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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

Guest pixelives

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Gave it my first listen and I can't really get into it, it's like there's something missing. I won't talk about the "challenging" or "experimental" points that already have been discussed but rather about the sound pallet that imho is pretty disappointing. For sure the songs are great, they provide somethin' new but it sounds as if I was listening to an improved version of MoT - seriously, all the "hip-hop" songs (and especially recks on) sound like a reworked rew(1) with new pads over it.

This is really a disappointement to me and it almost manage to kill the pleasure I have to finally give Exai a listen. I never thought of Oversteps or MoT, nor Exai, to be steps taken backwards in their discography, but I don't feel the massive change they used to create between their last albums...Maybe it's just a matter of time tho (I hope so !)

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Although I find this album really good, listening on good monitors and headphones I find a lot of parts dynamically flat and really not that massive spacially, needs to be a bit fatter, rounder, more room inside of each sound, if it had that it really would be a truly amazing listen.

Pro tip - don't listen to records on monitors.

Well I know my speakers and I'd much rather listen to it on them than say the car...I feel the opposite with the car speakers, sounds too harsh


Just all a matter of perception/opinion I guess

Edited by Gordon
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spending a lot of time with Flep atm. Feels like watching a faster-than-light particle carve some kind of beautiful alien structure into the space around me whilst I sit in the middle in awe.

Finally some Flep love! Its the most immediate track on the album imo.

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I can't get enough of the first three tracks. They are so, so good. Fleure, with it's spindly, beautifully metallic frequency-shifting beat and many buried arpeggios, melodies and squelches (I don't know if that's correct, just trying to find words), irlite with its beautiful alien atmosphere and frankly bizarre but wonderful melodies and chord bursts, and the best of all (to me), Prac-f....that third one in particular displays a level of detail and sonic mastery I've not heard before. Totally overwhelming, and makes my brain sing. It kind of spoils me for anything less, so I guess the fact that other tracks are a little more bare is part of why I struggle with some of the album. vekoS is similar in its density and atmosphere. Another stella track.

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I can't stand those lp5-ish pads at the beginning of T ess XI, so uninspired.


Right. I love where the track goes, and the lovely machine-like chords from the second half onwards that replace those opening pads...but really...those opening pads are pretty corny. Those combined with the 'talky' synth squelches and bouncey beat; it's like your dad telling an embarrassing joke.

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I can't stand those lp5-ish pads at the beginning of T ess XI, so uninspired.

Right. I love where the track goes, and the lovely machine-like chords from the second half onwards that replace those opening pads...but really...those opening pads are pretty corny. Those combined with the 'talky' synth squelches and bouncey beat; it's like your dad telling an embarrassing joke.

Yeah, fuck that whole 'fun, memorable melody' thing :rolleyes:
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Guest the anonymous forumite

I can't believe how lame "recks on"'s first part beat . Not witty at all, very surprising coming from Autechre.

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Guest disoriental express

this record is subversive and unapologetic. it tricks you with obviousness then closes in for the kill with mind melting details.

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I can't believe how lame "recks on"'s first part beat . Not witty at all, very surprising coming from Autechre.



yea, that is one of my favorite parts of the album, especially when the hi hats kick in and there is that subtle bass kick delay. fucking christ.

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I can't believe how lame "recks on"'s first part beat . Not witty at all, very surprising coming from Autechre.



yea, that is one of my favorite parts of the album, especially when the hi hats kick in and there is that subtle bass kick delay. fucking christ.


Wrong Opinions - Starring your host... the anonymous forumite!

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