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Metal Appreciation Thread!

Guest Al5x

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^ man reek and symphonies are a small miracle

hearing symphonies of sickness for the first time made me actually sick, i was shocked and disgusted how sloppy and filthy this was and djeezus those lyrics and that artwork... i was convinced i'd never get into this but now i LOVE those albums



chuckle vision, thos lp's were like a rite of passage, if you were experimenting with guitars and down-tuning gotta luv dem chugs


Repulsion had 1 or 2 moments, although not as heavy as Carcass imho


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1st track of the forthcoming 8th krallice album will be a cover of the title track of this:




you read it here first ;)




getting ready for würzburg on friday:




fucking exait!!


first warning then pagan altar sans terry (rip) topped by the mighty cirith ungol.. this oughta be one massive emo weekend.





while getting warmed up i kinda rediscovered these guys:



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pallbearer, thursday, berlin... mind the singer dude's t-shirt :)




in case u wanna cop



yeh thanks i already discovered it while looking for that amber bootleg ;). think i'll stick to my (too large) onesixers tho... memories 

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have they gotten any less boring since Sorrow & Extinction?


oh i didn't attend, bud who did linked the video "you would've like the singer's t-shirt" XP... but alledgedly they were better than paradise lost that evening at least. dunno, i kinda liked that vid from earlier in this thread but honestly all but forgotten about em since then.

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Anyone heard Jute Gyte? I stumbled upon this stuff from comments on one of Adam Neely's videos about Conlon Nancarrow. Crazy, discordant, multiple simultaneous tempo black metal. Sounds like 4 bands playing at once at times. Truly bleak, horrifying stuff, I love it.


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seeing Every Time I Die tonight. it's been a few years since i last saw em so i'm f0kin psyched !! best live band around. going to be some good headbanging, stage invading, crowd surfing mayhem.

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nearly 30yrs old, may the gods bless Bill Steer





28yrs old, gotta love the fuzz-box bass





Reek of Putrefaction & Symphonies of Sickness havent aged, thank fuck for Earache


the "WAH!" 5 seconds into this never fails to crack me up:



tho tbh i actually like ghey carcass best, like swansong... or this:



i know it's basically a pisstake... but a damn convincing one :D

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Anyone heard Jute Gyte? I stumbled upon this stuff from comments on one of Adam Neely's videos about Conlon Nancarrow. Crazy, discordant, multiple simultaneous tempo black metal. Sounds like 4 bands playing at once at times. Truly bleak, horrifying stuff, I love it.



yeah, i can dig it. the funniest part is him theoretically substantiating all his works in best pseudo-academic manner. check out this blurb:



The main influences here were probably Burzum's Dauði Baldrs and Hliðskjálf and Autechre's Incunabula and Amber. A few tracks draw titles from the game Daggerfall, which I spent a lot of time playing while writing Ghost Sickness: I have strong memories of roaming the nearly endless and totally empty wastelands between towns in a kind of meditative trance. I think these landscapes, similar to the desert spaces of Surrealist painting and almost entirely without gamelike features, affected the tone of the album. I see my later album Noctis Labyrinthus as a sort of sibling to this album.


XD kinda hard getting the bleak vibe, to me it sounds rather playful. intimidating discography, anyway XD


speaking of downer BM yesterday i felt playing these guys since quite a while:



^check out the sudden change of mood at 2:39 D:




kinda glad i hardly get in the mood for shit like this nowadays.

Edited by jaderpansen
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"Mice Eating Gold" and "Yarinareth..." have sections in which one guitar gradually increases in tempo while a second guitar gradually decreases in tempo in a manner similar to Conlon Nancarrow's Study No. 21. For instance, "Yarinareth..." opens with a left-panned guitar decelerating from 400 BPM to 100 BPM, while a right-panned guitar accelerates from 100 BPM to 400 BPM. At the midpoint of this process (0:36), the left and right-panned guitars momentarily converge at 200 BPM and a third, centered guitar enters at a stable 200 BPM. The guitars proceed through different configurations of these tempo gradients each time this section recurs in the track, always playing manipulations of the 24-note series 0, 3, 22, 21, 14, 17, 8, 7, 4 19, 18, 5 6, 15, 16, 23, 20, 1, 2 13, 10, 11, 12, 9.

Most of the tracks have sections in multiple simultaneous tempos, like the prolation canon in a 4:5:6:7:8 ratio in "The Norms...". "Democritus Laughing" opens with a four-measure riff that accelerates by gaining an extra note each measure in a horizontal 4:5:6:7 ratio, for a total of 22 notes. The 22 pitches played by the opening guitar were generated aleatorically by rolling a 24-sided die; the three other guitars play serial transformations of that pitch material. When the drums enter, the tempo ratio becomes vertical and the four guitars trade tempos in that 4:5:6:7 ratio every time the opening theme recurs.

The title "The Norms That Author the Self Render the Self Substitutable" is a paraphrase of a line from Judith Butler's Giving an Account of Oneself. The title "Yarinareth, Yarinareth, Yarinareth" is from Lord Dunsany's Gods of Pegāna.Lyrically and thematically this album is indebted to Ernest Becker's Escape from Evil, Thomas Metzinger's Being No One, Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence, Don DeLillo's End Zone, Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent, E. M. Cioran's Tears and Saints, and the Erra Epic.

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XD kinda hard getting the bleak vibe, to me it sounds rather playful. intimidating discography, anyway XD


haha true, upon further listens it's not quite as bleak as I expected, but was still a very challenging listen in parts.. and tbh, I kinda love the academic wording of the liner notes. 


I'm glad his discography is so intimidatingly huge as well, I'm really getting into polytonal/polytempo/polywhatever music at the moment and it's nice to have some influences like this :D

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Anyone heard Jute Gyte? I stumbled upon this stuff from comments on one of Adam Neely's videos about Conlon Nancarrow. Crazy, discordant, multiple simultaneous tempo black metal. Sounds like 4 bands playing at once at times. Truly bleak, horrifying stuff, I love it.



yeah, i can dig it. the funniest part is him theoretically substantiating all his works in best pseudo-academic manner. check out this blurb:



The main influences here were probably Burzum's Dauði Baldrs and Hliðskjálf and Autechre's Incunabula and Amber. A few tracks draw titles from the game Daggerfall, which I spent a lot of time playing while writing Ghost Sickness: I have strong memories of roaming the nearly endless and totally empty wastelands between towns in a kind of meditative trance. I think these landscapes, similar to the desert spaces of Surrealist painting and almost entirely without gamelike features, affected the tone of the album. I see my later album Noctis Labyrinthus as a sort of sibling to this album.


XD kinda hard getting the bleak vibe, to me it sounds rather playful. intimidating discography, anyway XD


speaking of downer BM yesterday i felt playing these guys since quite a while:



^check out the sudden change of mood at 2:39 D:




kinda glad i hardly get in the mood for shit like this nowadays.


lol, top page so far

that jute gyte album is something i need to check out. so far out, just wow, nice find!

also unholy fuck at Sortsind, that is some true insane hilarious shit and i'm always in the mood for that, i need this :diablo:

thanks watmm :beer:

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Andrew Liles has a major metal fetish, how many versions of the same Ozzy record? funny reading




10 questions with a broad spectrum of musicians, as well as an insight into the mind of a record junkie









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