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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Sigh. I just realized it may be a little rubber thing that was attached to my ear buds.



Well, I just fished out a tiny screw from my niece’s ear.



I can't remember if I told this story in watmm but here goes..


Long time ago I woke up and had my ear really hurting and I was thinking is this ear infection or what? So, I reserved the time to see the workplace doctor. Before the doctor I had to see the nurse and she looks into my ear and says there's something really weird happening in my ear, like a black layer in there. And I was a little bit freaking out that what the fucks going on? Then she sends me to the doctor and he's looking into the ear and says there's really something here and picks up tweezers and tries to pull it out. And, yeah, it comes out. It's the fucking rubber thingy from the earbuds. I had fallen asleep with the earbuds on and the other bud left the rubber thing in my ear.. :facepalm:

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I've been standing still in an open parking lot for five minutes and a spiderweb just casually floated onto my face.


lol sorry, but that's a hilarious visual

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Sigh. I just realized it may be a little rubber thing that was attached to my ear buds.



Well, I just fished out a tiny screw from my niece’s ear.



I can't remember if I told this story in watmm but here goes..


Long time ago I woke up and had my ear really hurting and I was thinking is this ear infection or what? So, I reserved the time to see the workplace doctor. Before the doctor I had to see the nurse and she looks into my ear and says there's something really weird happening in my ear, like a black layer in there. And I was a little bit freaking out that what the fucks going on? Then she sends me to the doctor and he's looking into the ear and says there's really something here and picks up tweezers and tries to pull it out. And, yeah, it comes out. It's the fucking rubber thingy from the earbuds. I had fallen asleep with the earbuds on and the other bud left the rubber thing in my ear.. :facepalm:



I once managed to push the rubber ear bud through into the next chamber of my ear. Had to fish it out myself with tweezers :^)

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I cant access the test site at work yet so I've fuck all to do for 8 hours (well only 4 left now). I can entertain myself well enough but I'd rather just be at home yknow


the test site is called the LBTS, for "land based test site". Why don't they just call it the test site I don't know. Every little thing is an acronym here - the glossary doc from the spec with over 1200 acronyms (~40 pages at 30 acronyms per page). Some times I'll ask what the acronym means and most times they dont know. When someone talks to you about the ASWC or the GWS you just nod and hope you can figure it out from context

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People around me getting all sort of physical and mental health problems, losing jobs, etc. So feels kind of dumb to complain about minor things.. really a FWP.. not big enough personal problems to feel comfortable to complain about.


Why do I have the deja-vu feeling I wrote this before itt years ago?


Oh yeah, also, should be looking for work or some income but having too much fun to be bothered..

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Just bought a packet of crisps from the Staff Mess and they're those oven baked discs of crunchy air. Fuck off with your healthy crisps. If I want crisps I am fully aware I am making an unhealthy consumer choice, gimme the grease! If you want a healthy snack eat a sodding bag of carrots.

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theres this dude at my office who looks like a peruvian goblin, he's always cursing at the computer (he's currently moaning and going "ugh fuck this" etc cause he's being prompted to change his password, which we all have to every couple months) and he has the most annoying voice, sounds kinda like zach hadel with a permanently swollen tongue and higher pitched

thats enough complainin for the day

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My coworker is ridiculously insensitive. She waited until AFTER I had eaten six SnackPack pudding cups (grabbing the 7th and 8th) to ask how many more I was going to eat.


Had to go to a doctor to get it out, but it's out now. What a pain in the ass.



Looks suspiciously like a slightly greasy olive.


Did you mention the brand of headphones you eat?




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Had to go to a doctor to get it out, but it's out now. What a pain in the ass.



They had to go in through your ass to get it out? Fucking wild man.



oh, you didn't know how audiophiles listen to music? up the bum...

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Every time I see somebody with an Autobots t-shirt or Decepticons bumper sticker or whatever I get locked into this hyper intense observation/analysis of them to decide whether they get a thumbs up for having great taste in classic cartoons or a flip of the bird for having shit taste in live-action franchise reboot films.


This is ruining my life plz help

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Wrote an e-mail to my manager mildly criticizing upper management. Accidentally sent to upper management.

Colleague next to me can't figure out how to work a three-hole punch.

Got a paper cut.


Fuck Mondays.

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Is there anybody here that watched the entire Superbowl? That was boring as fuck. Even the halftime show...


I've never even watched a whole period of a Football game (that's soccer for you brits).  Is it even called a period in football?  Watching sports is something that leaves me scratching my head.  It's like, I enjoy eating pizza but I'm not really that interested in watching other people eat pizza.  ...well alright, if their were a television show dedicated to people eating pizza I'd probably watch that on occasion.  But does that mean there should be a Pizzabowl?  Probably. 

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I grew up playing soccer so i understand peoples love for watching team sports. The game was really bad though, the sportcasters were calling it the most boring superbowl ever, i mean there was only one touchdown! It was the lowest scoring superbowl ever.

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