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stupid first world achievements and successes


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After spending a day drafting an airtight venture capital finders fee for my 3% fee on the front end, signing NDA's, looking at the books as a group then my party signing the agreement on half of the 1.5 million dollar deal with the other party, then they both signed a 2.5% VCFF on the entire 1.5 millon for my boss and I to split for arranging all of this...


I walked out of there with the legal agreements and handshakes to get $60,000 in cash that as far as Uncle Sam knows, doesn't exist - it's to be paid within 30 days after today as stipulated by the contract(s). All because I happened to meet a curious investor on a plane when headed back from L.A. and have a well connected boss with this lucrative industry up here in WA.


Should have RFHR'd their QAD with a SDVZ imo

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My house burned down a little over 2 months ago and I got my first pair of pants sense then not too long ago, is that coo?


Jesus Christ, dude. Was it some kind of electrical fire?

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FACT magazine wrote an article about my Steve Reich cover and a friend of mine (who got me started playing gigs in the electronic scene in the first place) wants me to contact them to organise an interview or review.. not sure how to go about it without sounding like a massive wanker though (apart from the fact that arranging a minimalist composition for gameboy already makes me a wanker)



Also, Alarm Will Sound tweeted about it :emotawesomepm9:

Edited by modey
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FACT magazine wrote an article about my Steve Reich cover and a friend of mine (who got me started playing gigs in the electronic scene in the first place) wants me to contact them to organise an interview or review.. not sure how to go about it without sounding like a massive wanker though (apart from the fact that arranging a minimalist composition for gameboy already makes me a wanker)



Also, Alarm Will Sound tweeted about it :emotawesomepm9:

ask for a billion kazoollars

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FACT magazine wrote an article about my Steve Reich cover and a friend of mine (who got me started playing gigs in the electronic scene in the first place) wants me to contact them to organise an interview or review.. not sure how to go about it without sounding like a massive wanker though (apart from the fact that arranging a minimalist composition for gameboy already makes me a wanker)



Also, Alarm Will Sound tweeted about it :emotawesomepm9:


sweet, /gives dleetr hugs .. [[-;

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I was at this live. Could have thrown a frisbee at Kim Jeong Un. It was fucking mental.


I remember you saying you were scheduled to head to the DPRK at some point. Even watching the video is surreal...looks almost like WWII stock footage but in modern motion picture.

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FACT magazine wrote an article about my Steve Reich cover and a friend of mine (who got me started playing gigs in the electronic scene in the first place) wants me to contact them to organise an interview or review.. not sure how to go about it without sounding like a massive wanker though (apart from the fact that arranging a minimalist composition for gameboy already makes me a wanker)



Also, Alarm Will Sound tweeted about it :emotawesomepm9:


Nice, I was having a gander at FACT the other day and saw it! Congrats mang

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Totally rocked my mid-term exams, and was personally told by a professor that I'm "acing the class so far". I've just about killed my social life and cut back on work hours putting time into school this semester, nice to know it's showing.

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I've been able to get my EXTREMELY high blood pressure to trend downwards.


Averaging 160+ / 120ish last week... testing usually around 150/105 since saturday.


Just had to make some lifestyle changes. Less booze, more exercise. Counting my calories closely now. StevieG needs to get healthy.

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After much trial and error i'm cooking my favourite chinese takeaway dish at home in the wok to a very good standard. Getting close to perfecting it. I'm getting that batter nice and golden and crispy.

It's sweet n sour chicken balls in batter and fried rice.


Not very healthy so I can't afford to become too addicted to it, but dang it's nice.

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chicken balls are the fucking tits. i pretty much hate all chinese takeaway dishes apart from chicken balls with that sweet and sour sauce with the consistency of mucus, with a hefty side of fried rice. comedown heaven.

actually salt and pepper chips are pretty good too, where they re-fry the chips in a kind of crispy batter. always wondered how many thousands of calories is in a box of those fuckers.

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After much trial and error i'm cooking my favourite chinese takeaway dish at home in the wok to a very good standard. Getting close to perfecting it. I'm getting that batter nice and golden and crispy.

It's sweet n sour chicken balls in batter and fried rice.


Not very healthy so I can't afford to become too addicted to it, but dang it's nice.


well done. What do you use for the batter, do you marinate the meat, use pineapple in the sweet and sour sauce. i have the ingredients to make sweet and sour pork, a favourite that i've never tried at home but i saw james martin do a version and will try that, i'd rather do the deep fry with batter thing though, he just flours the meat.


@ messy, beef and blackbean can be very nice, if they don't use the worst beef ever, and bother to chop the veges more than just leaving them in giant chunks. I make it at home now. Of course your chinese restaurants might be different to the ones here, plus the flavour isn't very everyone.

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I brought some homemade beer into work the other day, and people loved it.


I'll have to redo that one with some improvements next time.

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Finished my mirror art piece today, I'm really happy with how well it turned out, almost exactly like I originally thought of. It's the first major piece of art/design I've done that wasn't related to a class somehow or is more than just a sketch in a book . It's going to be put into the "Made Here MN" exhibit in the Mall of America, the exhibit highlights the work of local artists and mine is being put in with affiliation with the Design Club I'm a part of at the college I'm attending. This year's exhibit theme is "Reflection" so I and the other members' work all involves mirrors in some way. My piece is supposed to be reflecting on life and death...



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Yeah pretty much, it's the stuff stores use for window displays. It's just one sheet with an adhesive backing, I had to be really careful setting it on slowly to reduce air pockets.

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Wanted to buy Station 55 by Cristian Vogel, found it first on Beatport, saw they charged almost 20£ in total for the WAV version, thought "oh no wtf", then looked for the album on Discogs and proceeded to buy the CD in near mint condition from a trusted seller for a couple €.


Didn't know where else to post this, it's just so retarded.

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Ice cold showers are bollocks.

  • Country:United States




lol I do this all the time too m8


Aye. Yesterday the technician bloke came to install the new water heater but there was a bit of a cock up because he didn't have the correct parts, so he had to come back today to finish it. It was like brass monkeys all this time, but after feeling the warm water flow again from the kitchen sink faucet, I was proper gobsmacked.


(Not sure if that sounds right t.b.h.)

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