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madrid riots


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Not to get all David Icke on the subject but does anybody else get the feeling that we're ripe for a good old fashioned World War? The necessary ingredients are more than abundant: widespread economic uncertainty and disenfranchisement, Israel-Iran brinkmanship, anti-American wildfires in the Middle East, a superpower in decline (America), China-Japan chest thumping over islands, etc.


Nah, it's been like this for a looooong time. As long as there are people there will be fights.

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Not to get all David Icke on the subject but does anybody else get the feeling that we're ripe for a good old fashioned World War? The necessary ingredients are more than abundant: widespread economic uncertainty and disenfranchisement, Israel-Iran brinkmanship, anti-American wildfires in the Middle East, a superpower in decline (America), China-Japan chest thumping over islands, etc.


The last two World Wars were both between two huge alliances: the Allies vs the Central Powers in WWI and the Allies vs the Axis in WWII. The hypothetical 3rd WW from 1950s until the collapse of the Soviet Union would have been between the Communist Bloc and USA/NATO. I don't see that kind of bipolarity in the world now. It's just regular old fighting that's been happening since the dawn of man.

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Nobody is interested in World War 3. There's no more market for sequels. If we could reboot the original world war, maybe have it darker, gritter and more realistic, maybe replace the Germans with CGI aliens we might be onto something.

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IMHO that store owner is protecting his property from police not rioters.

reddit says it's actually both, some protesters are throwing shit at the police and hitting his place so he yells at them to stop and he also tries to prevent the police from barging into his place were some protestors were staying.

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what i see in that video is a vicious cycle. protesters get rowdy, police begin to attack them, this pisses the protesters off even more and so the police begin to terrorize indiscriminately because the protesters have gone wild from anger. i don't know what the solution is in situations like that, but i feel like the police response only made it worse. their job should be to protect innocent people from being hurt or prevent vandalism; their job is not beating the shit out of unarmed civilians.

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Not to get all David Icke on the subject but does anybody else get the feeling that we're ripe for a good old fashioned World War? The necessary ingredients are more than abundant: widespread economic uncertainty and disenfranchisement, Israel-Iran brinkmanship, anti-American wildfires in the Middle East, a superpower in decline (America), China-Japan chest thumping over islands, etc.


there needs to be a trigger, though. everything is too disjointed and unorganized. like someone else said, you need coalitions, alliances, and more importantly than either of those things, money. lots of it. the people rioting and starting 'revolutions' are poor and mostly leaderless/aimlessly grasping for something else. when they have something else to grab on to and to whip them into shape, then you'll see issue. honestly i doubt it'll happen in the areas that undergoing change at the moment. i've got my money on China within a few decades.

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