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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I'm surprised they kept the same name. what the fuck does oldboy mean? and yeah it looks like a not as good version, cool

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what is it with remaking perfectly good films, do they thing that american audiences hate reading, or seeing brown people?


ironic that spike lee has made it then, especially in light of his initial reaction to the last tarantino flick.



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yeah no kidding right. Spike Lee's a twat....although I partially agreed with him about Django (though I suspect he was mostly motivated by professional jealousy, he happened to be right). I thought Django sucked (apart from Sam Jackson's performance) and Tarantino has become kind of an embarrassment.

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Guest zaphod

what is the point of remaking a film like oldboy? it isn't well known enough to have some kind of built in fanbase, it's a graphic r rated film, there aren't really any major stars in the remake. it's not as if it will make any money for the studio. why bother?

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

what is the point of remaking a film like oldboy? it isn't well known enough to have some kind of built in fanbase, it's a graphic r rated film, there aren't really any major stars in the remake. it's not as if it will make any money for the studio. why bother?


Sam Jackson and John Brolin. No stars?

I agree its a pointless remake but I'm sure it will make money or at least recoup costs

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Pacific Rim

I didnt have huge expectations. It looked pretty dumb and I wasn't excited to see it, but it was really good. Much better than man of steel. They made giant superhuman type things punching each other interesting (I guess because it had consequences and they could hurt each other). I have a few complaints but nothing major. It was so fast paced/cut I didn't always know what was going on in the fights (probably worse in 3D, I went 2D). There some great comic moments and it could have used more of those.

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what is the point of remaking a film like oldboy? it isn't well known enough to have some kind of built in fanbase, it's a graphic r rated film, there aren't really any major stars in the remake. it's not as if it will make any money for the studio. why bother?


Sam Jackson and John Brolin. No stars?

I agree its a pointless remake but I'm sure it will make money or at least recoup costs


Studio's just wont back much original concept ideas anymore - anything that has somewhat of a name and has proven popular that can be re-packaged will be...prepare yourselves


speaking of Pacific Rim - a lot is riding on it, its an original concept film in blockbuster form...if it bombs and flops (which unfortunately i'd say it will) will just add fire to this re-make/boot phase of film history

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I fear it may bomb too. I saw a Thursday night sneak peek screening and it was half full. I only booked tickets the day before too (when only 6 tickets were sold).


Charlie Hunnan isn't a draw I don't suppose although the ladies love him, his leading man status isn't confirmed

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neighboring sounds - 8.5/10 - very well crafted and tense social issue drama that takes the whole neighborhood in focus, quite reminiscent of haneke's cache but i found this one much more sharper.

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o and the movie is crazy awesome. went in expecting to hate the gundam robot things and love the cthullu monsters. but i gotta say the robos stole the show for me. 10/10 way better than every other cgi action movie ive seen lately.

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Olympus.Has.Fallen - hrmm, despite the fact that i took some pleasure in the mayhem, the film doesn't inspire me towards flights of oratory, so this is the extent of my reivew/10

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Guest zaphod

pacific rim


so many neckbeards, so many 8 year olds. it was like a nambla convention. the movie was basically top gun with giant robots instead of tom cruise and gay. everyone loses on this one, wait for the next overhyped nerd endorsed shitpile.

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i can't see how it could be a good film (haven't watched trailer but have some idea of the concepts involved) .. i'll reserve judgement till i watch the bluray.

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Guest isaki

pacific rim


so many neckbeards, so many 8 year olds. it was like a nambla convention. the movie was basically top gun with giant robots instead of tom cruise and gay. everyone loses on this one, wait for the next overhyped nerd endorsed shitpile.


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pacific rim


so many neckbeards, so many 8 year olds. it was like a nambla convention. the movie was basically top gun with giant robots instead of tom cruise and gay. everyone loses on this one, wait for the next overhyped nerd endorsed shitpile.



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Pacific Rim

didn't realise it would be as kiddy and cheesy 80s/90's style dialogue - felt like AlienS instead of me thinking it would be playing it straight like Alien.
having said that...mucho entertaining and good fun had by all - its the type of film had I seen it when i was a kid, it'd be my favorite film of all time

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