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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I had a very hopeful job interview on Tuesday, where the two interviewers actually spent more time presenting the company, the things I'd do, the tools I'd use, the various benefits of working there, etc than asking me questions. Sounded more like a formality meet up than a "test" to be honest, which I found surprising and confidence-boosting.


Turns out I got the final answer today saying I didn't get the job.


Damn. Way to work a guy up for nothing.

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Really thought I had this weekend off from work, only to have been called yesterday saying the schedule had been mistyped and was now updated since I was last in the shop (last Sunday). I now am scheduled Fri,Sat,Sun which are my usual shifts so it's nothing out of the ordinary but I was kind of hoping to make use of the weekend off.

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I would like to join the club of people who've had "Jeb is a mess" stuck in their head; it's been stuck in mine for about two weeks, or since whenever I watched that video on watmm. I'll be walking to work or something and I just hear Donald Trump's voice, laden with crushing finality.

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My browser has always gone straight to forum.watmm.com when I type 'f' into the url bar.


Two days ago it went to facebook instead...



the only solution is to get rid of facebook i guess

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My browser has always gone straight to forum.watmm.com when I type 'f' into the url bar.


Two days ago it went to facebook instead...




you got Zuckerburg'd



No, I zuckerburg'd myself.

It's troublingly indicative that my visits to FB have now surpassed my visits to watmm

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My browser has always gone straight to forum.watmm.com when I type 'f' into the url bar.


Two days ago it went to facebook instead...



What noob are you? Trvv WATMMers have WATMM as their default homepage.

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