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  • 2 weeks later...
Ridley let some info slip during the Covenant press tour.

Alien: Covenant came and went like a flash in the pan. Heading into 2017, it was one of the most buzzed about sequels being released, but that buzz fizzled pretty quickly and it didn't translate to box office success. That hasn't stopped Ridley Scott from having some very big plans for the Alien franchise, which includes at least one prequel to the original Alien that will take place after the events of Alien: Covenant. Now, thanks to a newly surfaced interview clip, some story details for Alien: Awakening, the proposed Alien: Covenant sequel, have surfaced.
The clip made its way online via the Ding Dan YouTube channel, and it appears to be an interview that Ridley Scott did prior to the release of Alien: Covenant. In the video, the director talks about where the story for the sequel, currently titled Alien: Awakening, will go. He doesn't reveal too much, but it's a lot more than we knew previously. Here's what he had to say about it.
"We're being written now. There'll be three or four different players coming in to investigate. One of which will be the Engineers arriving back to find their planet decimated. I think those ships come and go on regular intervals. I see them as the gardeners of space. Where we go next is obvious. We're gonna actually go to the planet. In so doing...I'm not going to tell you the story!"



Sadly Covenant performed dismally. May not get your chance old man.

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... I think those ships come and go on regular intervals. I see them as the gardeners of space.


he gone all Lucas and shit.

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The Alien franchise is finished for me now. This last effort was just silly and pointless. At one point in the film, one of the characters says "Nothing here makes any sense." That's certainly true.


Alien has now gone the way of The Pirates of the Caribbean & Transformers. Even after Ridley has finally undone everything that was originally great about it, the studios will still keep going. As long as people keep paying to watch this stuff they'll just keep making more of it.

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The Alien franchise is finished for me now. This last effort was just silly and pointless. At one point in the film, one of the characters says "Nothing here makes any sense." That's certainly true.


Alien has now gone the way of The Pirates of the Caribbean & Transformers. Even after Ridley has finally undone everything that was originally great about it, the studios will still keep going. As long as people keep paying to watch this stuff they'll just keep making more of it.

It has definitely become a franchise property.


I think that's why that one called Life, the one with Jake Gyllenhall, was lauded by a lot of people - because it was kind of like a re-do of the original Alien, but sitting alone (I'm not speaking from experience, I haven't seen the film yet but this is the impression I've gotten from reviews and stuff).


I do miss those films where it's all self contained, and there's no demystifying going on. Of course some films like this fall flat on their faces, but that risk is inherrent in anything.


I will likely download this film when it becomes available but I'm not going out of my way for it. And I'm not going to let it taint my impressions of the first 3 films (I'm one of those people that actually likes the third film).

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Short piece that gives a few details on the novelization of Covenant, which suggests various things about earlier versions of the script.


What's new to me is that there's a novel coming in a few months that serves as a prequel to Covenant, I'm assuming based on David and Shaw on their way to the planet? We'll see. I mean, not necessarily me because the chances that I'll buy that book and read it are slim, but someone else can :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even after this thread, the movie was so much worse than I could have imagined. What an utter disaster. 



Brace yourself, more are on the way.

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thought it was entertaining in its own stupid way. couple of annoying things happening where people do exactly those things you expect people to do in those classic teenage slasher horror flicks. not in an alien movie, imo. so in the end, i just need to accept that the alien franchise is not much more than a teenage slasher flick (with an attempt to put more depth into the story...)

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as time passes,it seems more and more that the stars aligned more than once for sir ridley,and he wouldn,t know a good script if he fell over it,he just makes it look amazing,and he fell in with groundbreaking artists at the time who enhanced his vision (giger/vangelis/cronenworth..etc) lets hope he has as little as possible to do with blade runner 2049

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this was complete garbage. way worse than even prometheus. at least in prometheus david had some mystery and subtleness about him, it was interesting to ponder about his very much in-human motivations and his development, here he's just an evil lying robot, explaining everything to the audience. it's also just fucking unbelievable how can a filmmaker with 40 years of experience actually put the whole weight of the final act on this lame as fuck cut-to-next-scene-before-the-robofight-resolves, and so the audience will have to keep guessing "ooooh, is this the good walter or bad david??". how fucked up on the head and devoid of any semblance of inspiration he can be to consider that this was a good idea? there is basically barely an original idea here, it's just checking boxes of references and cliches. we get the original alien facehugger scene ripped straight from alien 1, the heavy machinery vs aliens stuff from alien 2, all those "hard landing", "bad communication" overused shit. at least prometheus had a somewhat decent noomi rapace, this one had zero engaging characters besides david, and even he was way worse here than in prometheus as i mentioned. trash, utter trash.

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Eugene, why don't you tell us how you really feel.  :emotawesomepm9:


The is-it-Walter-is-it-David was definitely amateur. And the weird thing it wasn't even a question as there was a tell with David's wound on his face, which they set up that it was obviously not Walter because Walter's skin would've healed itself quickly. So it wasn't even a secret that it was David....I just don't understand.


I'll still buy the DVD and watch it dozens of times. I'm a whore for Alien.

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