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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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somehow this popped up in my life today and it's crazy in a lot of ways. double bummer in other ways.  is this a uniquely american type of thing? is there someone in Switzerland spending a life like this? 


the director said it's more about him as a person and how being obsessed collapsed his life than it is about what he's saying about the collapse of everything. 


Critics have variously described the film as supportive and as critical of Ruppert’s views. Smith himself, speaking at the Toronto International Film Festival premiere, said that "What I hoped to reveal was ... that his obsession with the collapse of industrial civilization has led to the collapse of his life. In the end, it is a character study about his obsession."



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The absurd smears of Ilan Omar are a sight to behold.


She was spot on speaking 100% truth. CNN makes me sick to my stomach. The NYT opinion column is similarly vomit inducing bar a couple of outliers like Michelle Alexander and Jamelle Bouie. 




Blame the black female Muslim refugee and not the swathe of racist bigotry inherent to U.S foreign policy, domestic policing... all the way to Trumps MAGA goons and the alt-right nerds. 


Pathetic America. You have to be willfully stupid to buy any of the nonsense about American exceptionalism. 

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At least next week when Manafort gets sentenced for his other case it’s by a different judge. Hopefully the years pile on


Also the fucking hypocrisy is thick as mud in Congress. What a shit show. Fucking distraction.


Fuckem all.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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CHEROKEE COUNTY, Ga. - An Atlanta teen has been sentenced to 36 months probation in a 2017 crash that killed three pedestrians, including an infant.
Zoe Reardon, 18, entered the plea to misdemeanor charges Monday morning, with her attorney saying she did not want to put the victims’ families through a trial.
She’ll also get her license back after a year, pay fines and donate to a foundation centered around combating distracted driving. Under first-offender status, her record will be cleared when she completes the sentence.
“You’re pretty young,” State court Judge Alan Jordan told Reardon during sentencing. “You’ve got a lifetime ahead of you. I expect this is something you’re going to have a hard time dealing with the rest of your life.”


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Hmmmm.  I wonder what percentage of cases like that are that wrist-slappy?  Unique serial killer signature concept right there.



motorists tend to get away with a lot when it's an "accident".  cyclists get killed, severely injured by motorists all the time and often there's no charges brought on the driver unless there's negligence (bald tires etc), DUI/DWI, or it was on purpose "vehicular assault w/a deadly weapon" or whatever it's called. 


often, when cyclists are hit, the driver says something like "i didn't see him" and that's that. 

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Hmmmm.  I wonder what percentage of cases like that are that wrist-slappy?  Unique serial killer signature concept right there.


often, when cyclists are hit, the driver says something like "i didn't see him" and that's that. 



Yeah my serial killer would definitely have a catchphrase like that.  Might work for the fist couple times, but I reckon his license would be revoked after the third incident.  Would need a new MO at that point.

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^ yep, that story's blown up all over the news in the past day. Them poor rich kids gonna end up in those ungodly state colleges like the rest of us commoners.


On a side note, Lori Loughlin is such a MILF

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My wife



 Lori Loughlin is such a MILF


you can say that again


also, she's currently cooling her heels at the los angeles fbi building


My wife runs a mobile boutique and she is always hit up by these 'influencers' on instagram. They basically say stuff like 'Send me a few dresses... I'll post about them and you... You get more followers... etc. My lady never responds... but she's had some show up when she's at an event and they would interrupt while she's working with a 'Paying' customer.

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throw the book at all of them. fuck'em 


the transcripts out of the phone taps of the guy who flipped to work w/the fbi are hilarious.  will post them later when i can remember the link.


basically it's the informant saying "just so we're on the same page.. we're not going to tell the FBI how you paid me $500,000 to pretend your kid is a college athlete and we had someone take tests for him/her to get better scores."


"yes exactly, we won't tell the FBI that."


informant: also, just to be clear, we aren't also going to tell the FBI that the payments were covered up by showing them as a donation to my charity"


"right. of course. well keep that between us"


it's fucking amazing. 

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cool link. 


On this topic, I also recommend the book Promise Land, Crusader State by Walter McDougall, and the lectures of Lawrence Wilkerson - US military veteran, former bush2 sec to joint chiefs, resigned and turned against the admin and the congressional-military-industrial complex (Eisenhower's initial formulation of this phrase). His lecture 'The Travails of Empire' is especially illuminating. 

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