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sorry i have to keep going, did anybody else find it incredibly convenient that Idris Elba's character created all the exposition necessary to explain what the xenomorphs are. The fact that he also used the 2000's phrase 'weapons of mass destruction' was also extremely ridiculous, i mean for a movie shrouded in mystery they sure knew a lot about what was going on with absolutely no evidence.


Did Ridley just go so senile that he forgot that 95 year old man makeup looks really bad, it has never looked convincing in any movie, why didnt they just hire an older actor? I mean the TED talk video was cool, but i dont see the point of oldifying Guy Pierce arbitrarily.





I don't understand why people get angry about little stuff like that (the Idris Elba thing). Are you so miserable that you can't even watch a movie without picking on ridiculously small flaws?

Edited by YO303
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sorry i have to keep going, did anybody else find it incredibly convenient that Idris Elba's character created all the exposition necessary to explain what the xenomorphs are. The fact that he also used the 2000's phrase 'weapons of mass destruction' was also extremely ridiculous, i mean for a movie shrouded in mystery they sure knew a lot about what was going on with absolutely no evidence.


Did Ridley just go so senile that he forgot that 95 year old man makeup looks really bad, it has never looked convincing in any movie, why didnt they just hire an older actor? I mean the TED talk video was cool, but i dont see the point of oldifying Guy Pierce arbitrarily.





I don't understand why people get angry about little stuff like that (the Idris Elba thing). Are you so miserable that you can't even watch a movie without picking on ridiculously small flaws?


Nah, I kinda agree with Awepittance, because first of all it's unnecessary and second of all if you want to tell your audience something then it's quite a lazy way to do.

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sorry i have to keep going, did anybody else find it incredibly convenient that Idris Elba's character created all the exposition necessary to explain what the xenomorphs are. The fact that he also used the 2000's phrase 'weapons of mass destruction' was also extremely ridiculous, i mean for a movie shrouded in mystery they sure knew a lot about what was going on with absolutely no evidence.


Did Ridley just go so senile that he forgot that 95 year old man makeup looks really bad, it has never looked convincing in any movie, why didnt they just hire an older actor? I mean the TED talk video was cool, but i dont see the point of oldifying Guy Pierce arbitrarily.





i thought it was really weird how he just casually walked into shaw's room and struck up a conversation with her minutes after she had an alien abortion.

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But why would that bit stop you from enjoying the movie? I bet Awe was sitting there watching the movie and when that bit came on he began a fight with Ridley Scott for like ten minutes, and i also bet he was like "i can't wait to tell WATMM about this MAJOR FLAW FUCK RIDLEY SCOTT ARGHH!!". Its not healthy behavior, people like him needs to learn to enjoy movies, shut down his autism/odc or whatever syndrome is stoping him from enjoying life.


Last night i watched Wanderlust, and i enjoyed it, do you know how many flaws that movie has? millions, but who cares i enjoyed the movie for what it is.

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personally, it stopped me from enjoying the movie because characters acting in unnatural ways and plot devices that don't make sense prevent the suspension of disbelief. it's that simple. if it doesn't prevent you from suspending disbelief, fine, but i don't see why you're getting so frustrated that awepittance and others cannot enjoy the film in the same way you do.

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Sigh. More of this shit.


I think it's worse that people bother arguing with someone who is critically analysing a film in a genre he/she likes. Why go to so much effort? I mean, for a lot of people watching movies and breaking them down is a passion. Rather than arbitrarily saying "duhhh i didn't liked this moviez" you're figuring out what it is about it that you don't like, and that can be enjoyable. Nobody is drooling on their keyboard in fits of rage.


So stop saying people need to watch movies differently. Just because you liked the film doesn't mean everyone has to. I shouldn't even need to point that out.


Edit: Hoodie beat me to it.

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But why would that bit stop you from enjoying the movie? I bet Awe was sitting there watching the movie and when that bit came on he began a fight with Ridley Scott for like ten minutes, and i also bet he was like "i can't wait to tell WATMM about this MAJOR FLAW FUCK RIDLEY SCOTT ARGHH!!". Its not healthy behavior, people like him needs to learn to enjoy movies, shut down his autism/odc or whatever syndrome is stoping him from enjoying life.


Last night i watched Wanderlust, and i enjoyed it, do you know how many flaws that movie has? millions, but who cares i enjoyed the movie for what it is.


It's OCD, but whatever.

But you can't compare Wanderlust to Prometheus. I haven't watched Wanderlust yet but I have an idea of what it's like based on how most Paul Rudd movies are. It's quirky and doesn't take itself too serious. Prometheus takes itself very serious and it is a serious movie, but it trips over its own feet because of all these weird little details that make no sense, and it's stuff like that that pulls you out of the experience.

Btw. I'm defending anyone here. I'm just trying to explain why something like terrible make-up doesn't do anything to get me immersed. But that's just my opinion. I didn't like it. I had too high hopes. Done.

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But why would that bit stop you from enjoying the movie? I bet Awe was sitting there watching the movie and when that bit came on he began a fight with Ridley Scott for like ten minutes, and i also bet he was like "i can't wait to tell WATMM about this MAJOR FLAW FUCK RIDLEY SCOTT ARGHH!!". Its not healthy behavior, people like him needs to learn to enjoy movies, shut down his autism/odc or whatever syndrome is stoping him from enjoying life.


Last night i watched Wanderlust, and i enjoyed it, do you know how many flaws that movie has? millions, but who cares i enjoyed the movie for what it is.


and you're calling me angry? Take a stress pill and think things over


edit: for the record, i thoroughly enjoyed Wanderlust, because it promised to be exactly what it was and nothing more.I've been following David Wain's work since he started making movies, and while they arent exactly what id call great comedies, they are a step above most of the other generic hollywood bullshit. I can watch 'The Ten' over and over again, i find it hilarious.



and for those who are misinterpreting what im saying as a blanket hatred for the whole film, there were certain aspects i really loved. I felt that the opening buildup was very well paced, albeit with some clunky dialogue and hard to stomach 1 dimensional characters it worked very nicely. Everything leading up to the silica storm scene was top notch in the suspense department. The ship Prometheus is beautiful looking, great design. The scene where it lands had some of the best sound design i've ever heard in a movie. The holographic laser point projections were also excellent, some of the most interesting use of modern 3d i've seen in a movie. The part where they examine the space jockey head was really cool and creepy. The whole moon buggy aesthetic was well done, the space suits looked great. Even the skull mountain thing had a very creepy ominous vibe to it.


There were also some parts with David doing just insanely fearless stuff in the movie that tickled me.That too got old after a while, especially since he makes the most important discoveries.

Edited by Awepittance
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I felt watching Prometheus, although good in concept, was dumbed down for a mass audience hence the busy editing and lame script. The concept was sound and although I think Ridley did good on his part the rest of the film could and should have been much better. My girlfriend though it was ace and said I had too higher expectations (however she only saw Alien a couple of weeks back for the first time) but with the films heritage I expected a little more. A re-edit of the film could help even if it makes it longer but I think the damage is done now.

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A re-edit of the film could help even if it makes it longer but I think the damage is done now.


i was wondering the whole time if it was the script or if they left a lot of stuff on the cutting room floor. I'd like to think an extended cut of this movie adding 30-45 minutes would make it a lot more solid, but ill hold off my hopes for now. I just dont think the guy from lost should have any input from this point forward. From my observation he seems to be a hired gun to fix things that are broken beyond repair but perhaps the studio has already committed to them so they can't put a full hault on the project


if you have no idea what im speaking of, read about the recent studio fuckup on World War Z, where the movie literally needs 7 weeks of reshoots (some entire movies get shot in this short a period of time) They hired Damon to come in after the movie was essentially finished as a rough cut to 'punch up the script' aka to polish a turd. I think it's time this guy is outed for what his actual job is, resurrecting irreparably damaged film projects.


i think its just a bad sign in general when a script concept like Prometheus was traded hands so many times and clearly went through different iterations. The leaked synopsis at least in my mind seemed like the actual original iteration for what they intended to do, but the ideas and concepts would have been too 'big' so they boiled it down to less weighty stuff. If anyone hasn't checked out that synopsis i highly recommend doing so

Edited by Awepittance
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A re-edit of the film could help even if it makes it longer but I think the damage is done now.


i was wondering the whole time if it was the script or if they left a lot of stuff on the cutting room floor. I'd like to think an extended cut of this movie adding 30-45 minutes would make it a lot more solid, but ill hold off my hopes for now. I just dont think the guy from lost should have any input from this point forward. From my observation he seems to be a hired gun to fix things that are broken beyond repair but perhaps the studio has already committed to them so they can't put a full hault on the project


if you have no idea what im speaking of, read about the recent studio fuckup on World War Z, where the movie literally needs 7 weeks of reshoots (some entire movies get shot in this short a period of time) They hired Damon to come in after the movie was essentially finished as a rough cut to 'punch up the script' aka to polish a turd. I think it's time this guy is outed for what his actual job is, resurrecting irreparably damaged film projects.


Even though Scott has said categorically that there will be no directors cut I think the massive amount of internet bitching would hopefully see some kind of extended edition if DVD/Blu-ray sales aren't s hot as they'd hoped.

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and hoodie im with you on being sickened by a bladerunner prequel, in fact now i'm sickened by any prequel to any good movie. Why on earth does hollywood keep making prequels? They are all terrible, they really are. About the only prequel i can stomach is Temple of Doom. I dont count Batman Begins a prequel, thats a reboot and its ok.


prequels are inherently flawed and i think the people who think they are doing a service to the original movie have too big of egos to realize how devastating what they are doing is.


if i hear one more asshole say the reason the new star wars prequels look super clean and shiny is because 'the empire ran everything down' later on i will seriously punch that person in the throat.


edit: also did anyone find as i did that the mysterious varieties of 'goo' coming out of the vases at the first interaction with them, was far more 'alien' and creepy than any of the actual fully manifested alien creatures? Ridley promised 'biomechanoid' but we got clunky plush like white buff dudes and slimey alien Ressurection style proto xenomorphs varieties, the only biomechanoid aesthetic was in that goo, and then it was over really quickly


while i agree with everything you're saying, there is one thing to note. they keep making this shit because you, the fanboy who gets his panties wet at every last morsel of info available before a movie even has a trailer, pays to see these films. i refuse to see prometheus after reading about it on this board and seeing the reviews. it sounds like shit. i'm not paying to watch that, and i absolutely don't want to contribute to the potential funding of any of these prequels, sequels or reboots that a creatively bankrupt industry continues to produce. i'll stay at home and watch aliens on blu ray, or read a book, or go out and interact with people whose lives don't revolve around consuming every last piece of product put in front of them that they can forget about as soon as next thing is released. the data gathering culture that seems to have sprung up in the last decade is mind boggling in its basic drive to consume everything in its path without a fucking clue as to how to be satisfied by any of it. maybe that's what happens when the nerds win and start running things. you get people like lindelof and jj abrams who are masters at self promotion and marketing, the tease of a childhood memory that can be exploited, but lack the artistic integrity and breadth of experience to pull it together into a coherent statement about anything that matters. or maybe it really is about a bottom line.




fuck the critics. seriously. look at this shit:




no accountability or integrity

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Anyone read this?


This was taken from a comment I saw on another site, and I did a little research and everything seems to check out! :

To give some historical/mythological background that may shed some light, Ridley stated the SJ culture was based on Persian Myths. This would be Sumerian/Akkadian/Hindu. This is all taken from the Atra Hasis (Sumerian):

Creators - "G"ods- Annunaki - Dragon Humanoids (Naga, Dragon Kings,)

Helpers - "g"ods - Igigi - Engineers. (Android like living beings....BIOmechanical humanoid. Key features- Pale skin and large black eyes. Also known as watchers, Grigori, and Archons) (in many summerian texts they are actually referred to as "Pilots". Pretty much the Annunaki Air Force.)

When the Annunaki began terraforming the earth, they had the Igigi do the work for them. After a few thousand years the Igigi revolted and went on strike. The Annunaki then decided to create humans to do the work for them.

They sacrificed one of the rebel Igigi named Geshtu to use his blood and dna to make human beings, by mixing it with elements native to the earth.

(In the movie, this can be explained by the the different oval spaceship at the beginning representing the spaceship of the Annunaki)

(It can also be explained by the concept art that leaked from the official book this week)

(According to wikipedia it also says this about the Igigi:"Though sometimes synonymous with the term "Annunaki," in one myth the Igigi were the younger gods who were servants of the Annunaki, until they rebelled and were replaced by the creation of humans." This is reflectled exactly in the concept art for the opening scene that was leaked this week)

Even though the humans were created and did the work, 1/3 of the Igigi still werent satisfied and sought revenge for Geshtu, so they rebelled again against the Annunaki Lords and began breeding/mixing with the human females creating Nephelim. This is what sparked the Prime Lord Enlil to flood the earth. Some humans were saved by Enki, the Lord responsible for the sacrifice of Geshtu and the creation of humans. Enlil and the rest of the annunaki decide to return home and let the humans develop on their own. Enki and his family stay behind. The Igigi are forced to leave earth as well. The remaining rebel Igigi are imprisoned on a planet on the way back to the homeworld and it is said as punishment and as a mark they are altered into a demonic appearance, no longer retaining the Angelic appearance.

Enki and his crew are probably the ones leaving the maps for humans to find, along with the ones helping humans advance throughout time.

The sacrfice engineer is Geshtu

The lone engineer is most likely Marduk or a servant/worshipper of Marduk.

The xeno is Mushussu, a creature Marduk fashioned and used as his pet.

The "Engineers" we see are trying to destroy Earth are of the Igigi rebels who view earth as their own. They have always despised humans because the Annunaki saw us as more in their likeness than them. IT's possible that the Igigi have long since destroyed or taken over the annunaki and the homeworld, and Earth was like going to claim the prize or spoils.

They mustve used to the Xeno's to win this war and through its perfection it has began to destroy and infect the Igigi who manufacture and transport it, creating more Mushussu.

the xeno in Alien is most likely an older pilot igigi birthed Mushussu egg crossed with human or a future Annunaki birthed one which would explain the size difference in hosts.

It is mentioned in several lesser stories that Marduk created the Mushussu out of using the essence of the Gods' (Annunaki) he killed as a symbol of his conquering and being able to control them... ie the mural.

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You all need to stop having such high expectations and relax.


Your highest hopes will never be met unless you are the one creating.


Just saw this a second time and I enjoyed it even more this time.


Every film has plot holes. They are called edits.


David is an amazing character and amazingly portrayed.





last post



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The notion that Prometheus is as bad as the Phantom Menace is laughable to me... Phantom Menace is shot and paced like a tv show... regardless of any plot holes the atmosphere in Prometheus makes it already way better than PM. I'm all for deconstruction but needless comparisons to one of the worst disappointments ever is giving people who haven't seen it, the wrong idea. There's no Jar Jar Binks going on in this one. David in fact is a better character than any character in all the Star Wars prequels.


I also liked the flute thing.

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Guest Mirezzi

i don't hate the film. i can't hate a film. i'm disappointed with the film.


I enjoy watching films, even bad ones, too much to hate them. So I think this is probably the only valuable contribution to this thread so far. Good job, Hoodie. ^5

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