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What TV series are you watching at moment?


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I think Season 3 is actually where the show starts to evolve from a cheesy pulpy low budget feeling show into something more mature and nuanced. It doesn't really show until 4 though, but 3 introduced a lot of less cheesy just straight weird Alien conspiracy plot points like the black oil, the clones, and stuff that sort of diverts it from the traditional Grey alien mythology shit.

Also Season 3 has 2 of the best X-files episode of the entire series, Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose and Jose Chung's from Outer Space.
Both expertly mixing together comedy/horror/drama. These episodes are a definitely among the top 5 best episodes.

they had a Jose Chung episode of Millennium which was also amazing, worth checking out if you've already seen and loved the X-files jose chung episode

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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person of interest has been quite enjoyable.


on a related note anyone been watching revolution? does it suck as much at it seems or is it at least half decent?

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they had a Jose Chung episode of Millennium which was also amazing, worth checking out if you've already seen and loved the X-files jose chung episode

That was a great parody of Scienlology. Love this show

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Guest JW Modestburns

I never watch series on TV.. Besides the commercials, I'm a terribly impatient old bastard who can't put up with waiting a week for the next episode.


I've watched the following in the last month or so..



Children's Hospital

The increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret

Revisited Arrested Development

Game of Thrones

Walking Dead Season 3

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About 5 episodes into Homeland. Claire Danes was fucking annoying right up until her first mental breakdown, which was pretty unexpected and brilliantly acted. At the same time, I can't help but be disturbed by the premise of a man illegally monitored at his house because of a bipolar womans "suspicion". Regardless of whether she turns out right or not (im not far in enough), it is a deeply unnerving concept to know that this could certainly be possible given our current situation.

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Guest cult fiction

No idea why I never watched Twin Peaks, it´s so perfect... like Lynch made his own version of X-Files.


it's like x-files borrowed a lot from twin peaks actually

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yeah. i was a latecomer to Twin Peaks and it still blows my mind how much that series' aesthetic rubbed off on the X-Files (and I might even daresay improved upon it)

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I'm watching defiance because there's fuckall available for SF shows now and my gf has a girl crush on Jaime Murray and who can blame her really

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Guest abracadabra

Kenny vs. Spenny

All episodes found here on Kenny Hotz' YouTube channel. Well, most episodes. Some episodes had to be taken off probably because of YouTube's policies, such as "Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?" and "Who Can Have Sex with More Women?"

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Kenny vs. Spenny


All episodes found here on Kenny Hotz' YouTube channel. Well, most episodes. Some episodes had to be taken off probably because of YouTube's policies, such as "Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?" and "Who Can Have Sex with More Women?"


Didn't the guy who always lost pretty much quit the show because he was psychologically damaged from all that abuse. Or was that all made up?

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Guest abracadabra


Kenny vs. Spenny


All episodes found here on Kenny Hotz' YouTube channel. Well, most episodes. Some episodes had to be taken off probably because of YouTube's policies, such as "Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?" and "Who Can Have Sex with More Women?"


Didn't the guy who always lost pretty much quit the show because he was psychologically damaged from all that abuse. Or was that all made up?


I think that's made up. He's still writing, and doing shit.

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Just started House of Cards last night. Although I generally avoid shows with rich people and rich people problems, it's still pretty good.

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Kenny vs. Spenny


All episodes found here on Kenny Hotz' YouTube channel. Well, most episodes. Some episodes had to be taken off probably because of YouTube's policies, such as "Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?" and "Who Can Have Sex with More Women?"


best episode hands down is the one where they have to wear the octopus on their head.

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Guest abracadabra


Kenny vs. Spenny


All episodes found here on Kenny Hotz' YouTube channel. Well, most episodes. Some episodes had to be taken off probably because of YouTube's policies, such as "Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?" and "Who Can Have Sex with More Women?"


best episode hands down is the one where they have to wear the octopus on their head.

I agree.

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Kenny vs. Spenny


All episodes found here on Kenny Hotz' YouTube channel. Well, most episodes. Some episodes had to be taken off probably because of YouTube's policies, such as "Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?" and "Who Can Have Sex with More Women?"


best episode hands down is the one where they have to wear the octopus on their head.
I agree.
I agree.
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Kenny vs. Spenny


All episodes found here on Kenny Hotz' YouTube channel. Well, most episodes. Some episodes had to be taken off probably because of YouTube's policies, such as "Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?" and "Who Can Have Sex with More Women?"


Didn't the guy who always lost pretty much quit the show because he was psychologically damaged from all that abuse. Or was that all made up?



Dudes, Kenny vs. Spenny was the most obviously scripted show ever, I couldn't watch it, it was so embarrassing, Americans (or Canadians) must have a strange concept/perception of reality!


The fat "Jack Black"-type sympathetic character almost always won against the stereotype introvert-character so there wouldn't be riots in the streets and to prevent you guys from going on yet another shooting spree! :nacmat:

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Kenny vs. Spenny


All episodes found here on Kenny Hotz' YouTube channel. Well, most episodes. Some episodes had to be taken off probably because of YouTube's policies, such as "Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?" and "Who Can Have Sex with More Women?"


Didn't the guy who always lost pretty much quit the show because he was psychologically damaged from all that abuse. Or was that all made up?



Dudes, Kenny vs. Spenny was the most obviously scripted show ever.


...yeah, I thought that was understood.

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