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i was just laughing to myself at how attractive the entire cast for Prometheus is, not an ugly or normal looking person in sight.


Why do movies have to do this these days?


minus the space trucker thing, the original Alien had some realistic looking people in it who didn't look like chiseled face movie stars or models. im just kind of sick of this stupid bullshit, does the opposite of 'suck' me into a movie really

Edited by Awepittance
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I agree Awepittance man though it has to be said I swear these days the only time your posts aren't complaining in some way is when an album with physical modelling comes out or Zoviet France are mentioned in conversation.


Turn that frown upside down


woah woah woah. stop the press.


Sigourney Weaver wasn't attractive?



Edited by Obel
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i was just laughing to myself at how attractive the entire cast for Prometheus is, not an ugly or normal looking person in sight.


Why do movies have to do this these days?


minus the space trucker thing, the original Alien had some realistic looking people in it who didn't look like chiseled face movie stars or models. im just kind of sick of this stupid bullshit, does the opposite of 'suck' me into a movie really


You are right. True film died when people ceased to have the balls to put Harry Dean Stanton in their movies:





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woah woah woah. stop the press.


Sigourney Weaver wasn't attractive?


I wouldn't say she was even remotely ugly on the whole but her skinny ass in the first movie really turns me off.

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not an ugly or normal looking person in sight.


Why do movies have to do this these days?

thank you. give us real people!!! they are better actors!!!!!

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i was just laughing to myself at how attractive the entire cast for Prometheus is, not an ugly or normal looking person in sight.


Why do movies have to do this these days?


minus the space trucker thing, the original Alien had some realistic looking people in it who didn't look like chiseled face movie stars or models. im just kind of sick of this stupid bullshit, does the opposite of 'suck' me into a movie really


You are right. True film died when people ceased to have the balls to put Harry Dean Stanton in their movies:







2 people in the thread get it, and no i was not referring to Weaver, Skerrit, John Hurt or Ian Holm

anybody who's actually seen alien and knows what the eff im tlaking about. See ridley scott back then at least knew a cast of totally attractive statue-esque people would be unrealistic so he balanced it out a little bit


edit: re Harry, dude's single line in the Straight story made me cry. I love him (take that Obel!)

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Noomi Rapace is attractive but she's pretty far from Classic Hollywood Beauty. She looks weirder than pretty much half of the people walking around Los Angeles and I like it.

Fassbender is playing a fucking robot.

Charlize is playing a corporate suit. Charlize is Classic Hollywood Beautiful, but (a) she can act her ass off and (b) Corporate Suits get promoted based on physical appearance all the fucking time. The last time I saw an ugly woman get a promotion was fucking Queen Victoria's coronation.

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Guest Promo

I don't care about this movie anymore. Watching the last trailer (my mistake) just ruined my evening. I'm just gonna pretend it never got released. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.

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I've only seen the first trailer, it looked a bit crap but not all that bad.


I probably will avoid watching anything else until it's out.

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If you want to make it to mid level corporate management you must resemble either Paul Reiser (if you have a penis) or Charlize Theron (if you have a vagina). If you look like Harry Dean Stanton, you will enjoy a rewarding career in offworld mining.



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this film dosen't look any different from any other summer blockbloster except that has riddley scott the director of "blade runner" & "gladiator" directing it. it lacks dan o'bannon, mobeius and the guy that got all the attention for the alien designs (forgot his name).



also the guy from shame is acting too much like a robot.

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Guest zaphod

Giger is actually involved in this movie, but rumor is he doesnt get on airplanes so he worked remotely on the movie with ridley scott


is he? i thought he wasn't.

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ok, so after some double checking it seems unclear if he was involved or not directly, but they are using a lot of his unused designs for Dune and for alien


this specifically, which is shown very briefly in the trailer




i remember hearing he actually created some monsters in this but i could be wrong

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Charlize Theron in these clips gets my goat, but I think this maybe part of R Scotts masterplan, to cast a cold hard bitch who rapidly turns into jelly.


I hope so.

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Giger is actually involved in this movie, but rumor is he doesnt get on airplanes so he worked remotely on the movie with ridley scott

i need confirmation on this...Giger worked with Ridley on Prometheus?


I'm a huge fan of Giger's work and a lot of Alien's visuals are his credit.

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I suppose the first Alien crew were just regular space truckers who would normally be found drinking bottled beer in ye local where the Prometheus crew are the worlds leading scientists and explorers who shop at Marks & Spencer and hang out in Nero


either way all this PG13 bollocks gives me that AVP feeling and that did looked promising from the trailer yet...sigh :cry:

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