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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I’m in mcdonalds and a father is lecturing his 13 year old son about education, the real world, money, inflation, ai. The father is really intense and in the sons face I feel sorry for the kid. It’s all kinda depressing and the kid is a bit too young for this talk as well I think.  
Edit: his argument was that you don’t need an education , just experience and that money isn’t really real. 
man… I feel kinda bummed

Edited by YEK
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got back from a deep cleaning at the dentist (ow) and I am reeeeaaaalllly hungry but my gums are all sore and opened up and I'm only supposed to eat yogurt or some shit later. nothing too cold, nothing too hot, nothing with seeds, not even crunchy peanut butter. "yogurt... and you could have a potato" the hygienist suggested. wtf kind of dinner is this? 

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this is sort of a FW tie between victory/problem. 

i had an MRI this morning on my fucked up shoulder.. ironically my back has been fucked for like 4 days. i told my doc i get claustrophobic so he prescribed valium.. but was 3 pills of 2mg. this is an incredibly low dose. however, i had a half a bar (1mg) left from my previous MRI attempt which was denied because insurance.. so i took that about 45 minutes before the MRI and then one of the 2mg valiums.. and then i had some 5mg valium around from anxiety/panic attack days so i took one of those too.. so i was well tuned up for this claustrophobic torpedo tube sound art experience. i never used to have a problem but several years ago it came on like a trump moving like a bitch on hot celebrity... so since then i've had to take pills pre-MRI.. 

so, there's many types of MRI machines.. the torpedo tube which is what i expected.. going in head first.. there's the sandwich type which is like two pieces of bread and you're in the middle and it's open all the wya around. no big deal.. and there's a stand up type MRI and a tube type that is open on each end. this is what i ended up with today.. had i know i'd not have taken so many tranqs. as it goes.. it's been a while since i've had a xanax and as i was taken back into the room w/the MRI i was feeling fucking great and i'd forgotten how nice it is to not care about any fucking thing for a little while.. so win.. and when i got home.. i made a cup of coffee. drive was fine really. i'm a professional. so after coffee i did the yard work.. mowed, weed eater, edging, raked up leaves and put them in the compost bin.. now i'm super chilled the fuck out and making Spam Musubi because i have all the ingredients. 

this all sounds like win except now the memory of the "every thing is fine.. absolutely everything is fine" is going to be fresh in my head a while and i will miss it. i have no intentions of going to chase pills at doctors offices etc or buying them somewhere else for many reasons. tapering benzos takes forever and it's fucking awful. crushing. really just a shit show of every kind with potential for dysphoria and all that comes with it. 

so, i'm going to enjoy the rest of my day.. eat my fucking decadent snack/dinner.. take my cancer med and hopefully have a good night's sleep and improvements in my back. going to get some back work done tomorrow so that's good. maybe this will all work out fine but it's weird as shit and if i could get to this feeling thru meditation maybe i'd make a sincere effort because it seems like the only way to get there... other than well, sex and love and stuff. 


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16 hours ago, ignatius said:

if i could get to this feeling thru meditation maybe i'd make a sincere effort because it seems like the only way to get there... other than well, sex and love and stuff. 

by "this feeling" you mean happiness, right? if so then yeah, I'd definitely say meditation can help, if you're wanting that feeling to last longer than a few hours. takes a while though to notice its effect on your mind, and of course you have to have the mental discipline, and all that. but yeah, it's supposed to help keep you grounded in reality, and ultimately help reduce your fear/anxiety about living in the world... I haven't taken valium in a long time, but do remember that warm, relaxing, light headedness headspace those little blue bars can produce. as you said, it's just temporary tho, not long term. I'd say thc > benzos if you need a temporary feeling of relaxation.

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11 minutes ago, zero said:

by "this feeling" you mean happiness, right? if so then yeah, I'd definitely say meditation can help, if you're wanting that feeling to last longer than a few hours. takes a while though to notice its effect on your mind, and of course you have to have the mental discipline, and all that. but yeah, it's supposed to help keep you grounded in reality, and ultimately help reduce your fear/anxiety about living in the world... I haven't taken valium in a long time, but do remember that warm, relaxing, light headedness headspace those little blue bars can produce. as you said, it's just temporary tho, not long term. I'd say thc > benzos if you need a temporary feeling of relaxation.

i used to smoke weed when younger and it worked well for me but in the late 90s it became a nightmare for some reason then in the 00s it started to cause pain. i could feel every inflamed joint in my body and it would trigger acid reflux and i'd just become miserable. like a torture. it's a bummer because i used to love to smoke some weed now and then at night for sleep but it's off the table for me now. now that it's legal and i can walk to 4 different weed shops.. ha. 

i don't know if it's happiness or simply the removal of anxiety. maybe that's the same thing? happiness is something else i think. cycling helps w/all the stressors in my life.. more than anything else. consistently cycling and working on music are the best things i can do for myself. recent stress (last 5 years) has been a tough hill to climb sometimes so being stoned on xanax yesterday was quite blissful. but i'm all too familiar w/what a bad road it is to go down as a regular thing. fuck that shit. 

cycling has been my meditation for a long time now.. i should try actual meditation and see how it goes... i've read some about it and watched some science type video examining the effects on the brain from regular meditation and it sounds quite good. i do kinda space out before bed which is good. 

i think i'm just dealing with the emerging wave of what's coming.. aging parents, my own health issues, financial shit.. blah blah blah.. all those things that can suck hard sometimes but are inevitable and just part of this bargain we make to be alive. 

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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

i should try actual meditation and see how it goes...

you should. there are no doubt tons of places where you live to go for a meditation class, if you want some advice/tips on getting the "hang" of it. I know the whole thing can throw out a bit of a new age-y/hokey/slightly cult-y vibe, but it's been practiced for millennia in Asia. I've gone to classes led by a variety of types - grey long haired hippyish guy, not-sure-if-she's-a-robot soccer mom, Buddhist monk in robes - and they all try and get you to do the same thing - sit still, focus on your breath, in an attempt to clear your mind of all thoughts. that's when we feel most relaxed, when the mind is clear, calm, and not racing around constantly from thought to thought.


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11 hours ago, ignatius said:

cycling has been my meditation for a long time now.. i should try actual meditation and see how it goes... i've read some about it and watched some science type video examining the effects on the brain from regular meditation and it sounds quite good. i do kinda space out before bed which is good. 

i think i'm just dealing with the emerging wave of what's coming.. aging parents, my own health issues, financial shit.. blah blah blah.. all those things that can suck hard sometimes but are inevitable and just part of this bargain we make to be alive. 

Do it! I've been living like an animal for the last 3-4 years or so but I feel I'm still benefiting from going through a phase of about 2 years where I meditated on a regular basis, shortly before falling back into my regular bs cyclus...

What set it off for me was reading the first few chapters of (I've been meaning to actually finish it) Pema Chodron's "when things fall apart". I found her tone/way of writing very down to earth and relatable and she seems to be free of woo and other such nonsense as far as I could tell. Then I started using an app where you start doing like 2 minute guided meditations and you work towards doing 30 minutes on your own for example. I liked this structured approach and it helped me build a routine and staying with it on the days where I really wasn't feeling it or whatever. I had several stretches of 2-3 months of meditating every morning and that's when I started noticing occasional, subtle changes in my perception that seemed to have a sort of rippling effect. It's definitely not as smooth or rigorous as benzos but I do think there's a slight similarity in the sense that you're still aware that everything is terrible but it affects you differently and you're able to sort of hang into it or something.


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i have a 50% or just shy of 50% tear in my rotator cuff on left shoulder. ha. nice. so, it's possible to have surgery for this but my doc doesn't really like to do it if it's not more than 50% tear. the surgery requires cutting away the rest of the tendon attacked to the bone and then using heavy sutures it gets anchored to the bone (requires bone drilling). so, if it's less than 50% he'd be cutting away more good than bad which doesn't make a lot of sense especially since i have good range of motion and my pain is way lower than it was when i started physical therapy back in october. the injury happened in mid september so it's been a long fucking time. 

so i get to wait and see and keep an eye on it etc.. possible to get a 2nd steroid injection in 3 months or so.  but basically waiting for it to get worse before any more serious type treatment like surgery. so it goes. 

also, the surgery usually has about a 6-12 month recovery time w/PT etc. but out of commission for 6 months. so he said even if it was ripe for surgery he'd wait until fall so i don't miss the rest of summer ?


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9 hours ago, ignatius said:

i have a 50% or just shy of 50% tear in my rotator cuff on left shoulder. ha. nice. so, it's possible to have surgery for this but my doc doesn't really like to do it if it's not more than 50% tear. the surgery requires cutting away the rest of the tendon attacked to the bone and then using heavy sutures it gets anchored to the bone (requires bone drilling). so, if it's less than 50% he'd be cutting away more good than bad which doesn't make a lot of sense especially since i have good range of motion and my pain is way lower than it was when i started physical therapy back in october. the injury happened in mid september so it's been a long fucking time. 

so i get to wait and see and keep an eye on it etc.. possible to get a 2nd steroid injection in 3 months or so.  but basically waiting for it to get worse before any more serious type treatment like surgery. so it goes. 

also, the surgery usually has about a 6-12 month recovery time w/PT etc. but out of commission for 6 months. so he said even if it was ripe for surgery he'd wait until fall so i don't miss the rest of summer ?


JFC can you stay in your cancer lane for once


j.k. lolling hoping this sorts itself out for you in the least extanded-pain wayze #thots&prayers


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I've been set up with a woman by a mutual friend and I've never been set up with anyone ever, how the hell do people do this? Do I just ask her about whether she's heard the new aphex? and ghost her if the answer is no? That seems like the thing to do

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2 hours ago, luke viia said:

I've been set up with a woman by a mutual friend and I've never been set up with anyone ever, how the hell do people do this? Do I just ask her about whether she's heard the new aphex? and ghost her if the answer is no? That seems like the thing to do

If the answer is "no", don't ghost, but start educating her. Women like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have around 10,000$ that I need to convert to €'s to send to my account back at home but 1$ = 0.90€ so I'll lose 1000€... in this economy? ffs...

On 6/22/2023 at 8:13 AM, luke viia said:

I've been set up with a woman by a mutual friend and I've never been set up with anyone ever, how the hell do people do this? Do I just ask her about whether she's heard the new aphex? and ghost her if the answer is no? That seems like the thing to do

don't talk about music or movies... you'll sound like a weirdo to her... let her speak, just listen and nod in agreement... after the sex you can play her Ktpa1...

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42 minutes ago, cruising for burgers said:

I have around 10,000$ that I need to convert to €'s to send to my account back at home but 1$ = 0.90€ so I'll lose 1000€... in this economy? ffs...

don't talk about music or movies... you'll sound like a weirdo to her... let her speak, just listen and nod in agreement... after the sex you can play her Ktpa1...

The trick is to first convert to GBP and then to EUR. 1 USD = 0.7899 GBP, 1 GBP = 1.1651 EUR. So you're looking at a net profit of about .0651 EUR per USD. Noice. 


SFWP; I'm attempting to write an application letter. It's taken me around four hours to write 179 words across four paragraphs. It's not easy being a stupid first world person.


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1 hour ago, user said:

The trick is to first convert to GBP and then to EUR. 1 USD = 0.7899 GBP, 1 GBP = 1.1651 EUR. So you're looking at a net profit of about .0651 EUR per USD. Noice.


$ -> £


£ -> €



I save 164.28€ ??? so instead of losing 1000€ I lose just 835.72€ ? plus convertion taxes from usd to pound and then from pound to eur and whatnot it's gonna end up being almost the same...


last September 1$ = 1.04€
I would end up with 10,400€ ?‍♂️

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i stepped into a polaris 4 wheeler today. it has a roll bar/cage and i bumped my head directly on the button of the cap i'm wearing and it made a small dent in my head. jfc. 


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6 hours ago, cruising for burgers said:

I have around 10,000$ that I need to convert to €'s to send to my account back at home but 1$ = 0.90€ so I'll lose 1000€... in this economy? ffs...

don't talk about music or movies... you'll sound like a weirdo to her... let her speak, just listen and nod in agreement... after the sex you can play her Ktpa1...

yeah just ask a bunch of questions and then come up with more questions based on the answers. then also be nice

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3 hours ago, ignatius said:

i stepped into a polaris 4 wheeler today. it has a roll bar/cage and i bumped my head directly on the button of the cap i'm wearing and it made a small dent in my head. jfc. 



??? It’s ok to admit it 

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14 hours ago, exitonly said:

yeah just ask a bunch of questions and then come up with more questions based on the answers. then also be nice

that's been the strategy. tbh not really feeling a connection, she's super nice and all, and quite pretty, but I'd rather just be friends. she probably feels the same way; totally cool with that. 

to be clear I didn't ask about aphex lol, I'm not that dense. though i did ask what kind of music she enjoys (if she's going to any fun concerts this summer, etc), and she seems to be a music by proxy type person. not like us, the intellectual mind dancers, the machine whisperers, the humble filter sweepers, the patch cord dreamers. an insurmountable gap, really. 

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1 hour ago, luke viia said:

to be clear I didn't ask about aphex lol, I'm not that dense. 

good call. dunno why but people think for some reason Aphex is weirdo territory... but hey, a harmless "when do YOU think the next BoC album is coming out" right out of the gate could've been fair game? BoC are not at all for weirdos. at all!


2 hours ago, luke viia said:

an insurmountable gap, really. 

I know you were being sarcastic, but on a serious note - my wife and I's music tastes are not what got the flame started many years ago. before her, I used to think I had a type, which meant the person I thought I'd end up with should be knowledgeable of the same social scene, cultural references, inside jokes, etc. but after riding the marriage wave for a minute now, I'd say it's best to look at the human elements of the other person, rather than anything more surface level - like music/art tastes. like does this person seem happy, carefree, good-natured...doesn't complain about things, and instead can easily go with the flow. personality characteristics like this in a person that are genuine, are the things that imo naturally keep one human attached to another human long term. has worked for me so far. good luck with finding that. 

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22 minutes ago, zero said:

I know you were being sarcastic, but on a serious note - my wife and I's music tastes are not what got the flame started many years ago. before her, I used to think I had a type, which meant the person I thought I'd end up with should be knowledgeable of the same social scene, cultural references, inside jokes, etc. but after riding the marriage wave for a minute now, I'd say it's best to look at the human elements of the other person, rather than anything more surface level - like music/art tastes. like does this person seem happy, carefree, good-natured...doesn't complain about things, and instead can easily go with the flow. personality characteristics like this in a person that are genuine, are the things that imo naturally keep one human attached to another human long term. has worked for me so far. good luck with finding that. 

for sure. I've only dated a few people that had music tastes similar to mine, and while the old mix CDs from those relationships are still some of the most vivid and amazing emotional memory-banks I possess, similar tastes in cultural artifacts alone will definitely not sustain a happy relationship. the class of traits you listed are indeed more important. I do think, though, that a similar way of seeing / moving through the world, of searching, of humor, a similar way of hoping to explore existence and grow into it, is necessary (for me anyway idk) - so that both people can not only love each other face to face, but walk together shoulder to shoulder. 

Edited by luke viia
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23 hours ago, user said:

SFWP; I'm attempting to write an application letter. It's taken me around four hours to write 179 words across four paragraphs. It's not easy being a stupid first world person.


Wasted like 3 hours trying to find a way around giving my phone# to chat gpt so it could finish the letter for me, then tried building a chatgpt from some github repo and upload that to a discord chan which took ages as the xcode tools installer kept hanging, then found out I still needed a openai key and to get one I'd need to give up my phone number. Then I found out I could just add an existing chatgpt to my channel and then realized it was useless. So I finally finished writing the letter at 5 am,  spent another hour tweaking it and my resume and waited until 9 before sending it out so as not to come across as some weirdo night dweller. This is 2 pages of text btw, I'm not some kind of jobbernaut. FWS; They phoned me back this afternoon and after some chatting I got invited for an interview. Hurray.

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