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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

Guest pixelives

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I should add that we had heard Simmm via Mary-Anne Hobbes and I think Tankakern, WNSN and Rale via another online radio show about Jan 17, prior to the early release.

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and no wonder many musicians want to steer well fucking clear of this place.


like who exactly? I call bullshit on this, besides Cylob and maybe Vsnares who we know overtly dislike watmm.

I'm pretty sure that 'keyosc' basically confirms that even some of the biggest electronic musicians steer directly into this place, and probably more than just once.

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...had considered oscillik's position some time ago as well, but proving otherwise should be fairly easy, and no actual audio need be conceded: pixelives simply provides a DAW waveform view screenshot of "spl9" (panoramic, preferably), which can then be compared to a recording of it from FailCast 019. Unless FailCast are trolling, and despite any difference in sound quality, etc. between the two, they should appear fairly similar.

Edited by lim
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I'm not going to conclude anything but I'll assume pixellives is the real deal. If not, I'm sure the album will be amazing anyways so I'm happy to let this build up my expectations. I've never been anything short of totally blown away in the past, regardless of my expectations, so I doubt this will be any different.

Plus what he describes does indeed feel like the natural progression from this point. Obviously this will retroactively be either debunked or vindicated, so time will tell.


I suppose Osc's point about wanting proof is valid enough but I think the vast majority of us are willing to overlook that in the absence of any other information, and the quantity of information he's provided is enough to suggest it is legit. If he's trolling he has earned the satisfaction as far as I'm concerned.

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Guest pixelives

I just don't care enough to troll that hard, nor do I have the time to do such things. I'm really happy to be sharing this with you in the capacity that I can.


The album is very good. Things are becoming apparent and certain songs are getting stuck in my head (which is a good sign, I think).


Haven't had a chance today to give a serious listen due to the fact I needed to be listening to other audio to get this work done. But tomorrow is a holiday here in the states and I'll be doing another big listen or two.


If you really, really need some sort of waveform proof I could screen grab the first 30 seconds of spl9. They are going to look very different, though, I am sure of it. The pod cast was so low resolution and compressed compared to the real audio that they will not match up exactly.

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Pixel... don't worry about trying to 'prove' anything. It's impossible to prove and any 'proof' given wouldn't satisfy anyone doubting it anyways. I'm pretty sure most of us believe you. And if anyone doesn't then they don't have to listen to your opinions. Simple, no?


As for me, I greatly appreciate the time you've spent answering questions and giving your opinions here... it's made the wait much more bearable!

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I really don't want to see 30 seconds, especially not if it's a spectrum. I use it all the time to make my music, so I know what it will sound like, and I really don't want to know.


Whether you actually have Exai or not, I don't want you to prove anything, I've already read enough info on the album, I just want it to either leak or not, that's why I'm here all the time. If it leaks, I might download it, if it doesn't, I'll wait for it to be properly released.

So can we please stop the questions about whether or not Exai sounds like something we've already heard? Just wait for its release or leak, then you can listen to it yourself. I'm fine with answers or questions about pix's experiences and such, but I don't want every track explained in detail, no one can possibly know what it sounds like.


Please, just stop.

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I'm guessing some people spilled over from the BOC-forum into this thread.


O well, at least I've won a bet with a huge margin. Still no leak. ;P

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Also, pix, if you do have Exai [i think you do, because you've explained so many things], good for you [that sounded like I don't like you....], it must be super awesome to have it... and I forgot what I really wanted to say.

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Whether you actually have Exai or not, I don't want you to prove anything, I've already read enough info on the album, I just want it to either leak or not, that's why I'm here all the time. If it leaks, I might download it, if it doesn't, I'll wait for it to be properly released.

So can we please stop the questions about whether or not Exai sounds like something we've already heard? Just wait for its release or leak, then you can listen to it yourself. I'm fine with answers or questions about pix's experiences and such, but I don't want every track explained in detail, no one can possibly know what it sounds like.


Please, just stop.


If some folks feel pixelives' impressions might ruin their first listen, it might be a good idea to use the spoiler tags as a courtesy to them.


I appreciate all the descriptions so far and they've actually convinced me to shell out the money for the vinyl instead of my original plan of dropping by my local store to pick up the CD. Since vinyl is generally expensive I usually only reserve those purchases for my favorite music, but it sounds very likely so far that this one will be well worth the money for me.

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I'm just trying to point out that this place is full of fucking hypocrites sometimes, and no wonder many musicians want to steer well fucking clear of this place. Not trying to say you're a hypocrite, but rather everyone else who is just accepting what you're saying without any evidence to prove it.


Some people just come across as more trustworthy than others. And to me, that's enough reason to feel justified believing pixelives's testimony (as opposed to, let's just say, gl0tch's or Awepittance's). You on the other hand seem more concerned with proving yourself right and others wrong than sharing in the kiosk circlejerk in a spirit of brotherhood. So if people believe pixelives more than you, it's your own fault. Be nicer and I think people will be more prone to take your word on things.


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Anyone can print out a picture of the Autechre artwork and put a sticker on it saying it has a uniquely identifiable watermark. This doesn't prove that Autechre have a new album coming out. Noob.

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