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Sell Manchester to me


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Guest skibby



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I've lived in Manchester and no good fish and chips shops there at all. That one above better be decent cause will give it a whirl next time I'm up.


Manchester Good:


Sun in September pub, Burnage (like a white light in a dank part of space)

Cornerhouse cinema

Amazing mix of culture, attitudes and beliefs

The three rivers of the Irwell, Irk and the Medlock create some amazing architecture and canal walks

Very near to Peak District, Yorkshire Moors and Lake District

Bohemian Grove


Manchester Bad:




A rising demograph of working class people with new money losing their tiny minds in a constant ejaculation of bullshit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOenyj2AC54)

The weather it lies in the bowl surrounded by the hills of Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport and it can rain a lot

Common city problems of smugness, elitism, misery and loneliness


I'm not into the self-promoting behind cities at the moment (We love x, I love x because, X is) they just seem like superficial ways to let people believe their environment is a good place and seems a didactic response to hide inequalities. I'm not a Manc though so hopefully someone local can sell it to you.

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Guest Choco

Live in the region, what do you want to know?


Suffered from a decline of manufacturing following the industrial revolution. Population declined a bit, lot of people retreated to nicer suburbs. Recently resurging and trying to transform itself. No longer a city that people want to get away from but one that people want to move to. Due to this you'll get mixed opinions, from people who visited in the past or left the city referring to it as a 'crime-ridden' or 'dilapidated', and those hyping it up as it successfully redevelops / punches above its weight. A city that's been on it's arse but is now on the rise again.


Also due to this you'll see a patchwork of affluence and depravity with a population just as varied. Be impressed at the mix of old / new architecture, and equally disgusted at the cramped rows of terraced housing and brownfield sites. Quite a bit of construction happening, big plans for swathes of some of the decayed areas but these things are difficult to fix.


Brown grey cold in winter. Greener, prettier, pleasant June - October. Known as a 'rainy' city but said to be a myth as other places get more rainfall. Probably due to more overcast days or a less pleasant type of rain. Glorious in the sunshine.


Compact smallish city centre, can be really vibrant and in-your-face (exciting but some may find intimidating). Cosmopolitan people, variety of accents, some harder to understand than southern regions, but can be really interesting. A bit of litter (London clean in comparison). Not necessarily tourist friendly but rewards that can hack away at the city. Largish student population.


Amazing for shopping (providing you get off the main street), especially at xmas. Two major football (soccer!) teams and a football museum. Lots of history about the industrial revolution if that's your thing. Great as a base for the mid/north of the country. Close to countryside (and related activities), stunning Lake District a short drive away. Lots of quirky bars / cafes, a couple of great clubs, warehouse project moving back underneath a train station, techno echoing around brick arches = winner.


If I had any advice to visitors, it would be not to expect eye-candy (especially if you get poor weather or dislike architecture), not be intimidated by the vibrancy / wastelandy-looking bits, and expect to have to scratch below the surface to get the most out of it. Visit during the summer. It can take time / work to discover the gems but those that do are those that proclaim how good it is. If visiting from overseas, only about 2 hours on the train from London, well worth coming to have a look if staying in London.

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Guest abusivegeorge

My one and only memory of, and visit to, Manchester was the very first watmm meet up, and I only remember about 30 seconds of it. Other than that I've always considered Manchester a place to steer clear of. What sends you that way? Be sure to forget all of what you know about the English language and learn Mancunian. If you speak English there it could be the end of you.

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