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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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yeah looks bad, but i'm curious how much money does an average american save from relatively lower taxes compared to countries with more advanced social services.


I would bet it's nowhere near that amount. Here's a decent calculator to compare:



Then you have to factor in what's paid for vs what Americans have to pay out of pocket.

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I would take VAT over the US system any day.


High VAT is very regressive, in addition to being bad for economic growth generally.

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yeah looks bad, but i'm curious how much money does an average american save from relatively lower taxes compared to countries with more advanced social services.


the US spends the most in the world on healthcare per capita apparently, so they're certainly not getting value for money with their extreme capitalist healthcare system where every gangsta must get their cut. There's all sorts of horror stories too of people going in for one simple procedure and the surgeon or radiologist or whatever deciding he needed more money that week so doing more work on the patient than they needed or agreed to then billing them the extra tens of thousands for the few minutes work, this is how the US healthcare system costs so much, every little cunt with their handout, welfare for the wealthy.


I would take VAT over the US system any day.


High VAT is very regressive, in addition to being bad for economic growth generally.



i agree that vat is bad, it costs smaller businesses a fortune in accounting fees too. It was better when the taxes were further back in the chain. Was a gift to big business.

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yeah looks bad, but i'm curious how much money does an average american save from relatively lower taxes compared to countries with more advanced social services.


I would bet it's nowhere near that amount. Here's a decent calculator to compare:



Then you have to factor in what's paid for vs what Americans have to pay out of pocket.


depends on the length of the period, maybe if you don't get snake bitten for 10 years it's actually worth it not having a universal healthcare.


on this list US average tax rate looks very low. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tax_rates

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here's a comments-section comment about the snake-bite medical bill:


"The bill is probably for an Illegal Immigrant crossing the desert. For which the American taxpayers will get stuck paying. Heres an idea anytime anyone gets sick, tell them your name is San Francisco, you wont have to pay anything. In fact, you probably will end up with money in your pocket because you will be allowed to sue the state for not posting a sign reading beware of snakes in all different languages throughout the desert. America is out of control and we are to blame for putting/keeping the corrupt politicians in office. There has to be an end to this non sense. Until America wakes up, I'm afraid nothing is going to change."

(bah i'm stoned...can't tell if that's funny without the dude's profile pic)



(p.s. guys i don't think weed is for me lol)

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apparently Chuck Norris has pledged to defend Texas against "Federal Invasion" forces, for real. People started hoarding supplies, ammunition, gas etc. because one idiot told another idiot Obama was gunna "take their guns". The governor did nothing to help by requesting Texas state guard to monitor the Jade Helm 15 exercises.


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It's not idiotic, have you seen how the federal government has behaved with other country's right to self determination. The chickens will be coming home to roost sooner or later. I didn't read your link cause i already know all about jade helm and the main players and what the governor's doing and what chuck norris has actually said in full context about this thing. Most everyone that is against it knows that it's a drill for martial law, an exercise not a real thing (it's the mainstream and false left media that is pushing the concept that texans are all paranoid conspirokooks), well unless there was a false flag thing in the works that they could blame on patriots. They are acting defensively for self preservation and good on them, the US federal government is run by fruit loops and you can't put anything past them now is not a time to sit idly by with half measures whilst they tighten the noose.

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It's not idiotic, have you seen how the federal government has behaved with other country's right to self determination. The chickens will be coming home to roost sooner or later. I didn't read your link cause i already know all about jade helm and the main players and what the governor's doing and what chuck norris has actually said in full context about this thing. Most everyone that is against it knows that it's a drill for martial law, an exercise not a real thing (it's the mainstream and false left media that is pushing the concept that texans are all paranoid conspirokooks), well unless there was a false flag thing in the works that they could blame on patriots. They are acting defensively for self preservation and good on them, the US federal government is run by fruit loops and you can't put anything past them now is not a time to sit idly by with half measures whilst they tighten the noose.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but Texas is already a part of the United States.

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Verizon & ATT trying to force customers onto their crazy expensive shitty wifi, by ripping out legacy copper wiring and not replacing it with fiber. Honestly, most US citizens have no real idea how far behind they are in telecom terms compared globally.



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lol I had no idea they got Fox News in Australia, Delet



Uncle Rupert owns the whole thing.



yeah it's hard to get away from murcock press here cause he owns most of the newspapers. It's funny how he started of as a hard leftie at uni and some have said, still thinks of himself as one to some degree. Shows that noone is above self delusion.




And no not fox news smarty pantses.

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Two personal experiences from my european perspective:

a) Very weird behaviour, speak to them and they first applaud like they met god himself. Fireworks everywhere, applause, cheers. For nuttin' WTF? They want sensations, even if there is desert.

b) At work: Americans behaved like Chuck Arnie Rocky McNorris. Turned out they were rather... mediocre to say the least. I was thinking about collecting money for them, as in the US (not Africa!) they still live in wooden houses. I felt so sorry for them.


But hey. My country (dot de) is also suffering from decay, if you compare with the 60s/70s.

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To whomever said wherever about the army recruitment office being shot up as proof positive that armed citizens don't stop idiots with guns, well it turns out that military recruitment personnel are not allowed to carry firearms whilst manning the recruitment centres. This has been a policy on the books for a little while and definitely makes them easy pickings for a muslim sympathizer with a gun. There are also quite a few restrictions even when on base.


Also, unlike with the church shooter, whey are you not all now calling for banning of muslim symbology as you did with symbols of the south you heathen hypocrites. Seriously.

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