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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

Guest pixelives

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Guest pixelives

The two month thing, if Warp can manage to keep it under wraps, is very savvy hype building. As see here on this here site. A site that is indexed on Google. You have to think about things like not just the hardcore fans or virgin new fans, but the more casual listeners and perhaps old fans that fell out of favor with music like this, old fans who listened in the 90's, for example.


I've been hearing interest in friends of mine who haven't really been into Ae for a long while, expressing interest in this new release. Probably something to do with the relative "softness" of Oversteps as the most recent gateway.

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the only reason i can see a 2 month lead time making sense is because reviewers tend to have day jobs (surprise, this profession most likely does not pay a living wage) and are probably a procrastinating bunch much like most people in the music industry. If you make a reviewer feel as if he/she has to 'rush' to write something in say a month or only 2 weeks, you're going to get a lot less reviews. Most reviewers and outlets would ideally like to maintain that image of having the 'scoop' or in this case the early word on what the album sounds like. 2 months is about the perfect amount of time to make sure you get maximum exposure. It makes plenty of sense why a band with as big of a cult following as AE would still need to (or more like Warp still needs to) go through the regular routine to promote a new work. Then when you cross into a bigger echelon of fame you'll have just a team of people constantly promoting you. Huge movie stars will still play these types of games, people get paid a lot of money for being hype men. And if you are Tom Cruise you can hire a lot of hype men to make sure you get positioned into the next role you want while combatting those nasty gay 'arranged marriage' and 'crazy scientologist' rumors


I suppose that would make sense except that how fucking long does it take to write an album review? Presumably these gentlemen get the opportunity to listen to the album on their commute to and from work, as well as in the evening time. I've written reviews for Ae Albums before and whilst I may not be doing it professionally it still only takes me like absolute max 2 hours to write a full comprehensive track-by-track review but most of these reviews will likely be shorter than this paragraph. Also pitchfork will be super lame.



you can bang out a review in 5 minutes, but that's just writing. to write about something you have to be familiar with it, and that takes up time and (sometimes) research. sure,with bands like weezer, you need one listen to know if it's going to end up well or not in the review. but with weird (and double) albums it just takes up time. and it's not like you get one album to write about. you get 20 and have to sort it out. and even after you write this really thought out, well paced review there will still be someone complaining you don't like it well enough (like you just did with pitchfork). so yeah, it's great you can write a quick review of an album you listened to 100 times, but try doing that every other day to albums you got a week before and maybe you'll get why promos are send out waaaay in advance to avoid rushed 'this album is shit'/'this is amazing' reviews that don't hold up.


and that's not even taking into consideration whole really long and boring publication process that in paper press usually takes up to a month or so, so autechre reviews in march issue of the wire or something was most likely written in february, which makes sending a promo in january pretty sensible.

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Guest pixelives
the only reason i can see a 2 month lead time making sense is because reviewers tend to have day jobs (surprise, this profession most likely does not pay a living wage) and are probably a procrastinating bunch much like most people in the music industry. If you make a reviewer feel as if he/she has to 'rush' to write something in say a month or only 2 weeks, you're going to get a lot less reviews. Most reviewers and outlets would ideally like to maintain that image of having the 'scoop' or in this case the early word on what the album sounds like. 2 months is about the perfect amount of time to make sure you get maximum exposure. It makes plenty of sense why a band with as big of a cult following as AE would still need to (or more like Warp still needs to) go through the regular routine to promote a new work. Then when you cross into a bigger echelon of fame you'll have just a team of people constantly promoting you. Huge movie stars will still play these types of games, people get paid a lot of money for being hype men. And if you are Tom Cruise you can hire a lot of hype men to make sure you get positioned into the next role you want while combatting those nasty gay 'arranged marriage' and 'crazy scientologist' rumors


I suppose that would make sense except that how fucking long does it take to write an album review? Presumably these gentlemen get the opportunity to listen to the album on their commute to and from work, as well as in the evening time. I've written reviews for Ae Albums before and whilst I may not be doing it professionally it still only takes me like absolute max 2 hours to write a full comprehensive track-by-track review but most of these reviews will likely be shorter than this paragraph. Also pitchfork will be super lame.



you can bang out a review in 5 minutes, but that's just writing. to write about something you have to be familiar with it, and that takes up time and (sometimes) research. sure,with bands like weezer, you need one listen to know if it's going to end up well or not in the review. but with weird (and double) albums it just takes up time. and it's not like you get one album to write about. you get 20 and have to sort it out. and even after you write this really thought out, well paced review there will still be someone complaining you don't like it well enough (like you just did with pitchfork). so yeah, it's great you can write a quick review of an album you listened to 100 times, but try doing that every other day to albums you got a week before and maybe you'll get why promos are send out waaaay in advance to avoid rushed 'this album is shit'/'this is amazing' reviews that don't hold up.


and that's not even taking into consideration whole really long and boring publication process that in paper press usually takes up to a month or so, so autechre reviews in march issue of the wire or something was most likely written in february, which makes sending a promo in january pretty sensible.


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"Exai has thing going on where there are definitive "changes" in tracks. like, "oh here's the B part/C part," so less slow evolution and more, "boom shut that door! new room!"

So kinda like the new Burial and Clark? I like the sound of this.

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there's just this small thing...who the fuck needs reviews in this day and age ? just download the record and judge it yourself, if you like it - then buy it (optional), if not - throw it in the recycle bin !

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Guest pixelives
"Exai has thing going on where there are definitive "changes" in tracks. like, "oh here's the B part/C part," so less slow evolution and more, "boom shut that door! new room!"


So kinda like the new Burial and Clark? I like the sound of this.

Yeah, but better obviously. :wink:

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Just wanted to chime in saying the lack of radio play has been interesting... Is there a Warp embargo or is January's simply too early to start playing tracks off an album that's over a month away? Still, almost February, then only 4 weeks.

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Guest pixelives
there's just this small thing...who the fuck needs reviews in this day and age ? just download the record and judge it yourself, if you like it - then buy it (optional), if not - throw it in the recycle bin !

I like reading reviews. I like reading them for things I like especially. It may open up lines of thought that you had not come up with otherwise and bring into focus others you had enriching the experience. When you get a thoughtful and in depth analysis of Autechre this is what can happen. I guess I am a curious person.

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the only reason i can see a 2 month lead time making sense is because reviewers tend to have day jobs (surprise, this profession most likely does not pay a living wage) and are probably a procrastinating bunch much like most people in the music industry. If you make a reviewer feel as if he/she has to 'rush' to write something in say a month or only 2 weeks, you're going to get a lot less reviews. Most reviewers and outlets would ideally like to maintain that image of having the 'scoop' or in this case the early word on what the album sounds like. 2 months is about the perfect amount of time to make sure you get maximum exposure. It makes plenty of sense why a band with as big of a cult following as AE would still need to (or more like Warp still needs to) go through the regular routine to promote a new work. Then when you cross into a bigger echelon of fame you'll have just a team of people constantly promoting you. Huge movie stars will still play these types of games, people get paid a lot of money for being hype men. And if you are Tom Cruise you can hire a lot of hype men to make sure you get positioned into the next role you want while combatting those nasty gay 'arranged marriage' and 'crazy scientologist' rumors


I suppose that would make sense except that how fucking long does it take to write an album review? Presumably these gentlemen get the opportunity to listen to the album on their commute to and from work, as well as in the evening time. I've written reviews for Ae Albums before and whilst I may not be doing it professionally it still only takes me like absolute max 2 hours to write a full comprehensive track-by-track review but most of these reviews will likely be shorter than this paragraph. Also pitchfork will be super lame.



you can bang out a review in 5 minutes, but that's just writing. to write about something you have to be familiar with it, and that takes up time and (sometimes) research. sure,with bands like weezer, you need one listen to know if it's going to end up well or not in the review. but with weird (and double) albums it just takes up time. and it's not like you get one album to write about. you get 20 and have to sort it out. and even after you write this really thought out, well paced review there will still be someone complaining you don't like it well enough (like you just did with pitchfork). so yeah, it's great you can write a quick review of an album you listened to 100 times, but try doing that every other day to albums you got a week before and maybe you'll get why promos are send out waaaay in advance to avoid rushed 'this album is shit'/'this is amazing' reviews that don't hold up.


and that's not even taking into consideration whole really long and boring publication process that in paper press usually takes up to a month or so, so autechre reviews in march issue of the wire or something was most likely written in february, which makes sending a promo in january pretty sensible.



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Guest pixelives

One thing that hasn't been addressed with reviews, especially ones written by people who are known for their critical perspective, is that it is added to the canon of this artist in a critical context. In the long run this is important and becomes a part of the narrative of that artist.

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I dont think the rigidity of this old process has value enough for a band that is moving units in the 10's of thousands, tops. While I assume everything that is said is true (about new and old listeners alike coming back to Autechre), how many people are we really talking about here?


I dont see this announce-wait-promote-wait-review-release thing making SO many more sales. Dont get me wrong, it's Autechre... but they certainly arent the media darlings that Grizzly Bear has become. (ducks) :shrug::blush:

Edited by gl0tch
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Guest the anonymous forumite
This is pretty spot on. Exai has thing going on where there are definitive "changes" in tracks. like, "oh here's the B part/C part," so less slow evolution and more, "boom shut that door! new room!"


I regret that AE has given up on subtle transitions and this, since Untilted. Sometimes they have brutal transitions that work, but most of the time, part look like being glued together.

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Guest pixelives

I'd say those are happening, as well. But you don't necessarily "get" them on the first few listens, which is where I am at currently. Sometimes you don't understand those for quite a long time..

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And that's the beauty of music, especially ae's. Takes time to build up, and your brain readjusts and 'calibrates' itself to the sounds, and as emotional familiarity grows, you start to see new details. That's how I feel.

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Guest disoriental express

I've given serious consideration to scrawling BLADELORES on a piece of cardboard and hanging it above my bed to fap to in the deep hours.


Bladelores is the centerfold. Hallowed be its name. :cerious:

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And that's the beauty of music, especially ae's. Takes time to build up, and your brain readjusts and 'calibrates' itself to the sounds, and as emotional familiarity grows, you start to see new details. That's how I feel.

good words

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