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  • 3 weeks later...

I was listening to the radio the other day, or was it tv??... Anyways the person said when they order pizza they don't get it cut into slices because when that happens the grease from the top sinks into the crust to make it greasy.

No cut, crisper pizza.

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47 minutes ago, Dinobeats said:

Pizza confession: I've had avocado on pizza. It was very odd but also kind of good. I somehow feel like it breaks some kind of pizza law though maybe? ?

I see you are a new member. I would welcome you to the forums but with this avocado on pizza business I'm going to have to promptly petition for your immediate banning.


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It is bad enough that this Corona crap means having good pizza is impossible (as the only proper way to have pizza is straight from a professional wood oven).

No need to make it worse by suggesting f-ing avocados belong on pizza.


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Sorry friends... I had to make that confession somewhere - I've been holding onto it for like 10 years... so I figured this was the place. ?

Can I make up for it by offering the suggestion of putting filling inside a grilled cheese? Specifically tomatoes, or hot peppers or green olives....

Because that is pretty tasty and is definitely something you can eat while you wait for this to be over and can have pizza and it will be awesome. ?

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My wife and I ordered two pizzas the other night and it was the first food we hadn’t cooked for ourselves for almost a month. When the delivery guy came, he wasn’t wearing mask or gloves and offered my wife a pen to sign the receipt. We tipped well but JESUS DUDE. We are in a damn pandemic! 
Speaking of...

We preheated our oven before the pizza arrived and threw it in for 5 minutes at 350 degrees. We also immediately threw out our boxes. All of that was harder than it sounds. 
Anyone else have a good coronavirus pizza strategy?

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I slide it from the box onto a cutting board before taking it into the house. The box stays outside.  I sterilize the dipping sauce containers with a medical grade wipe (happen to already have those on hand).  Then I nuke half of it in the microwave because I find the oven dries it out, and I actually like what the microwave does to the dough.  The other half I saran wrap up for the next day.  Wash hands before eating, obviously.

When I deliver I just drop the food off at the front or back door, then text the customer.  No gloves, as it would require way too many throwing them out after every single order.  I just rub an alcohol solution on my hands before and after, which ought to kill any bacteria. 

Occasionally a customer will see me approach and come out, in which case I promptly put it down before they get close and say "I'm just gonna leave this here for you, enjoy!"  Then I hurry back to my safe zone.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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11 hours ago, Dinobeats said:

Sorry friends... I had to make that confession somewhere - I've been holding onto it for like 10 years... so I figured this was the place. ?

Can I make up for it by offering the suggestion of putting filling inside a grilled cheese? Specifically tomatoes, or hot peppers or green olives....

Because that is pretty tasty and is definitely something you can eat while you wait for this to be over and can have pizza and it will be awesome. ?

You came here to post about an avocado pizza you had ten years ago? Lol!

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11 hours ago, Dinobeats said:

Sorry friends... I had to make that confession somewhere - I've been holding onto it for like 10 years... so I figured this was the place. ?

Can I make up for it by offering the suggestion of putting filling inside a grilled cheese? Specifically tomatoes, or hot peppers or green olives....

Because that is pretty tasty and is definitely something you can eat while you wait for this to be over and can have pizza and it will be awesome. ?

You speak my language. Maybe have some avocado coffee sometime?


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9 hours ago, darreichungsform said:

You speak my language. Maybe have some avocado coffee sometime?


? Amazing.

I did try an avocado cake once as well... which this would go well with. ? And also avocado chocolate pudding. I guess I've had a lot of these avocado adventures? ???

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