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band camp credit card statement


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i wanna buy a thing from bandcamp but the bands name has swear words in the name and dont want my mom to see swear words on the credit card staement. i just wanna be sure... what does the credit card or paypal say when you buy from bandcamp. is it the name of the artist/band or just BANDCAMP or the artists email or what




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thanks finnally. is it the paypall of bandcamp, or the band? like it says PAYPALL * BANDCAMP or PAYPALL * ARTIST??

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For Paypal it used to be "Bandcamp, Inc". But it recently changed to artist name apparently. "Receipt for Your Payment to ICASEA"


Edit: I don't use credit cards though. So I don't know how it would show up on the credit card bill.

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i dont understand, anytime i buy anything with paypal on the internet the only thing to show up on my CC statement is 'paypal transaction id#39r8y38y43824823' something like that. The only time i can actually tell what i've bought on paypal is if i go to the paypal website and look at my statement there on my paypal account.

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Guest sirch

jebbus, i thought you had to be at least 13 to join/post on internet forums???????? :cerious:




you been using your moms' credit card again, sup? :sup: lol

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im at least 13 smart one


im in general just against swearing by myself also now (but thats not to do this band camp thing) its a personable goal

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Just checking my bank statement of recent purchases -





So yeah it does. But if you've seriously got issues with swearing I think you have to realise it's just a fucking method of cunting expressionism. I don't swear that often in private or social occasions but in the right context it's just as valid a word than anything else. Man up yer bastard !

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R u against grammar and spellcheck as well?

Edit: don't sick your big brother moderator on me--besides, my moderator will kick your moderator's a$$.

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