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is Reason good for ambient?


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perhaps the new version could be now with the ability to record, you could vocode some synth patches with some field recordings... Also just with some good use of reverbs with the existing synths, yes.

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The three most popular methods of making ambient music




1. Look up how to make Trance Music in Reason

2. Watch guide videos on Youtube

3. Follow their steps

4. Mute the drums

5. Export




1. Paulstretch soundtracks to movies with dinosaurs in them

2. Export




1. Leave tape recorder on in parking garage over night.

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haha, a fine guide. For me, Reason is way too rigid, but I have no doubt you can make decent ambient in it. People have been making ambient with analog sequencers and synths for ages. It's probably one of the DAWs thats least suited to ambient out there, imho.

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if you're not a nurb you will figure out how to wire sequencers up together (not the main timeline) and make procedural music machines.

Oh, right. I only fucked around with it when it was first released. I should update my brain before replying.

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reason has two strikes against it which are

i) shitty mixing algorithm (distinct "reason" sound).. all of the DSP is optimized to be low CPU so things sound dull and aliased

ii) reverb unit isn't anything special


it's all somewhat work-around-able but a pain in the ass

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this thread is crapwagon.


Reason is a tool limited only by your ingenuity.

Pretty sure reverb is not a necessity unless you have an extremely narrow view on ambient music.

A synth is a synth as long as you are not a nurb, and are willing to spend time understanding it and learning it's personality.

Any kind of music can be made with any tool.

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Saying "ambient" isn't really the right way to address the question.


If you want to fiddle around with the same bunch of units and see what you can do with them, reason is good. If you wanna use reverb vsts, reason isn't good.


I use reason for ambient (check the sig yo). I record a lot of audio in, and the new audio channels work great. I also record stuff I've written and resample. I figured out a bunch of cool and original tricks to get cool reverb sounds.


But I can't compare reason to anything else, as I've never used anything else.

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... all of the DSP is optimized to be low CPU so things sound dull ....

Congratulations, that's probably one of the oddest things I've ever read on this here internet !

They sounds dull because they've been efficiently programmed ? :blink:

I think that's known as the Native Instruments school of thought .....

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