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Yet it was given



(the story so far:)





Chapter 1: There Is A Wonderful Grumpy Teenage Axolotl On The Slopes Of Mount Fiji.

He was looking and saw a shimmering old man's bald head. And Axolotl screamed: "This fried chicken is actually a Conan O'Brien clone for real". Then, a voice replied: "Please eat me!". Flapping wings sounded: the eagle has landed.


Suddenly a dog came upon a bauble made of cum to which he stuck up his anus beacause he loved cum. So much can be done with cum. For example.. polishing baubles and lubing door hinges. But be warned, this isn't going where Jack Stencil liked to shove his bauble, but shove his shovel. "Hubble bubble" said Do You Enjoy. Do You Enjoy was a band of stretchy rubber that's important for elephantine sandwich making. Seven translations later we weren't even half way there although we'd gained a giraffe that a potato was fond of being a giraffe. Denmark decided that hair was enough of a distraction to permanently ban the gizzard lights but people rioted and stripped paint from Richard's tank. Meanwhile the farmers daughter asked "What you think of Banksy?" Cow: "Udder shit."


Four Tet then excreted his full secrete identity, burlel. Burlel said "pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffpoppfffffffffffffffffshhhhhhhhhhhhfffffff" and people cried.



Chapter 2: The (DAYUM, Was Going For An 'And People Cried' Repetition..) END Fisting Happened Suddenly Inside Watmm HQ Where The Light Was Pink And Slutty.

Fizzling sideways brightly, a forlorn pantaloon emerged walking by itself. Skrillex has arrived. And promptly fucked off without dropping the secret rdj tapes. The horses meanwhile were peering at the abyss, which bandcamp release was ignored. Seventeen pairs of (This is story?) pamphlets were distributed. Word t'your mother is that strangers were everywhere! Wielding cantaloupe melons! Goddamn fucking huge monkey people, running with orbs of fruit flavored sponge diaphragms and monkey-people DVD's were then used with great precision for anal poop based malarky antics and techno trance and monkey-people HJ's were not enough and then wept tears of sacrifice for the narcoleptic monks. And then I gazed upon 'The Universe Exploded' by Shia Labeouf. Diagrams appeared in Belgium. "Wait, what?" he said, and then a chrome sphere was born.


Sunday in Kazakhstan was the first of eight Michael Palins to stare into his gaping soul and expose the sweet nougat centre. Pissed pants camping is underrated because deer like to fornicate amongst the sinners whilst camping in pissed pants. But enough about Ray Mears. Everything is a goat simulation. Upon realizing this everything died everywhere. Except the Vatican.

"My dick hurts"

"Stop fucking Sarlacc"


"Down Syndrome Porn" said the Pope (he'd gone insane)

"But what about the children?!"

"Dick in ya" Said Spiderman. Also, he squinched Innuglia like there's no tomorrow. And manila envelopes filled with glunk aren't even filipino but definitely Mexican food is best. When eaten anally it's not better than or equal to ludo tournament night by international squidphone or monkey-people DVD's. I should forsake Jake the Snake and his merry sodomites who like cherry-COLA slowly getting older and die grossly like my Lola who had ebola cuz we made love-ah. "Please follow sentence structure", said usagi the grammar rapist nightmare man quietly two weeks hence. Words were jumbled because of eldrich, horrible Grammargogototh. His mouth was an asshole, a babel-sphincter, spewing seductive madness.


Meanwhile, in Japan, Slim Shady walked into barricaded containment area and then his mouth turned asshole-y as you'd imagine. Suddenly Freddy lifted a finger to hush the absurdly over-endowed barmaid, because he was fucking fed up of her stupid rhetoric and comspiracy hysteria. Her titties swung like pendulous... shit, pendulums? Shit pendulums worthy of gasping with your asshole-mouth. "I know riiiiiight?" said Freddy. "I'm too sexy for this asshole-mouth, too sexy for this... what's with these asshole-mouths, anyway?". Watching The Pelicans Circle (his indian name). The guys from Pelican conquered deterrent cynicism. A wild Snorlax appeared so watmmers readied their anti-Sup lotions and ointments.


Slim Shady left the bar in a small eastern european hatchback and rapped about his asshole-mouth while working on his new album: "Rape God Part II: Electric Boogaloo". Until he fell off a cliff and died rapping about Kim.



Chapter 3: There Is A Greasy Asshole-mouth That Refused To Stfu Re: Asshole-mouths, How Poopy They Are.

Then Eminem rose from the dead and... soon thereafter died again. Meanwhile, in Burkina Faso businessmen started receiving a strange email saying "Hong Kong Midget kills 4 30 year-old insurance agents with nothing but harsh language and good looks. Bill's head was funny from an old sports concussion and Down Syndrome. He ran the Down Syndicate". Turns out Bill was the killer Midget, and brother of Eminem... terribly, terribly logakght~ suddenly appeared randomly on everyone in Burkina Faso's... Little old lady hooch. They then, gathered and said "Take a fucking timeout, Limpyloo". The crowd was stunned and Chinese, so, so, so, sichuan. The igloo was smelly to the touch. As was then the fashion. And then God said "wubwubwub" before the limpy motherfucker broke his other leg and bought a new one and inserted it into Pafr. . Upon reflection, Pafr relented and enjoyed the leg within him (limbless inner child notwithstanding) [no pun intended] Flow, run, wended. From the distance came a great [the child within: named "Gunt"].


Gunt was a peculiar child, some say he touches the void [aka his asshole-mouth] with fingers covered in cheetos powder. Gunt licked his Cheetoh fingers. His father was using ableton like nobody's business. His new track is called: Rotted Leno Machine. That's a crap name dad! said Gunt. "Fuck you, I'm DJ Dumbledorian The Creationist, Master Of Square And Sine, Protector Of The Magical Four-Dimensional Croissant. My snare drums are actually kick drums. Venetian kicks shifted three octaves westward and on result in 96khz digital vinyls made of steel. It sold on discogs for three potatoes and a llama that spits acid house dub techo. "Techo Techo. Is there an echo in here?", asked the jungle to the tree to the phone to the aw-inspiringly perfect government dog. Yes, this dog is responsible for matters of international diplomacy and intergalactic monocle deliveries. But his terrible secret always weighed heavily on his flank and scruff because the secret IS.................... indeed, terrible. So terrible that


-"oh my god!" - interrupted Sir Picklesworth, Earl of Wandsworth, Proprietor of Chutney Manor in Slough. He continued his posh interruption: "What manner of secreted darkness lay putrefying within thine bosom? Lays? Lies? is lying? Oops. Anywho, howst hast thou Holst's Mars the Bringer of War Impregnated into virgin shellac in spiral formation?" Dog answered these questions thusly: "wow. such. very." Picklesworth, head tilted: "Oh, you!" Suddenly, a floating shopping list revealed the dog's secret: Alas, it was almost illegible, except for the part about how once, twice, three times wait for the Drop. Wob wob please help me win money. The dog had humped Skrillex and vice versa. Secret revealed.



Chapter 3: The Earl Watched In Awe As Right Out Of The Dog's Ass Left Handed Desperados Maintained Silence And Released The Great Worm.

- The worm had the face of Scrillex. Out its clitellum oozed Joyrex. "Good god! I would." And he did. So much didding Joyrex did that he wore out his diddums. "I can't believe my favorite artist is using ableton like there's no more dicks on earth. How will I ever normalize my body temperature?"



Chapter 4: In Which Our Hero Tastes A Bird, A Smidgen Of Pigeon And Wonders Of The Orient.

"Butter my arse"

"Pepper my cock" , said the whore Jeremiah Picksworth-Snog.

"Not fucking likely mate", said Sir Lindsay Horehound-Clit, dusting off his hands and standing astride Augustus Flatbottom's ample, jovial belly laugh consortium truck. The truck was roadworthy and upon its bumper was writ, so much writ and trucknuts that only a large little person would combust upon beaks on his titty teats with. So anyway... Dear reader, I'm off for a shit. BRB. Why the fuck did I eat myself, I disappeared literally up my own ass into the Stomach Realm. Armed with only very foul breath, the stench of rotten semen and a shit cannon that was grim and frostbitten and erotically rusty, notched with previous kills, doused in warm virgin blood. Biggest camper ever perched beneath my rectum beverage (abbey ale). I sprinkled myself with icing sugar. (as instructed by Def Leppard) ((ass written by Aerosmith)) I started eating the future sound of Big Bang Artichoke Breeds, alas Bongo And The Feminist Second-Wave Hot Dog Vendors did not approve of all this cis-scum and briny maneuverings in the mist. Therefore RIOTS! TANKS! SAND! CHAIRS! CUPS! Showaddywaddy spoke slowly in reverse about LOVE! AIR! NAILS! ANTS! kcoc evol I ecaf ym ni sllab dna ǝɔɐld ǝɥʇ sᴉ ǝɔɐds puɐ. And then he pooped his Jnkos. He bought them-... Wait. Who is "he"? ["this is story 2" becomes self-conscious] [modifying the rules:] Read the rules. Read the rules.


''He'' does a shit. It's not just his bowels he's unloaded into that 2 bit dumpster. It's his soul. "He" said: "5 words max". Okay, but don't call me max Soz dawg. Max Soz Dog felt sad and then happy hardcore was blasted into the nuclear love site of the Boards of the BBFC, who will fuck everything. That is, vigorously thrusting thier toothpaste tube making machines and other fruits into the ouroboros rectal cavity located on his face. Max Soz Dog and his assface then made an "erection connection" with elder Neanderthal Smut of China aka "Tre Boneworthy" his rap alias. He rapped about his cute uncle's horseradish farm his plentiful yen, genital piercings, undulating wildly for sentences that make sense. All the time every day, in every way play with clay down by the bay- suddenly everyone died because a giant dildo fell on thematically ominous piano keys. Drama. Suspense. A cresendo towards


...but then Gunt woke up , ruining cresendos. That jerk chicken flavored dildo bounced off a hill of plastic cheese ensepulchred in ash. The dildo limped asymmetrically ramming every cram , nook and cranny. It rasped like an old crusty asshole-mouth. "I need orifice" coughed the dildo gelatinously spewing globs of milky spittle out of it's rubber soul before spreading his asshole-mouth completely shut and emerging from it's chrysalis. Yet he was given


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