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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Caught some new cold/flu bullshit just as I was getting over one. I guess it's a good thing I requested this week off. I was hoping to do something fun, or at least leave the house for more than 10 minutes, but it looks like I'll be on the couch watching Netflix on OTC drugs for the 3rd day in a row. Oh, well, it's only slightly above freezing outside anyway. 

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Caught some new cold/flu bullshit just as I was getting over one. I guess it's a good thing I requested this week off. I was hoping to do something fun, or at least leave the house for more than 10 minutes, but it looks like I'll be on the couch watching Netflix on OTC drugs for the 3rd day in a row. Oh, well, it's only slightly above freezing outside anyway. 


gingko biloba - 3x a day


garlic extract - 3x a day


grapefruit seed extract - 10 drops 3x a day in water


vitamin c - 2 grams per day


vitamin d - 4,000 IU per day


Kombucha - 1-3 times per day



You'll be better in like 3 days. 


I just stopped a cold from completely coming on with this remedy.

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That's funny, whenever I get a flu, which is rarely, I usually do absolutely nothing about it and that also works to get rid of it in like three days.

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Parents are separating. Not really any problem emotionally--I'm 32, who cares? They should have split up years ago--but as both parents are incapable of doing anything, I am expecting an extended period of awkward arrangements and dragged feet in just getting the whole thing over with. It's going to be messy.

That's funny, whenever I get a flu, which is rarely, I usually do absolutely nothing about it and that also works to get rid of it in like three days.

I found out recently that other people go to the doctor / hospital when they get the flu. Really? I just carried tissues in my pocket and blew my nose.

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Parents are separating. Not really any problem emotionally--I'm 32, who cares? They should have split up years ago--but as both parents are incapable of doing anything, I am expecting an extended period of awkward arrangements and dragged feet in just getting the whole thing over with. It's going to be messy.

That's funny, whenever I get a flu, which is rarely, I usually do absolutely nothing about it and that also works to get rid of it in like three days.

I found out recently that other people go to the doctor / hospital when they get the flu. Really? I just carried tissues in my pocket and blew my nose.

sounds like you didnt actually have the flu then, which can mean days of a fever so high that you have nightmarish hallucinations. the flu is not just sniffles and a sore throat.

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That's funny, whenever I get a flu, which is rarely, I usually do absolutely nothing about it and that also works to get rid of it in like three days.


that's the very baseline of the average for most people and symptoms persist for up to two weeks a lot of the time. You must be particularly resilient. 

Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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there is food in the room behind me


i can not fetch any cos of stoned




its pro-chef made n everyfin


but maybe in 15mins as an arbitrary possibly wrong guess


plus the sniffle thing, lurgy season doe innit

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re: the peasant


once upon a time i was in a local house for illicit purchases & a friend of the bloke i was there for was already holding fort in the kitchen.


these 2 had been out previously that day with their staffordshre bull terrier army, flushing out rabbits in a field & letting their dogs rip em up


"......yeah and when Sally cracked that one cunt's head to pieces i got a rrrrrraaaaaaging lob-on"


lob-on is colloquial for an erection


yeah, then they wanted a baccy-hash bong session, complete with staffies n psychos n boners n strange atmospheres, sorry, local customs & some folks dont get out too often

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Parents are separating. Not really any problem emotionally--I'm 32, who cares? They should have split up years ago--but as both parents are incapable of doing anything, I am expecting an extended period of awkward arrangements and dragged feet in just getting the whole thing over with. It's going to be messy.

That's funny, whenever I get a flu, which is rarely, I usually do absolutely nothing about it and that also works to get rid of it in like three days.

I found out recently that other people go to the doctor / hospital when they get the flu. Really? I just carried tissues in my pocket and blew my nose.

sounds like you didnt actually have the flu then, which can mean days of a fever so high that you have nightmarish hallucinations. the flu is not just sniffles and a sore throat.


Guess I've never had it then (thank fuck)

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Yeah the anecdotal thing I always heard about the difference between a cold and 'flu is: You're lying in bed and you spot a £20 note blowing about in your garden. If you have a cold you get up, go outside and get it. If 'flu, it's not even a possibility.

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When I was a kid I'd get the flu every year and it was basically a night full of endless puking to the point that my mom would give me a bucket next to my bed, and a few days of having a bad fever and barely being able to eat. I fondly remember the bouts of trying to make it to the bathroom and failing and puking on the door or in my bed.

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^ maybe if is like 11 diff takes of the same written "part" (guitar lead, chord progression, whatev) but in re-reading the op it sounds like there are 11 alternative parts under consideration, I dunno


Yeah the anecdotal thing I always heard about the difference between a cold and 'flu is: You're lying in bed and you spot a £20 note blowing about in your garden. If you have a cold you get up, go outside and get it. If 'flu, it's not even a possibility.


I hope the 'chre never get the 'flu


Is that really how the flu is written where you are or  your own vernacular/zaz? I've always though us yanks to be way more superfluous with punctuation (e.g., Mr. not Mr)


I am however disgusted by certain conventions to no use all caps for acronyms (Nasa, Esa, Uefa, Wtf?)  Also don't understand why the US is EEUU in Spanish either but I digress


When I was a kid I'd get the flu every year and it was basically a night full of endless puking to the point that my mom would give me a bucket next to my bed, and a few days of having a bad fever and barely being able to eat. I fondly remember the bouts of trying to make it to the bathroom and failing and puking on the door or in my bed.


I hear ya, having never once made it to a toilet as a kid; always mid-sleep straight vomit out the side of my bed with no warning


So our youngest 2-1/2 y.o. daughter apparently got something stuck up her nose, two weeks of blood tinged nasal drip out one nostril, took like 3 doctor visits todiagnose and they still don't know what it is. Now we have full anesthesia outpatient surgery on Monday, just the kind of procedure to assfuck my deductible (and by extension, moi) under pretty much all 'merican "heathcare plans"


Thanks hypercapitalism

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So our youngest 2-1/2 y.o. daughter apparently got something stuck up her nose, two weeks of blood tinged nasal drip out one nostril, took like 3 doctor visits todiagnose and they still don't know what it is. Now we have full anesthesia outpatient surgery on Monday, just the kind of procedure to assfuck my deductible (and by extension, moi) under pretty much all 'merican "heathcare plans"

Fuck :| Sorry man.

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So our youngest 2-1/2 y.o. daughter apparently got something stuck up her nose, two weeks of blood tinged nasal drip out one nostril, took like 3 doctor visits todiagnose and they still don't know what it is. Now we have full anesthesia outpatient surgery on Monday, just the kind of procedure to assfuck my deductible (and by extension, moi) under pretty much all 'merican "heathcare plans"

Fuck :| Sorry man.


when i was little i stuck a fruit wrinkle up my nose, and had to go to the dr. to get it removed... :



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I was an asshole when i was a kid, about 4 years old... took a double wheel + axle out of a hotwheels car and threw it right up my nose. Needed a couple hospital visits to remove it.


Maybe I'm secretly like Homer simpson with that crayon and I'm a gee-bnee-us, they never actually removed it! lol  :cerious:

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I just auditioned 11 different potential guitar parts for the chorus of a song I wrote, and I'm not 100% sold on any of them.


IDM 1998 and supatrigga them. 

i'm sorry not sorry on the internet all the time

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^ maybe if is like 11 diff takes of the same written "part" (guitar lead, chord progression, whatev) but in re-reading the op it sounds like there are 11 alternative parts under consideration, I dunno


Yeah the anecdotal thing I always heard about the difference between a cold and 'flu is: You're lying in bed and you spot a £20 note blowing about in your garden. If you have a cold you get up, go outside and get it. If 'flu, it's not even a possibility.


I hope the 'chre never get the 'flu


Is that really how the flu is written where you are or  your own vernacular/zaz? I've always though us yanks to be way more superfluous with punctuation (e.g., Mr. not Mr)


I am however disgusted by certain conventions to no use all caps for acronyms (Nasa, Esa, Uefa, Wtf?)  Also don't understand why the US is EEUU in Spanish either but I digress





Examples of abbreviated words that are sometimes given apostrophes include 'flu (short for influenza), Hallowe'en (All Hallows Evening), and Jo'burg (Johannesburg). These all look a little old-fashioned and you don't need to bother, although I have kept fo'c'sle (forecastle) in the Guardian style guide for nostalgic reasons as it is a survivor from the very first "Style-book of the Manchester Guardian" in 1928.




I guess I've read a lot of linguistically old fashioned books :shrug:

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in re-reading the op it sounds like there are 11 alternative parts under consideration, I dunno



This is correct.  I think the answer might be to playing something other than guitar on it.  Either that or find the right sexy effect that makes the guitar magic.  Maybe it's time to bring out the Zvex Fuzzfactory... that thing's an untameable beast, but maybe that's what the song needs.

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