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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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maybe it was the extra southern, elbow to elbow, I SAY EVERYTHING THAT I SEE ON THE SCREEN AS WELL AS PREDICT WHAT I THINK IS HAPPENING NEXT, ACCURATELY, audience that i saw it with that ruined it for me.


oh man that's a lol. I know the type.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

curious how you managed to like True Grit

maybe it was the extra southern, elbow to elbow, I SAY EVERYTHING THAT I SEE ON THE SCREEN AS WELL AS PREDICT WHAT I THINK IS HAPPENING NEXT, ACCURATELY, audience that i saw it with that ruined it for me. i didn't mind it being so light but at times i felt like i was watching a hallmark movie classic. and the performances went from great to why'd they use that take a bit too frequently. i'll give it another go in the quiet of my home because i like most coen bros, including a serious man


holy shit we sat next to a guy who fucking cracked me up when he read the title when it came up. luckily his wife shut him up after that.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

just read a book called 'the wave' - interested to now see laird hamilton on film - can anyone recommend the best doc/film on him? even better if its on netflix play instant.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

True Grit - 7/10 - I really enjoyed the dialogue, the girl was great, Damon did a good job, Jeff Bridges character was so grizzled it was cracking my stoned brain up quite a bit but.. there was so many distractions around me it was hard to stay invested in the pacing. It was a little slow but really good. No complaints but I don't think it would have hurt the film to have a few more exciting scenes or something to keep the pacing flowing a little brisker. But again I probably should have watched it by myself, I was too distracted, I somehow didn't realize it was Coen film & thought it was going to be more of a crowd-pleaser.

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^^Saw it last night and agree with you for the most part. The ending was kind of 'wtf its over?' and not what I expected it to be. But the acting was done well and Damon did better as the movie progressed. And Barry Fucking Pepper!

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the fighter - 7/10 - entertaining. tight editing, camerawork and direction - very well put together basically. christian bale as a crack addict, irish inbreeds quarreling, glamorizing dimwittedness, etc.

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true grit (1969) - 5/10

true grit (2010) - 7/10

arsenic and old lace 8/10

being there 8/10

the battle of algiers 10/10

dead man walking 0/10

bicycle thieves 8/10

crimes and misdemeanors 10/10

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true grit 8/10


at a couple points the dialogue from some characters (i think chaney and the guy with the bear suit) started to feel like they were just being read off a script but other than that great movie.



curious how you managed to like True Grit

maybe it was the extra southern, elbow to elbow, I SAY EVERYTHING THAT I SEE ON THE SCREEN AS WELL AS PREDICT WHAT I THINK IS HAPPENING NEXT, ACCURATELY, audience that i saw it with that ruined it for me. i didn't mind it being so light but at times i felt like i was watching a hallmark movie classic. and the performances went from great to why'd they use that take a bit too frequently. i'll give it another go in the quiet of my home because i like most coen bros, including a serious man


just saw this and i left the theater satisfied. nothing worthy of best film of the decade, but jeff bridges performance was fucking hilarious....the movie definitely centered on how great he was...definitely more of how I envisioned Rooster Cogburn to be as well...


the court scene was hilarious...i dunno..Jeff Bridges just impresses me the more and more I see of him.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

so how's "never let me go", really? worth err... acquiring?


I think there is enough in this thread stating that it is indeed worth err... acquiring but.. yes it is very good.


The Fighter - 9/10 for me

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Guest Fishtank

Lottery Ticket 5/10

a few good chuckles


The one with Little Bow Wow?

yes, his performance is pretty bland but Ice Cube was pretty good as 'the mysterious old man living in the basement' and they only used the word nigger 4 times! It's mediocre at best, Slumdog Millionaire is a better rags-to-riches story.

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Black Swan 6.5/10 - seemed like a mixture between the Wrestler's desperate pathetic character portrayal and the breakdown from the character in Pie mixed with the old lady from Requiem for a Dream, but dryer and more low key than all 3 of those.


True Grit 8/10 - better than i expected from the Trailer, overall i thought it was about on par with or maybe a little better than Burn After reading, not as good as a Serious Man. Idiot reviewers who say the movie has no humor or is too serious or dry are lying herd mentality reviewers

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last train home - 8/10 - eye opening docudrama about migrant workers in china


exit through the gift shop - 9/10 - i LOVED this, couldn't take my eyes off it


unstoppable - 7/10 - good fun, bit too short but eh, its a runaway train it can only do so much, also i just fucking love denzel in any role like this


buried - 9/10 - massively impressed by this film - the only thing that stops me giving it a ten is the music they used when he was "in peril" during a few scenes, it just did not sit with the rest, apart from that, wow...reynolds has some fuckin acting chops when handled right


red - 0/10 got bored about 10mins into it, started playing a game on my phone, looked back up about 4 hours later and it was still boring as shit and full of old people who shouldnt be doing action, nah.


true grit - ?/10 im currently watching this right now on my other monitor, the little girl is stealing the fucking movie bigtime, brb

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Guest Mirezzi

red - 0/10 got bored about 10mins into it, started playing a game on my phone, looked back up about 4 hours later and it was still boring as shit and full of old people who shouldnt be doing action, nah.

I thought you were talking about the Kieslowski movie at first and I was gonna plead with you to try again. :sorcerer:

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True Grit 8/10 - better than i expected from the Trailer, overall i thought it was about on par with or maybe a little better than Burn After reading, not as good as a Serious Man. Idiot reviewers who say the movie has no humor or is too serious or dry are lying herd mentality reviewers



WHAT THE FUCK? who said the Coen's True Grit had no humor in it? They didn't see the movie. Or are severely mentally handicapped.


Or was their point that the humor in it wasn't funny? Because that is two different things....and I would certainly disagree with both.



I think I read it on imdb.com, but this guy felt exactly the way I did, in that this movie reminded me greatly of Miller's Crossing...which is probably in my top 2 or 3 fave Coen Bros. movies.


The two have tons of parallels, the grouchy drunk protagonist who gets the heart of gold, the strange accents but incredibly spot-on and appropriate dialogue that manages to be funny without having to get a dictionary or read a history book to figure out what they mean. True Grit was even scored by the same guy that did Miller's Crossing....the theme of which btw if you haven't heard it, you must hear.




Its hard to explain, but one thing I just really admire the Coens for is that their time-appropriate films just seem to be so natural. There is a romanticism about each that captures your attention and for a moment the exhilaration in your heart,and yet there are still scattered reminders of the harsh realities that these worlds exist within. I was glad when I was watching True Grit that people in the theater didn't gasp in horror when the Native American about to be hanged was hooded before he could give a speech. Instead they laughed, which I certainly think is what the Coen's intended....its not that the laughing is racist, its the acceptance of how ridiculous such actions were....and yet our ancestors were guilty of it up and down as if there wasn't a problem in the world.

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another thing about their style, they actually show what FUCKING HAPPENS WHEN YOU SHOOT SOMEONE


none of this namby pamby, Wilhelm-scream, roll-off-camera bullshit that so many movies do. When someone dies from gunshot wounds it does not look pretty, fucks sake...and blood doesn't just rush out in never-ending oceans....goddamn that shit pisses me off so much.

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Guest Mirezzi

As an admitted fanboy, I can nonetheless still claim that Miller's Crossing is my favorite of their films and always has been.


1. Miller's Crossing

2. The Man Who Wasn't There

3. No Country for Old Men

4. The Big Liebowski

5. Raising Arizona

6. Barton Fink

7. Fargo

8. Blood Simple

9. Intolerable Cruelty

10. Hudsucker Proxy

11. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou

12. A Serious Man

13. Burn After Reading

14. The Ladykillers


I'm fairly firm on this list, but a few of them are sorta lumped together.

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As an admitted fanboy, I can nonetheless still claim that Miller's Crossing is my favorite of their films and always has been.


1. Miller's Crossing

2. The Man Who Wasn't There

3. No Country for Old Men

4. The Big Liebowski

5. Raising Arizona

6. Barton Fink

7. Fargo

8. Blood Simple

9. Intolerable Cruelty

10. Hudsucker Proxy

11. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou

12. A Serious Man

13. Burn After Reading

14. The Ladykillers


I'm fairly firm on this list, but a few of them are sorta lumped together.



hahaha...i gotta be honest, I saw you lurking on the thread and waited for you to tear me a new asshole, but...yes. Miller's Crossing ftw....everyone who has not seen it here should at least give it a try.


Albert Finney is amazing in that.


Have you seen True Grit yet?

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