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Ableton Live 9

Guest arbee

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"Push is a new instrument that solves an old problem: how to make a song from scratch" - I'm pretty sure that problem's been solved with other instruments for a while now, no ? :emotawesomepm9:

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Recording modulations straight into a clip, and automation curves alone = shut up and take my money!


I use live almost exclusively now.


Also, want that controller. Damn music tech, always tempting me!

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Guest Frankie5fingers

but it wont. lol.


"Push is a new instrument that solves an old problem: how to make a song from scratch" - I'm pretty sure that problem's been solved with other instruments for a while now, no ? :emotawesomepm9:

didnt realize that was even a problem to begin with. it makes me wonder how many people complained about this that they actually thought it was an issue. honestly,if you can't make music from scratch why would you buy a DAW in the first place? lol
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Guest ryanmcallister

Betchya'll were wondering where ryanmcallister is in all this right?


I am fucking stoked for this. I could care less about dual screen support or any of that other crap people are whining about. Automation curves = win. Session Automation = fucking win. Bundled Max4Live in Suite = win. New Max4Live instruments including a convolution reverb = hell yes.


But above all, I am incredibly interested to see what comes of this "Melody/Harmony/Drums to New MIDI Clip" feature. This essentially seems to be an audio to midi conversion that will detect melodies, harmonies, and rhythms and write new midi clips based on that. Very, very cool imo, if it works.


The new effects devices? I'll be honest Live's audio plugins are a guilty pleasure. I know I shouldn't use the, they sound like poop compared to my amazing arsenal of plugins, but they are just so damn handy and easy to reach for often. An update to the compressor/eq situation is welcomed greatly, and as an added bonus it seems to be very inspired by Fabfilter's Pro series, which I love to death and use every day. So... win.


And the new controller, I'm bittersweet on that. It makes me sad that I'm immediately considering selling my APC40 cause I fuckin' love that thing, but this new Push controller looks ace. Velocity and Aftertouch sensitive pads are awesome. If they nail the way the APC40 controls devices with it's knobs, adding LCD feedback makes me blow my load. People are complaining about the lack of faders, but chances are this device is inspired by the Novation Launchpad and will feature pseudo mixer controls using the 8x8 pad grid + LED Feedback.


All in all a very good day. Looking forward to seeing how this all unfolds. I bet we learn more this weekend at AES.

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Guest ryanmcallister

There is a line of endless faders on top. I'm sure that + LCD is the mix control. And I honestly prefer that over faders that aren't motorized.

Ya just peeping the site in more detail right now. Didn't see the "Volume/Pan/Sends" buttons before, those most definitely are linked the endless encoders.

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  • 4 weeks later...


But above all, I am incredibly interested to see what comes of this "Melody/Harmony/Drums to New MIDI Clip" feature. This essentially seems to be an audio to midi conversion that will detect melodies, harmonies, and rhythms and write new midi clips based on that. Very, very cool imo, if it works.



New video of the feature is up.



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sounds like that new feature works pretty well, i wonder how it handles polyphonic data. I've tried using melodyne audio ---> midi conversion and dragging the clips into ableton but it's usually too chaotic to get an accurate representation

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maan, this will make music production way to easy :tongue:


hah! yeah personally I look at and think of pinpointing notes and chords I want to use in tracks, I'm sure others will be far more liberal in their usage of this feature...

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All kinds of horny on this. That 'push' interface seems to be a nifty way to sequence beats, but ultimately doesn't interest me too much. Betting the price tag on that beast is going to be over 500usd.


Already have the money set aside to split a copy with my roommate, assuming it'll be below 600usd for an upgrade from a legit Live8 license.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest ryanmcallister

yea boi the public beta is open again so any registered users should definitely get on board.


...not that I care I've been rocking it for about 5 months now lol. i was sworn to Ableton secrecy but I guess now I can start talking about it?


edit: Beta Signup

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I quickly tried the beta some weeks ago, had a crash within few minutes, so went back to 8.3.4. (OS X 10.6.8)

Ryan, how stable is most recent beta ?

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Can anyone shed some light on Push vs Maschine? and will Push play nice with any other DAWs?


edit: I know nobody's really got a good chance to play with the Push controller yet, just wondering.

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I assume it could be used for basic triggering but don't expect the same sort of integration that was demo'd in the videos. At least until someone scripts/hacks/develops something.

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