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i wanna know how a team of writers & a very experienced director, whose sole jobs in life are to write stories and direct films, made such a crappy movie that anybody can easily & immediately see the problems with - the story, character behaviors, tone, etc...


all through the movie i was going "wait... what?" at so many of the characters actions. 5 minutes after the movie was over i was thinking why was that old man, his daughter, the big weyland ship, all these extra characters who we don't know who just get killed off... why were these people even in the movie? why wasn't this just a small scientific mission with a small ship, no more than 5 or so people in the whole movie. would have been much better. more suspenseful. more focused.


they spent how many years making this movie? how much money and how many people involved? no one noticed all of these problems? fuck, didn't they even do test screenings?! is this like a george lucas thing where everyone was afraid to tell ridley "no" ?


at this point, ridley needs to retire. i shudder to think what he is going to do to blade runner.



...and that lindelof schmuck should never be allowed to write anything ever again. what a hack.

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Guest jasondonervan
at this point, ridley needs to retire. i shudder to think what he is going to do to blade runner.


- Pimped out spinners

- All memory implants stored by replicants carry a YouTube logo

- Xenomorphs wearing casualwear, strolling the streets of LA with aplomb (It's all in the same universe, remember?)

- Ghost Mutt?


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Almost 90 pages about a movie where the gist of the posts is about how crap it is. You guys have some determination to focus on things you don't like! Wow. Seriously. Wow.


I'm not sure what the point is, but obviously it's a good way to spend some time on the internet. Having a collective crap on something in the cloud. It's a binding thing obviously. Look how much we agree on how crap something is. But the thing has been released in may. Is the point near when we can agree on hating something else? I'm sure pretty much everything what needed to be said has been said by now. And I'm (obviously) getting to the point where I get the urge to take a huge crap on this thread.


*tries to take a crap but drops a sissy fart instead*


Welcome to the Internet. A tool to share ideas, a social outlet. Whatever people would discus socially in the real world is achieved here on the net.


Have a good time, play safe and most importantly, don't get mad about how/why it all works.


(In the event you get mad, the Internet advises that you spend a few precious moments outside to experince the real world then return with a fresh mine to start again.)

Edited by ZiggomaticV17
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Invariably in any thread about a popular thing there will be either one of the following:


1. Lashings of praise for said thing, followed by pockets of people who don't like it and a debate ensuing.

2. Lashings of hate for said thing, followed by pockets of people who like it and a debate ensuing.


Then this will evolve/devolve into a meta debate about the nature of forum posting, Often with people throwing around the whole "if you don't like it why are you talking about it!?" question. Conveniently letting the whole idea of a discussion fly over their head. At which point nobody is even talking about the thing anymore and just interpreting other peoples motivations for commenting on a forum and implying it's a waste of time. When by that logic any post positive or negative is equally a waste of time. As is this post.


So before everything turns into an abstract discussion on the nature of writing words on a messageboard can people stop taking other peoples opinions personally and just discuss normally?


Otherwise make a separate thread about the motivations of people posting in a thread about a thing they don't like. That would actually be an interesting discussion. More interesting than this poorly written wankfest of a film that anybody would be stupid to enjoy, anyway.

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Invariably in any thread about a popular thing there will be either one of the following:


1. Lashings of praise for said thing, followed by pockets of people who don't like it and a debate ensuing.

2. Lashings of hate for said thing, followed by pockets of people who like it and a debate ensuing.


Then this will evolve/devolve into a meta debate about the nature of forum posting, Often with people throwing around the whole "if you don't like it why are you talking about it!?" question. Conveniently letting the whole idea of a discussion fly over their head. At which point nobody is even talking about the thing anymore and just interpreting other peoples motivations for commenting on a forum and implying it's a waste of time. When by that logic any post positive or negative is equally a waste of time. As is this post.


So before everything turns into an abstract discussion on the nature of writing words on a messageboard can people stop taking other peoples opinions personally and just discuss normally?


Otherwise make a separate thread about the motivations of people posting in a thread about a thing they don't like.


wise words .. ..

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Invariably in any thread about a popular thing there will be either one of the following:


1. Lashings of praise for said thing, followed by pockets of people who don't like it and a debate ensuing.

2. Lashings of hate for said thing, followed by pockets of people who like it and a debate ensuing.


Then this will evolve/devolve into a meta debate about the nature of forum posting, Often with people throwing around the whole "if you don't like it why are you talking about it!?" question. Conveniently letting the whole idea of a discussion fly over their head. At which point nobody is even talking about the thing anymore and just interpreting other peoples motivations for commenting on a forum and implying it's a waste of time. When by that logic any post positive or negative is equally a waste of time. As is this post.


So before everything turns into an abstract discussion on the nature of writing words on a messageboard can people stop taking other peoples opinions personally and just discuss normally?


Otherwise make a separate thread about the motivations of people posting in a thread about a thing they don't like. That would actually be an interesting discussion. More interesting than this poorly written wankfest of a film that anybody would be stupid to enjoy, anyway.













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just saw it again and i think it's biggest flaw is the dialogue and character development. It's beautiful looking, aesthetically pleasing to watch. Way too many fucking characters and unrealistic ways of reacting to the situation. It still makes no sense how an ET seeking archeologist would be so disappointed by finding a stack of giant dead humanoid alien bodies after only a few hours exploring a new earth-like planet. Petting the alien snake is unforgivable as well.

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is the movie redeemed in any way by the deleted scenes, such as does the ship captain's monologue about it being a 'cargo bay for wmds' seem less out of place and spontaneous than it did in the final cut? Or do the stoned scientists have a better reason for petting the alien snake? If there was a cut scene where they snorted ketamine or smoked PCP i could see it explaining that incident a little better.

Edited by Awepittance
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is the movie redeemed in any way by the deleted scenes, such as does the ship captain's monologue about it being a 'cargo bay for wmds' seem less out of place and spontaneous than it did in the final cut? Or do the stoned scientists have a better reason for petting the alien snake? If there was a cut scene where they snorted ketamine or smoked PCP i could see it explaining that incident a little better.


In my personal opinion: they're deleted scenes for a good reason.


the dialogue between the engineer and David is interesting only from a curiosity point of view.

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I haven't been very up on this since seeing the movie in theaters, so sorry if question is jazz, but is there not going to be an extended/re- cut of this? Is the few deleted scenes on the current package going to be it? Or was RS teasing for some future 5th anniversary package? Or was the existence of an alternate cut just completely fabricated/misinterpreted?


I didn't absolutely hate the movie: I agree with Awepittance re: its visual merits. I'd be interested in seeing if a re-cut version could shed light on some of the truly bizarre characterization. I don't have any desire to watch the theatrical release again, personally.

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Scott rarely does recuts, Blade Runner being the most famous. I bet this ver of Prometheus is it, maybe after a sequel they will do some super super box set ala Alien franchise. I thought the alt ending set up a sequel much better with fewer hanging threads.

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is the movie redeemed in any way by the deleted scenes, such as does the ship captain's monologue about it being a 'cargo bay for wmds' seem less out of place and spontaneous than it did in the final cut? Or do the stoned scientists have a better reason for petting the alien snake? If there was a cut scene where they snorted ketamine or smoked PCP i could see it explaining that incident a little better.

im glad they tried to have some humour in it. it's just goofy space horror really.
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So my second viewing of this at home with a beer or four obviously didn't improve matters. Ahhh I dunno it's okay. I think it does its job well in telling the beginning of a story.


I think you should always consider positives even in the face of a mountain of negatives, so in my mind we now have a great opportunity (sorry I can never spell that fucking word) for a couple of mind bending films to link us to the first Alien.


Ditch that cunt DL and perhaps things will work out fine? Maybe let Cameron loose on the subject I don't know. I admit I am not the worlds biggest film boffin.


Prometheus gets a 6.8/10 for me.

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