gaming. This game doesn't really fuck around, it just gets you right into the action. The RPG elements that are present are toned down just enough so that it doesn't have much of a learning curve, but not so much as to make it all shallow.


Anyone looking for a good immersive FPS/RPG with a really fresh art style and a fuckload of awesome weapons, look no further. As an added plus the game has a pretty good sense of humor and doesn't take itself too seriously which helps make it feel less nerdy.


Cons: Load times between areas can be moderately lengthy, the inventory and menus are a little bit clunky at times, although once you learn the quirks it's not that bad. Also the first 10-15 minutes of the game is a tad boring but it's sort of a training type of thing anyways.

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i downloaded the bc2 demo and i couldnt see anything there is no AA and it's like a blizzard of pixels and jagged edges, it looks like a PS2 game. i am still playing mw2 10th prestige level 59


You're 10th Prestige on MW2? Either you play all the fucking time, or you leveled up in private matches with your friends, and if that's the case, then you don't deserve to wear that badge. Post your K/D ratio and playtime, I'm curious.


My son fucking eats "fake" 10th Prezzies all the time.


I have seen/heard about the no AA in BBC2, but the videos I've seen so far don't look THAT bad...

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ok, legitimate question.



im pretty horrible at first person shooters, i usually avoid the multiplayer gig because of it...i dont feel like spending two hours getting blown up everytime i respawn or whatever.


that said, these games seem to be immensely popular, but i have never played Call of Duty (i think thats what you guys are talking about?)


would I be able to play it? or would it end with me drunkenly pissing on the tv in contempt?

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ok, legitimate question.



im pretty horrible at first person shooters, i usually avoid the multiplayer gig because of it...i dont feel like spending two hours getting blown up everytime i respawn or whatever.


that said, these games seem to be immensely popular, but i have never played Call of Duty (i think thats what you guys are talking about?)


would I be able to play it? or would it end with me drunkenly pissing on the tv in contempt?

Considering I'm on a Borderlands streak, I'll advocate it instead of CoD. Borderlands is co-op so if you suck at multiplayer games its fine cus you all share experience and money. I hate CoD mainly just because the setting of the game is just so damn generic. I can't stand war shooters, I find them to be so bland and it would seem they take considerably less amount of artistic effort to create. Show me a sci-fi type of FPS though and I'll be all over that. It takes alot of work to totally come up with something new. Not nearly as much to just make a simulation of stuff that has already happened/is happening.


If Borderlands isn't your thing, just get some sort of game with co-op. In my experience with the CoD games you can take someone out with short bursts from almost any gun, so I would imagine that it would be a noobs worst nightmare.

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I'm playing the living shit out of Borderlands for PC. Any watmmers who own this game need to PM me asap so we can hit up some online co-op.


Also, yeah it's an amazing game. Basically takes the game structure of Diablo and combines it with the setting of Fallout, but with a very unique take on the FPS setup. Unbelievably satisfying to play, even re-playing the same missions over and over. Killing things is just so much fun and so rewarding.


In a nutshell, it's sort of like Fallout but with less story and RPG elements, and more focus on action and gaming. This game doesn't really fuck around, it just gets you right into the action. The RPG elements that are present are toned down just enough so that it doesn't have much of a learning curve, but not so much as to make it all shallow.


Anyone looking for a good immersive FPS/RPG with a really fresh art style and a fuckload of awesome weapons, look no further. As an added plus the game has a pretty good sense of humor and doesn't take itself too seriously which helps make it feel less nerdy.


Cons: Load times between areas can be moderately lengthy, the inventory and menus are a little bit clunky at times, although once you learn the quirks it's not that bad. Also the first 10-15 minutes of the game is a tad boring but it's sort of a training type of thing anyways.


I think I was most addicted to Borderlands over any game last year.... including Fallout which I dumped 40 hours into and Persona 4 which I dumped 120 hours into. I shudder to imagine what I logged in Borderlands, thank god it doesn't tell you how long you played.

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I think I was most addicted to Borderlands over any game last year.... including Fallout which I dumped 40 hours into and Persona 4 which I dumped 120 hours into. I shudder to imagine what I logged in Borderlands, thank god it doesn't tell you how long you played.

Console or PC?

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I bought PixelJunk Monsters (another tower defense game). It relies too much on trial and error, instead of real strategy.


On many maps, there's no way to know which direction the monsters will enter from, so you can't plan ahead. Guess wrong, and it will cost you the game. With 20 waves per level, you have to guess right 20 times.


Winning comes down to playing (and losing) the same level over and over until you know the full order. It's a cheap way to add difficulty and length to a game.


That said, it's pretty addictive.

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Well, I went on Tuesday to pick up White Knight Chronicles (International Edition, lol) for the PS3, and Lamestop said it was "shipping" that day, but would actually arrive Wednesday. So much for "date and day" on videogames.


T'was a good thing though - I read some reviews of it yesterday, and overall I get the impression that while it's all right, the huge amount of time it took to come out, then be localized into English and other languages leaves it a bit dated. Had this come out in the first year of the PS3's arrival, it would have been a great first-generation game. Unfortunately, it's flaws are enough for me to pass on it even though I was really looking forward to it.


In fact, Metacritic's current overall score is 65, so I am glad I passed on it - not to say a game ranked 65 is always bad, but something as big as an RPG should garner a higher score, IMO.


In addition to the AvP demo, the PS3 also gets the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer demo today as well - I cannot fucking wait, as while I like CoD, I always preferred the depth the Battlefield series offered. We didn't get in the closed multiplayer beta when it was offered back in November/December, so my son and I are stoked it's an open demo/beta now.


This is exactly why I didn't get it myself. I'm disappointed TBH. Oh well, I'll get my RPG fix from FFXIII in the not too distant future.

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To the guy who enquired about MW2. I think any casual gamers can get into it really, you do get the seriously good people on there but theres enough crap people and newbs on there to balance it out. A lot of friends of mine who were never too bothered about first person shooters all love it so I imagine it'd be fine.


Just rented Brutal Legend & Assassins Creed 2. Not played the latter yet but the former is really funny and all in all a fun game. Nothing mind blowing but definately worth a go at.

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is it though? i've never seen this type of hype for such a cheesy looking game.


that green alien dude looks like someone on a cereal box.

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Mass Effect 2


fucking awesome so far.

I'm going to finish my hardcore renegade playthrough of ME1 tonight... hoping to reach 60 for a nice import for ME2. May possibly do a paragon insanity playthrough before starting ME2 though...

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To the guy who enquired about MW2. I think any casual gamers can get into it really, you do get the seriously good people on there but theres enough crap people and newbs on there to balance it out. A lot of friends of mine who were never too bothered about first person shooters all love it so I imagine it'd be fine.


Yes. Ive not really played computer games for 6 years, but got a PS3 with MW2 for christmas. Took me about 5 weeks to get any good at it, but now im doing ok. It sucked being a noob (just like on here really :biggrin: ) but im getting the hang of it now.

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Guest thejacketloose

Has anybody got to Dr Kronsky yet? The brazen character. He's a knife specialist, excels in techno-daggers underneath the Bizmuth tunnels.

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i thought mass effect 2 was very disappointing, especially considering its hype,i marathoned thru it last week.


some spoilers ahead


it seemed like they totally forgot to do the "gaming" part and only invested in dialogue, story and environment.

the gameplay is just dull and overly limited, very little tactical depth or challenge, about 4-5 types of enemies just in different shapes and colors, very few abilities.

once the mission gets going you basically only have one way to approach and to finish it, zero exploration and innovation required (or possible) and to add insult to injury there's also an objective compass.

the combat is just silly, every room where combat is supposed to take place is peppered with boulders and other kinds of obvious obstacles you should use for cover, if you're under cover - you're invincible, if not - you die in 3 secs. the interface is plagued with this 21st century console gaming shit - "YOU SHOULD TAKE COVER TO REGAIN HEALTH", "CLICK THIS HUGE AND SHINY OBJECT TO PROGRESS WITH YOUR MAIN OBJECTIVE", "THIS IS AN OBJECT THAT WILL EXPLODE IF YOU SHOOT IT" type rectangles all over the screen, pretty much every weapon is effective against any type of enemy. enemies aren't just there patrolling or guarding something they just spawn once you approach the trigger point (and there's obviously those "zombies that make scary noises while crawling from dark corners and try to attack you in melee range").


you just cant shake that feeling that you're thrown into a playground with defined objectives and paths you can take rather than approaching and interacting with the world that's independent from you, like in fallout games, deus ex, stalker, the gothic games..


another annoying thing is that the about 4/5 of your playtime you're preparing for the actual engagement with the main story, recruiting team members and doing the missions they give you, so when you're finally done preparing you expect another large portion of the game ahead of you but instead end up with 2 final missions, whereas in the last one you choose which ones of those team members to sacrifice, lol.


i guess the critics are just too attracted to the cinematics, the space soap opera and the "high budget" of the whole thing, its all done very well no doubt about it..the gfx, the music, the dialogue and the writing which is pretty good for a video game. (they are trying real hard to make it politically relevant, the whole citadel thing just screams "see what we did here ?" with those hip post 9/11 usa analogies).

so in the end it just feels like going through a movie rather than playing a game..

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is it though? i've never seen this type of hype for such a cheesy looking game.


that green alien dude looks like someone on a cereal box.


What.. Really? I can probaly name a 1000 more games that looks more cheesy than Mass Effect. What makes it look so cheesy to you? other than that alien dude, whoever that is.

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i thought mass effect 2 was very disappointing, especially considering its hype,i marathoned thru it last week.


some spoilers ahead


it seemed like they totally forgot to do the "gaming" part and only invested in dialogue, story and environment.

the gameplay is just dull and overly limited, very little tactical depth or challenge, about 4-5 types of enemies just in different shapes and colors, very few abilities.

once the mission gets going you basically only have one way to approach and to finish it, zero exploration and innovation required (or possible) and to add insult to injury there's also an objective compass.

the combat is just silly, every room where combat is supposed to take place is peppered with boulders and other kinds of obvious obstacles you should use for cover, if you're under cover - you're invincible, if not - you die in 3 secs. the interface is plagued with this 21st century console gaming shit - "YOU SHOULD TAKE COVER TO REGAIN HEALTH", "CLICK THIS HUGE AND SHINY OBJECT TO PROGRESS WITH YOUR MAIN OBJECTIVE", "THIS IS AN OBJECT THAT WILL EXPLODE IF YOU SHOOT IT" type rectangles all over the screen, pretty much every weapon is effective against any type of enemy. enemies aren't just there patrolling or guarding something they just spawn once you approach the trigger point (and there's obviously those "zombies that make scary noises while crawling from dark corners and try to attack you in melee range").


you just cant shake that feeling that you're thrown into a playground with defined objectives and paths you can take rather than approaching and interacting with the world that's independent from you, like in fallout games, deus ex, stalker, the gothic games..


another annoying thing is that the about 4/5 of your playtime you're preparing for the actual engagement with the main story, recruiting team members and doing the missions they give you, so when you're finally done preparing you expect another large portion of the game ahead of you but instead end up with 2 final missions, whereas in the last one you choose which ones of those team members to sacrifice, lol.


i guess the critics are just too attracted to the cinematics, the space soap opera and the "high budget" of the whole thing, its all done very well no doubt about it..the gfx, the music, the dialogue and the writing which is pretty good for a video game. (they are trying real hard to make it politically relevant, the whole citadel thing just screams "see what we did here ?" with those hip post 9/11 usa analogies).

so in the end it just feels like going through a movie rather than playing a game..


Have you even played the first game?


I thought the gameplay were aweful in the first game, almost unplayable. Mass Effect 2's gameplay is so much better. It feels like a really great third-person shooter rather than a half-assed Shooter RPG like the first game.


What class are you playing as, maybe that's the problem? I'm playing as the Vanguard which is lot of fun.


Some of you are probaly sick of all the hype around the game, but I have to say that Mass Effect 2 is really close to being the perfect game for me so far (I have still not completed the game yet). And I haven't even liked Bioware games that much in the past. I always thought Bioware's games have been so fucking overrated. But what i've played of Mass Effect 2 has been incredible.

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