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This is hard


White people are easily the hardest people to name. Once you've used Tim once, you're kinda fucked.

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For the first time in my life I actually felt the tremor of an earthquake, and it turned on the light in my bedroom, which I thought had been burnt out for over a year (yes, I am that lazy). The FWS in there is that an earthquake fixed my light bulb, and now I have the option of light in my bedroom.





I didn't feel it, but it did cause some boxes to fall over in my house. I blamed it on a cat, and yelled at the cat a bit :(

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Getting gradually better at understanding the modern "no fucks given" culture prevalent throughout today's internet. There's no longer any need to feel self-conscious about what you post because nobody cares anyway. No repercussions, so long as it's outside the NSFW zone. Shortened attention spans due to social media influence might factor into this phenomenon as well.

Maybe who is posting is more important to us than what is being posted, on a subconscious level. Celebrity status and all that shit.

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I've spent more time making music in the last two weeks than probably the last 6 months combined. The addition of a few thousands of dollars worth of gear hit the spot and is actually not hindering me anymore. Ideas are coming easier, workflow is way more fun on the current set-up, and I'm taking my time without losing the plot so to speak when it comes to ideas.


As lame and Gearsluntz-ey as this sounds - I got new processing gear, a nice and modern new mixer, two new drum machines, one new massive synth and a new PC and it made my music making much better. Music can be made on any set-up, I do agree on that, I used to make music with tape recorders and kareoke mic's and loads of crappy gear... but fuck, it's way more fun to make music after digesting a pile of gear in a well-outfitted command center than using my busted laptop and aforementioned lo-fi sampling fun/track making. All in the fun of learning, I should find that tape recorder and mic again lol.

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didn't gain quite as much weight as i did last holiday season. thank god the holidays are over. rang the new year in in asheville eating/drinking expensive and tastey meals. i have exercised every day this year (runs the first three days, bike rides on subsequent days).

I've spent more time making music in the last two weeks than probably the last 6 months combined. The addition of a few thousands of dollars worth of gear hit the spot and is actually not hindering me anymore. Ideas are coming easier, workflow is way more fun on the current set-up, and I'm taking my time without losing the plot so to speak when it comes to ideas.


As lame and Gearsluntz-ey as this sounds - I got new processing gear, a nice and modern new mixer, two new drum machines, one new massive synth and a new PC and it made my music making much better. Music can be made on any set-up, I do agree on that, I used to make music with tape recorders and kareoke mic's and loads of crappy gear... but fuck, it's way more fun to make music after digesting a pile of gear in a well-outfitted command center than using my busted laptop and aforementioned lo-fi sampling fun/track making. All in the fun of learning, I should find that tape recorder and mic again lol.

lol i'm kind of in the opposite boat. probably spent around $3k on gear last year and didn't do hardly do anything with it. realized that i'm too lazy to get it all connected and talking to each other in a constructive way so i upgraded a handmedown macbook with an ssd and got ableton and push2 (i was always the most productive with a computer/midi controller but i fell prey to the marketing gods and desire for moar knobs). been messing around with live/push for the last couple of weeks more than i did w/all the different gear i got over the last year. now i just gotta sell all the shit from 2015...

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I was just contacted by a old client of mine who I thought had found someone else to do sound designs for them. I've been so pissed about it. But it turned out that wasn't the case. Phew.

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Did I post this before? Can't remember if I did? Anyway, I'm doing the sound design this video game.


Nice. The game itself looks cool too. Is it a Flashback-style adventure platformer, I wonder?

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