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Skrillex - Discuss, Debate, Praise, Hate


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I got Pandora for my phone two days ago, and dedicated yesterday to learning the lyrics to every Skrillex track.


Mostly it's that Charlie Brown adult talk, but with fancy triplets and synth squeals, like SKREEOO WOMUMUMUM WOM WOM WOM.

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Will I get hate for purchasing Skrillex tracks?





Agree. As far as music karma goes, it would take at least a few bulk purchases various acclaimed discographies to make up for one Skrillex iTunes purchase. Just find a copy on the interwebs if streaming isn't enough.


I'm sure some of his vinyl 12" pressings will end up on ebay at some point...oh wait nvmnd :wink:

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So, why was this thread -really- created?


Hopefully by amassing enough posts in this thread it will somehow quantum entangle itself with the real Skrillex and by deleting the thread, he too will be deleted. That's the prevalent theory at the WATMM Science Center anyways.

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*adds another post*



Also, if you say skrillex a couple of times it turns into Transformers having sex.


Ur welcome.


I tend to think of those rhythmic conniptions as those little shivers after an orgasm. Is there a word for that? They should change Skrillex's style to that word. Hate the player, not the music.

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Skrillex - Most IDM 2012


Because I want to hear its WATMM comp album mostly.


this would be hilarious


Will I get hate for purchasing Skrillex tracks?


thats pretty gay dude

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*adds another post*



Also, if you say skrillex a couple of times it turns into Transformers having sex.


Ur welcome.


I tend to think of those rhythmic conniptions as those little shivers after an orgasm. Is there a word for that? They should change Skrillex's style to that word. Hate the player, not the music.

spot on!

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Would I be accurate in saying he's like the Lady Gaga of dubstep?

Not really nah. Lady Gaga makes general poppy sort of music that's probably way overrated, & she seems to put more work into costumes than the music itself, but she can sing & write hooks & play piano & shit, so that puts her way ahead of the likes of Ke$ha.


Skrillex is a kid who writes pop songs with one over-exaggerated element of dubstep included as his signature (namely, the wobbly drops) & has gotten way popular against the odds. Maybe he will do something really super once his production skills improve, or maybe he'll just mess around for a while & move onto something different like he did with metal or whatever he was into before.

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