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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I just told his parents to shut him the fuck up and they were all like "haha we have him every day lol isn't it amazing!"

Stick you foot out the next time he makes is corridor pass. That should faceplant the little shit.


(Only kidding of course. Probably not worth jail time.)

Edited by ambermonk
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believe me I so wanted to do this.


I'm now at my gf's parent's place in Austria where there is a norovirus epidemic, everybody vomiting/liquidpooping for two days. Gf got it last night night...

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my backyard, side passage and front lawn have practically become forests in the last few months. I've spent 3 days and counting clearing it away, and I still have the front lawn to do. I wanna concrete a good portion of it - not all - but it'll probably be against council regs. thinking about doing it anyway.

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so far the virus has stayed clear of my body somehow. this norovirus thing is amazing tbh, makes you vomit & shit hardcore for the better part of one day or two days at most, then it slowly goes back to normal. 1st world virus quite.

happy holidays watmm

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When my ex was working on a cruise ship there was a Noro outbreak, and she witnessed one morbidly obese passenger shit and puke all over himself in the gift shop.  Grim.


FWP: my dad officially no longer knows his favorite local pub.  My mom took him there and he was all like "what is this place?  Why are we here?"  F U dementia.  On the bright side, his most frequent utterances are "this is wonderful" and "that's beautiful!"  He's probably the happiest person I know right now.

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When my ex was working on a cruise ship there was a Noro outbreak, and she witnessed one morbidly obese passenger shit and puke all over himself in the gift shop.  Grim.


and there's nowhere to go. at sea, no one can escape your barf/noro.

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FWP: my dad officially no longer knows his favorite local pub.  My mom took him there and he was all like "what is this place?  Why are we here?"  F U dementia.  On the bright side, his most frequent utterances are "this is wonderful" and "that's beautiful!"  He's probably the happiest person I know right now.


That's fucking terrible. Sorry to hear that, man.

Dementia is such a piece of shit.


How old is your dad?

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FWP: my dad officially no longer knows his favorite local pub.  My mom took him there and he was all like "what is this place?  Why are we here?"  F U dementia.  On the bright side, his most frequent utterances are "this is wonderful" and "that's beautiful!"  He's probably the happiest person I know right now.

Oh man, that's terrible. I wish you the best fortune possible dealing with this.




Spending Christmas alone. Don't know if I'm sad about it or not. I'm not attached to it at all, judging from all the shitty ones (all of them approximately) I've spent ever since my late childhood with families that weren't mine. I don't know if Christmas is something I should let go for good or not until I actually want to celebrate it. Is that important ?

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dementia is awful yeah, my 86 year old grandmother spending christmas with us this year, spent an hour talking with her this morning about her toast, after each slice she had she insisted she only had one, after the 4th slice she was convinced there was a family conspiracy to deny her access to toast, she has literally zero short term memory at this point. agree with everything they say and figure out various distraction strategies, only way to go, everything else leads to stress and aggravation. her childhood memories are actually stronger than ever though, get her talking about the old days and it's like there's nothing wrong with her.

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FWP: my dad officially no longer knows his favorite local pub. My mom took him there and he was all like "what is this place? Why are we here?" F U dementia. On the bright side, his most frequent utterances are "this is wonderful" and "that's beautiful!" He's probably the happiest person I know right now.

Oh man, that's terrible. I wish you the best fortune possible dealing with this.




Spending Christmas alone. Don't know if I'm sad about it or not. I'm not attached to it at all, judging from all the shitty ones (all of them approximately) I've spent ever since my late childhood with families that weren't mine. I don't know if Christmas is something I should let go for good or not until I actually want to celebrate it. Is that important ?

Zephyr: like others here, wish you the best fortune with that situation.


Perezvon: I'm not a Christian so for me it's about spending time with fam and friends, which is nice. My immediate family is abroad at the moment, so I'm with friends this year. I'd say find meaning in it as you will, take what's important about it to you, and celebrate that part. If there's nothing about it you like or find important, then just enjoy the time off work (or school). Merry chenmas!

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Thanks guys.  I believe he is 77, Squee... or 76.  Sorry about the serious-ness of that one, I guess it's more of a serious problem rather than an FWP.  It was just the first thing that popped into my head after my gross noro anecdote.  


FWP: fucked up a lyric on this Santa Baby cover, because almost every lyric site has a very bizarre interpretation of the "'54 convertible" line... somewhere down the line the internet decided that was an "auto space convertible" which isn't even a thing.  I pointed out how weird that lyric was when we were recording it, but figured it was just some archaic 50's thing.  It's okay though, Shakira got trolled by the internet too.  The real FWP here is that we are now just as stupid as Shakira.

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FWP: fucked up a lyric on this Santa Baby cover, because almost every lyric site has a very bizarre interpretation of the "'54 convertible" line... somewhere down the line the internet decided that was an "auto space convertible" which isn't even a thing.  I pointed out how weird that lyric was when we were recording it, but figured it was just some archaic 50's thing.  It's okay though, Shakira got trolled by the internet too.  The real FWP here is that we are now just as stupid as Shakira.


FLOL! Yeah this December I have been analysing lyrics of post-war Christmas standards because they really do have these now anachronisms placed throughout which makes the modern covers of these songs even more ridiculous. Hearing Ariana Grande sing about 'Parson Brown' or 'The 5 And 10', wtf.

Yeah, dealing with modern renditions of post-war Christmas songs is my current FWP. It will soon be over though!

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1) have broken up with GF, but she hasn't moved out yet

2) hate my well paying job, have a mortgage that requires a well paying job, cannot think of any feasible (jobs that aren't in dying industries) alternative i'd like to do (well paying job involves other peoples health, so can't half arse it)



sell house

rent cheapest possible place i can in some remote place (?tasmania)

try hand at dying industry


unburn bridges

go back to job I hate

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