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Guest jasondonervan

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - A bit silly in places but otherwise good fantasy fun. Made me want to go back and watch lotr again. 7/10

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

White House Down

Passable. But felt long and not as much fun as a die hard film.


World War Z

Mostly good. Felt short or flew by anyway which is a good sign. Malcolm Tucker was way underused

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Spring Breakers


Gucci Mane: "Damn baby. Feels like you playin' piano on my dick. Feels like you playin Mozart."



Gucci Mane was the best thing about that movie. I almost jumped out of my seat when i recognized him

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Fast and Furious 6(0) 5/10

Good film to waste some time but its become comical the climax on the bridge bit was hilarious, the only bit that made me go wow! is the very very end that sets up F&F7

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Snow White and the Huntsman 5/10


This was a mediocre reworking at best, far inferior to the previous version Snow White with Miranda Richardson and that girl from Smallville.


So much smell the fart acting I ended up actually being able to smell the farts myself. Both Kristen and Chris played the same characters as always.


I'm thinking of calling the video streaming company, to ask for compensation for the part of my life I took to watch that film and will never get back.

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Guest isaki

Snow White and the Huntsman 5/10


This was a mediocre reworking at best, far inferior to the previous version Snow White with Miranda Richardson and that girl from Smallville.


So much smell the fart acting I ended up actually being able to smell the farts myself. Both Kristen and Chris played the same characters as always.


I'm thinking of calling the video streaming company, to ask for compensation for the part of my life I took to watch that film and will never get back.

only film I've ever walked out of

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Trance: Pleasantly suprised, maybe my favorite Boyle film (although trainspotting comes close.) Gripped from beginning to end, love how the story was told while i was constantly questioning what was real and what was fake. Pacing was engaging and fun. 9/10

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Sightseers - Weird film with very unique and bizarre characters and a adorable dog. Not exactly sure how to rate it, its kind of like god bless america but with 100 times more interesting characters but at the same time i felt kind of empty at the end. 7/10 i guess.

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A Field In England - This is one of those films that is either a 0/10 or a 10/10, i think it was a 10/10. I think everyone should see this film but its going to be like going to the see an abstract art exhibition.

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Fuck, i forgot to add that the main actor was fucking brilliant, his performance is one of those things that you want to stand up and applaud.

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Yup, the slow-motion scene where he emerges from the tent tripping off his nut to find treasure was ridiculously good.

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I keep meaning to proceed with my plan to completely re-edit Prometheus into something more akin to a moody sci-fi movie by ripping out most (all?) of the scenes with dialogue/general stupidity and splicing together all of the purdy CGI/landscape shots (will probably end up with about four minutes worth). Oh, and soundtracking the whole thing with Autechre. I did that kinda-music video using the Weyland files shorts from the Blu Ray extras and a bit of 'chre, I just need to give enough of a damn to go all in on the full film. I imagine it will be quite satisfying binning scene after scene in order to get to my own director's cut.


Ridley pls

Do it! Then show me the results please.

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Guest isaki

midnight in paris - pretty sure the soundtrack consists of one song that keeps on playing through the whole film - other than that, quite entertaining

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Tropic Thunder (10/10) Finally saw this mofo of a film after missing it on the silver screen when it came out. It is at the highest level of American comedic Hollywood film making output, and it is truly great. Ben Stiller, you are genius. Everyone in the film- excellent job. So fucking good.

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Tropic Thunder (10/10) Finally saw this mofo of a film after missing it on the silver screen when it came out. It is at the highest level of American comedic Hollywood film making output, and it is truly great. Ben Stiller, you are genius. Everyone in the film- excellent job. So fucking good.


Les Grossman: Now I want you to take a step back... and literally fuck your own face!


Tugg Speedman: [as Simple Jack] Goodbye mama, now you can have ice cream in heavan! I'll see you again tonight when I go to bed in my head movies. But this head movie makes my eyes rain!


Kirk Lazarus: Everybody knows you never go full retard.

Edited by MadameChaos
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rolling thunder > nice schrader script of returning imprisoned vietnam vet; great relaxed & unsual slight subculture feel, pacing and tone with punchy shootout revenge finale.


quatermass and the pit > hammer version. has something of an uber-weird idea that, if you catch it unexpectedly on late night tv, can work extremely well, but despite how brave nigel kneale's script can be seen as being, it can also look quite hokey at times.


moon and cherry > yuki tanada's university club of amateur erotic writers sets only female member up for a clash as she exploits and trains virgin as a way of inspiring material. something of a role-reversal to make the men realise how they treat women. lots of ideas to discuss from seeing this, if you ever met anyone else who'd seen it.


unbowed > korean court drama of a man tried for using a crossbow to attempt murder. hasn't enough sense of just how corrupt a system south korea is still working with to find distance, and isn't brave or clever enough to take too much risk with ideas about what might be wrong. looks quite naive from this distance, i'm guessing. not imaginatively shot, either, but a big commercial success over there in recent times,


ballad of narayama > kinoshita's version, highly stylised stage-production like feel with great use of astonishing sets and bold lighting, tells the story of a small villages tradition of the elderly being take to narayama mountain to die in isolation. ultimately pretty heartbreaking, but frequent smart in showing how this is a young persons idea of how useful the elderly are that ultimately turns to bite them on the ass as they gradually face up to life's inevitable passage of time.


onibaba > classic.


drug war > new johnnie to crime drama. exceptionally good popular entertainment action set in mainland china. the chase to capture drug lords gets intricate, has both serious and light moments, lots of characters that are pitched very well against each other, great scenery and very much the kind of film that's worth seeing on a big screen more than once, if you can. loved it.


lesson of the evil > takashi miike's school-set drama is no 'battle royale', but it has a good central idea of unwavering trust in teachers, despite the teacher ultimately trying to slaughter absolutely everyone. lots of set-up that's relatively straightforward, but miike's ability to put oddness into mainstream films comes to the fore in the last third of the film - the lighting becomes surreal and gaudy, the gunshots and exaggerated blood spray are very frequent.


thieves > korean crime caper with lots of HK cast members (simon yam) which works better in it's later chase sequences as it actually feels more HK action.

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Guest jasondonervan

The Place Beyond The Pines - Knew nothing about it other than a friend's recommendation that I should watch it. Interesting story, the big plot turns were quite unexpected, especially the first significant one which dictated the tone for the rest of the film. Very well acted, a few corny moments but otherwise quite a captivating watch. 8/10

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I saw blade runner for the first time. assumed i had seen it because i knew alot about it and alot of the dialogue from music sampling it. turns out i hadn't seen it. i kinda hated it. the "final cut" version is a mess. i can't think of anything redeeming about it. go ahead tell me i'm nuts

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