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lol at "brought down bryan singer."


advanced warfare mp is fine/fun. can't remember if i've always kept auto aim off or on (it defaults to on and i switched it off and i'm doing terrible now). probably just making things harder on myself. robo suits add some interesting new dyanmics to the game.


sucks that there don't really seem to be any small maps though.


It's on because control sticks are complete shit for aiming anything well. Don't take it personally if you suck with them. They are ineffective input devices for a game like that.

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The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. It's great. Mom's Heart is way harder though; shootin' shit everywhere now. Big rooms à la Zelda: Link to the Past, new bosses, new items, smooth frame rate, more characters, local co-op.

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Binding of Isaac is coming to PS Plus...today! Will give it a try, although I suspect I will die endlessly as I do with any game that requires collecting optimal equipment for survival.

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Guest bitroast

I think dying endlessly is sort of the point. Enjoy it :)


Looking forward to grabbing it for mac. Bloody.. Worst timing for vita to die:(

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Guest bitroast


the ocarina of time 3DS port was perfect. having touch screen used for item select + updated graphics made for a great way to replay the game (especially given how much i played the games as a kid..). i'm sure this version will be no different.


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Binding of Isaac is coming to PS Plus...today! Will give it a try, although I suspect I will die endlessly as I do with any game that requires collecting optimal equipment for survival.

Oh crap, Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth has been released yesterday already on Steam! One of the rare times I have preordered a game... you'd think they would send a mail when it gets released or something. But no. I missed an entire day not playing Rebirth. :catrage:



*installs the fuck out of Rebirth*

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I really suck at Binding of Isaac...Saw the Wrath Of The Lamb DLC for sale on Steam and bought it instantanely few weeks ago, and I suck even more at the game so I don't think I'll get the rebirth edition that soon :happy:


The "local co-op" thing sounds very interesting tho !

(also, very excited about the 3DS Majora's Mask, hope they'll add few things to the original game, the fake video of "Majora's Mask HD" had me pretty excited when it was released !!!)

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i played majoras' mask 2 years ago? and it crashed twice on me after a certain amount of time so i just said f it. i never really got into it as deeply as ocarina, i honestly don't think i'd give it another try.

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I think dying endlessly is sort of the point. Enjoy it :)


Looking forward to grabbing it for mac. Bloody.. Worst timing for vita to die:(


Runs great on Mac except for a glitch when trying to set it to fullscreen mode. Gets caught in a loop until you command+option+esc then it runs fine.

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Guest bitroast

Went to paxaus last weekend . Inspired me to sink into more indies than normal again:)


Been playing a lot of Shovel Knight on computer (backed the kickstarter but couldnt be bothered waiting for nintendo aus release). This game gets it right. Its fun analysing just how spot on the game mechanics are (altho the lack of lives does kind of detach it from the general Nes philosophy a little toomuch for my opinion, i would say its pretty much still a perfect example of a 2014 Nes inspired throwback platformer done right!


Also other games. Towerfall: ascension is great multiplayer. Downloaded binding of isaac rebirh today and it seems solid. Controls are pretty spot on to the original so movement is still floaty as fuck but it overall feels a great deal more 'solid' than its flash counterpart. Overall seems good so far..


1001 spikes.. Didnt grab me so much.. It feels less like a classic platformer and more like some weird level memorisation game... Its almost too hard? I guess thats what it was going for but its easy to forget it and not bother picking it up for more cheap deaths/memorisation/frustration routines..

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Binding of Isaac is slowly becoming one of my favourite titles this year, along with Rogue Legacy. Who knew indie titles would fare better than "AAA" games?

I'm playing it too since it was free on PS+ for PS4.


Not sure yet if the hype surrounding this game is warranted or not... fun, but hasn't 'grabbed' me yet, and the toilet humour (I know, coming from me this is rather hypocritical) is a bit much at times.

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yeah i finally gripped isaac yesterday due to ps+. seems like an ugly clunky flash game. enjoying some of my hoarded ps+ games from before i had a ps4 though. strider is pretty awes and dust: elyssian tales would probably be good if it weren't so... furry

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