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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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And interestingly enough, the cost of homes is not included in Canada's CPI basket.

Rent is, various types of insurance related to home ownership, mortgage interest cost, other services related to home ownership, but not actual homes.



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What are they referring to in this table under "shelter"?




Surely that's housing?



Also rent is covered in that link you gave me. I don`t see mortgage though.


And I read on another statscan page that mortgage is covered in CPI but omitted for CPIX.



Edited by StephenG
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Very weird.

Regardless, the link you provided shows that shelter has increased 33.5% since 2002 (lord knows how much it's increased since 1981), and we know that real average wages (for males) have increased only 14% since 1981. So taking the best case scenario into account for wages, it should surely be easy to see how real wages do not keep up with the cost of housing.



Ah, sorry, my bad - there are a variety of indices used to compute CPI. The one I linked to was the "CPI basket organized according to goods and services", not the "all items CPI".

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Regardless, the link you provided shows that shelter has increased 33.5% since 2002 (lord knows how much it's increased since 1981), and we know that real average wages (for males) have increased only 14% since 1981. So taking the best case scenario into account for wages, it should surely be easy to see how real wages do not keep up with the cost of housing.



tumblr_m7adzbygd61qe9i1w.jpg lol

Edited by StephenG
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I ventured into Canada the other day. Went from Detroit to Point Pelee National Park w/the lady. That part of Canada kicked ass, the water was like 75 degrees on the West side! Fuckin' deserted too, there was nobody on the beach for a good 200 meters in either direction.


Be friends again my northern chums. Don't end up like us down here. Let's get back to talking shit about the good ol U. S. of A.

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there are ten thousand troops walking around paris with machine guns. i dont think even america got that paranoid. i just find it ironic a little

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Be friends again my northern chums. Don't end up like us down here. Let's get back to talking shit about the good ol U. S. of A.


I could never technically be friends with someone from Cowtown ;)



jokes jokes, I don't have any beef with Stephen, and look forward to getting high as hell with him (and you) before Autechre


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lol if your metaphorical marijuana knee blows out and you have to miss the show due to being too high.



further to that idea i can imagine stephen putting in training on some really hardcore bunta then innocently handing you a j


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lol if your metaphorical marijuana knee blows out and you have to miss the show due to being too high.



further to that idea i can imagine stephen putting in training on some really hardcore bunta then innocently handing you a j



Whaaa? Does not compute.

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Is the real wages thing a per capita thing, or per household? I would have expected something happening in the 80s/90s when many women entered the workforce. If the average number of working people per household grows, I'd expect an increased real wage. But if the real wage remains relatively stable, even though the amount of working hours per household are rising, something might be off. Even if you take the added costs of childcare into account, i presume.

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Is the real wages thing a per capita thing, or per household? I would have expected something happening in the 80s/90s when many women entered the workforce. If the average number of working people per household grows, I'd expect an increased real wage. But if the real wage remains relatively stable, even though the amount of working hours per household are rising, something might be off. Even if you take the added costs of childcare into account, i presume.


The real wages that both Stephen and I are referring to are real wages for males under full employment. Female real wages are lower than males. It should be noted again that Stephen initially referred to average real wages, while I prefer to use median real wages (because outliers blah blah).


And it should also be stated again that for us in Canada, we had it lucky compared to the rest of the G20. And this was only due to the commodities boom that drove oil prices to record highs - now that they're falling (or "undergoing a market correction") Canada's shitty, one-dimensional economy is going to suffer.


Anyways - blerg...death to america!

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sigh because of the a-hole dentist shooting a lion, or kimmel getting emotional about the a-hole killing a lion?


good thing about the internet, the a-hole dentist can close his practice. the f*cker was making way too much money anyways. paying 50K for hunting a lion. 50K for a frigging hobby weekend. that guy lives in a different a-hole world.

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I think it's a trend. A cry for attention. From your government, a distraction. For $. I have previously stated how I feel about marriage in this post: MARRIAGE I have also created an event: Heterosexual Parade Gay Mafia? Maybe animals should be allowed to get married? Would they govern and tax them too? While they're at it, how about equal rights for insects? In my opinion, there is a difference between a man and a woman. If you can't appreciate those differences, you can't enjoy those differences. I don't agree with boys turning into girls, and I don't agree with girls turning into boys. The word/meaning of "Pride" doesn't belong to the gay/lgbt community, it belongs to everyone. That includes us good old fashioned straight people. The way I see it, in my opinion, some boys never turn into men, and some girls never turn into women. What a shitshow. "Welcome to the other side of the rainbow" Really? No thanks.

by anthony rebello (proud straight merican)

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Is it really a parade if there's only one person?

Also I like how he works for his own name. That's handy for business cards.

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real estate prices are the biggest load of horseshit imo. housing prices should all be fixed otherwise you just ruin everything with gentrification. it's great that rent prices are constantly in flux too. Like super rational that rent prices change by the day.


fixed at what price, by what calculation? it's a nice sentiment in theory, but sadly the maths prove it's impossible to set fixed prices for things and maintain a working economy. housing bubbles are caused by government's meddling in the housing market (usually via subsidies and tax breaks, but also central banks printing too much money, and then they make matters worse by writing off the debt when the investments fail). if they simply hadn't meddled in the first place, and then not meddled after the fact, house prices would remain what people could afford (as long as there was no barrier to the supply of goods and services, and land to build on at any rate).

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real estate prices are the biggest load of horseshit imo. housing prices should all be fixed otherwise you just ruin everything with gentrification. it's great that rent prices are constantly in flux too. Like super rational that rent prices change by the day.


fixed at what price, by what calculation? it's a nice sentiment in theory, but sadly the maths prove it's impossible to set fixed prices for things and maintain a working economy. housing bubbles are caused by government's meddling in the housing market (usually via subsidies and tax breaks, but also central banks printing too much money, and then they make matters worse by writing off the debt when the investments fail). if they simply hadn't meddled in the first place, and then not meddled after the fact, house prices would remain what people could afford (as long as there was no barrier to the supply of goods and services, and land to build on at any rate).




lol are you high?

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re the a-hole dentist.



sigh because of the a-hole dentist shooting a lion, or kimmel getting emotional about the a-hole killing a lion?


good thing about the internet, the a-hole dentist can close his practice. the f*cker was making way too much money anyways. paying 50K for hunting a lion. 50K for a frigging hobby weekend. that guy lives in a different a-hole world.

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re the a-hole dentist.



sigh because of the a-hole dentist shooting a lion, or kimmel getting emotional about the a-hole killing a lion?


good thing about the internet, the a-hole dentist can close his practice. the f*cker was making way too much money anyways. paying 50K for hunting a lion. 50K for a frigging hobby weekend. that guy lives in a different a-hole world.



Last night I stayed up until like 5 reading about disgraced journalist Jonah Lehrer, and John Ronson's book So You've Been Publicly Shamed.


I've been on the fence about the ethics and efficacy of public shaming. (Also, public shaming dovetails nicely with my recent obsession: acausal decision theories, Parfitian-filters, morality and evolutionary psychology)


But ultimately I decided that humans are social creatures, we have to share this earth and the things on it, and so I am totally down with public shaming to the extent that it's proportional (although deciding what's proportional is another matter altogether).


This dentist should have an uncomfortable life, at least for a while. His faux-apology ("oops, didn't realize anyone cared about that particular lion") is just further evidence that this guy is the quintessential rich white entitled American fuckwad. The sort of person who inflicts pain and death on fellow creatures simply to keep from being bored, that is a person that should eat shit for the rest of their life.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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