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Started up Dark Souls again after a few months of inaction. Apparently Im in the middle of NG+, and man I had a rude awakening. Got invaded and had absolutely no idea how to fight against this one guy with a spell that knocked me over every time, setting him up for a backstab.

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Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS)

Ni no Kuni (PS3)

Dragon's Crown (PS3)

Disgaea D2 (PS3)

The Wonderful 101 (Wii U)


I will likely not finish any of these games. I've put 60 hours into SMTIV and probably still won't beat it.

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Yeah, so I tried to get into this game, but I couldn't. It feels really off to me. It looks and sounds like a MM game, but doesn't feel like it at all. It's way too hard, and I know MM games have a reputation for being hard, but the truth of the matter is that they really aren't. With the exception of 1, 9, and 10 (and MM&Bass), none of them are as insanely difficult as this one. The enemies' patterns and attacks just seem built to frustrate. There' s one stage that starts with a possible instant death. That's not something you'd find in an official MM game. It is, however, much better than that SFxMM trash.


played a bit of MEGA MAN UNLIMITED today.





a fan made 8-bit mega man game that's actually pretty perfect. i found the difficulty to be harder than the original mega man games (in particular, the length of the levels is a bit rich with only one or two checkpoint sparingly spread with great lengths of difficult gameplay in between). the music, and graphics, and controls, and overall style and feel of the game is spot on. what also is pretty remarkable is that the game feels fresh and innovative. it takes risks and has fun gameplay elements in its level and enemy design, that it actually feels like a fresh new legitimate mega man sequel, as opposed to a fan made clone or homage.

definitely recommending it to any mega man fan. it definitely plays better than the capcom released (..endorsed?) street fighter x mega man. and seems even better and fresher than mega man 9 and mega man 10. definitely better than mm 10, at least.





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Guest bitroast

Oh yes I completely agree that it's much much stupidly harder. I think what makes so recommendable for me though is the originality in the game. It had a lot of unique little designs to certain enemys and levels that felt fresh but still made sense as a megaman style design.

It's a shame it's >too hard<, but I still enjoy it for what it is :)

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played a bit more of the Dark Souls NG+, finally got to and beat Pinwheel but jesus I must have died about 8-10 times. This time around the game seems way more difficult, even with all the flasks and potions.

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The whole Catacombs is confusing as hell....and it doesn't help that my only divine weapon doesn't really hit that hard.



its like in NG+ literally EVERYTHING can kill you in two hits or less. And here I was hoping it would be easier.


do you have any general tips to help me out? Im pretty much just a STR/DEX guy....i did really well against Ornstein and Smough, but I seem to get obliterated by a lot of the normal enemies (read: Skeletons) I don't remember being this horrible at the game.

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If you're STR/DEX guy, level up both ur str/dex to 40. get a weapon that scales well with both strenght and dex, A(S when upgraded to +14 sometimes) scaling is best, no scaling is worst, you can check those by checking the weapon stats. Zweihander, Claymore, Black knight halberd, halberd, washing pole, murakamo, etc are all really good for str/dex, generally the weapons that are big but faster than usual ultragreatswords or hammers should be good, but again, check the scaling. Upgrade your weapon to +15 or +5 if it's upgraded with twinkling titanite, you'll need the very large ember to upgrade from +10 to +15, it's found in lower new londo ruins. Choose your armor by poise, not by phisical defense or whatever, it's the only important stat for defence. Oh and of course, keep your equip load lower than 25%, it will make you roll faster but you probably know this. Basically for defence you want 2 things - Fast roll, and 53 poise if possible, fast roll being more important, 53 poise allows you to not get stunlocked from one greatsword attack. Use wolf ring if needed, again poise is more important than other defence stats.


If you post your stats and what do you want from your build, I could help you finish it.



For more general tips, idk, it depends a lot on the playstyle, try using no shield and 2 handing your weapon, might be hard at first but you'll get a lot better at dodging and your weapon will also hit stronger. Learn your weapons moveset well, take advantages of it, don't forget to use kick against faggots hiding behind shields, quite a few people forget that the strong jumping attack exists, it can be really useful as well.

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Guest disparaissant

Still chugging along in CK2: Old Gods.


This is the best I have ever done in any game, ever, probably. Started off as the Chief of Örkno, took about 2 generations to take over Scotland, and then just went nuts all over Ireland and England. Now I'm the Emperor of Brittania, Fylkir of the Reformed Norse religion, King of Denmark, King of England, King of West Francia, and my brothers are King of Irland and King of Skotland, respectively. Can't wait until 1100, when I can declare Great Holy Wars in the name of Odin!



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Guest cult fiction

Playing through Amnesia: Machine for Pigs.


It's not as good as the first one thus far, but it's definitely unsettling. The writing is a lot better than the first, it captures that The Jungle/industrialization era bodily horror really well.


Without the sanity mechanic monsters wind up not being as scary, because you can shut off your lantern and watch them path around with no downside.

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